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Everything posted by Entre_Perpetuo

  2. Overrated? Never. Never has been, ever will be, though it does cast a shadow over a ton of other worthy music at times, especially within Zep's own catalogue. Overplayed? Always. Nuff said.
  3. Sorry you disagree. Hope next time you don't have to make fun of my taste in music to voice your opinion. You're too young to be so thin skinned and precious about it. K man, I was just hoping you'd be a little more respectful. :) Not for something like Kanye West...I genuinely believe he is utter rubbish with no redeeming qualities...and for the record I wasn't making fun of your music taste, I was just flabbergasted that he could be given the time of day by anyone. Sorry for the misunderstanding bud! Hope one day you can find some once of goodness in him, but no hard feelings anyway. :)
  4. Lol, true though. I haven't heard enough of his music to have an opinion one way or another. I do like some rap and hip-hop though.. DeLaSoul, the mighty Public Enemy, just to name two. Kanye's more pop really than rap and hip-hop, though he comes at it from a hip-hop background and perspective. He's got great flow and rhymes and lyrics all over Late Registration if you want to hear some good rap.
  5. May well be underrated except by the diehard fans. I love it too. I believe I read or watched somewhere that it's Tony Banks' favorite Genesis record... with all the keyboards, hm I wonder why?
  6. Sorry you disagree. Hope next time you don't have to make fun of my taste in music to voice your opinion. You're too young to be so thin skinned and precious about it. K man, I was just hoping you'd be a little more respectful. :)
  7. Sorry you disagree. Hope next time you don't have to make fun of my taste in music to voice your opinion.
  8. Because Kanye is an excellent musical artist with groundbreaking work in modern pop and hip-hop. And though I enjoy many bands and artists that aren't as critically acclaimed by Rolling Stone and the like, after hearing Kanyes music with an open ear, I do agree he is worthy of acclaim.
  9. Wind & Wuthering for most underrated Genesis album? It was one of the first Genesis albums I listened to, and arguably the most important one in getting me into Genesis. Obviously I've got a big soft spot for it. Back when I was just getting into the band, I would put on my Wind & Wuthering record just before bed and fall asleep to its soothing sounds and lullaby melodies. Eventually it made me want to check out more of the early stuff, leading me to revisit Nursery Cryme and Foxtrot with incredible success. By the time I got my head around Supper's Ready, Genesis had secured that long open fourth slot in my top five favorite bands. None of this would've likely happened without Wind & Wuthering, even if it did (and still does) put me to sleep! Even this very thread (with it's misspelled title) is adore the result of the gentle brilliance of that record. Now, for there record, I don't think it's one of their absolute best. I can easily name five Genesis albums I'd rate higher, and maybe a few more. But it is one of my personal favorites, and the fact that it's so often forgotten or maligned is something I find disappointing. So... Who else loves Wind & Wuthering? Would you say it's underrated? Perhaps that it's Genesis' most underrated album? What are your thoughts?
  10. Gary Richrath was a genius I his own right. R.I.P.
  11. Made the thread while listening to this album, how'd you know?! ;) :D
  12. Which of these mega-blockbuster AOR peak albums from 1980-1981 do you love the most? And why?
  13. Best: Baba Not the best: Mobile 7/10 Some of this veers into 'dad rock' territory for me. I hate that term. I mean, I was born in 1972, but I love all the stuff my dad listened to, and I never thought of it as "dad rock". I didn't care, it was just good music. Heck, I even like some "granddad music". If it's good, then it shouldn't be disparaged with terms like "dad rock". Music is music. Sorry, man. I was kidding. I had just posted a buncha crap in the dad rock thread and it was just spillover. I picture dad rock, whatever it may be, to be Kenny Loggins, so f*ck that sh!t. http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-there-are-simply-two-kinds-of-music-good-music-and-the-other-kind-the-only-yardstick-duke-ellington-108-10-75.jpg I'm with this guy on the subject. Aye Aye Duke!
  14. And then once that argument ends the next one is about what "classic rock" even consists of, or why it's called that. Very annoying discussions to be had about the terminology we use today for what was once just "rock," or even "music." I still use classic rock though, cuz "classic rock radio" played a major role in my intro to music. Entre, when do you go back to college? In five days I see Queen. In a week and five days I end my summer job. In two weeks and five days I get back to school for band camp and then classes. I'm so excited for all three of those things to happen! :D You're only young once. Enjoy every moment of it~ :cheers: You're Only Young Once ... so yoyo? I have two of them! :D :syrinx:
  15. That list sucks. If you're gonna list a top 20 albums which you refer to as "dad rock," knowing the term to often be used in a duragatory manner, you have to pick twenty albums that are both worshipped by 45+ dads everywhere and totally rock out. More like Moving Pictures (or 2112 maybe), Who's Next, Toys In The Attic, Back In Black, Destroyer, the Number Of The Beast, The Black Album, Boston, 4, Pyromania, etc. More emphasis on the rocking. Gee, people need to be more accurate with their insults. :eyeroll: :syrinx:
  16. And then once that argument ends the next one is about what "classic rock" even consists of, or why it's called that. Very annoying discussions to be had about the terminology we use today for what was once just "rock," or even "music." I still use classic rock though, cuz "classic rock radio" played a major role in my intro to music. Entre, when do you go back to college? In five days I see Queen. In a week and five days I end my summer job. In two weeks and five days I get back to school for band camp and then classes. I'm so excited for all three of those things to happen! :D
  17. And then once that argument ends the next one is about what "classic rock" even consists of, or why it's called that. Very annoying discussions to be had about the terminology we use today for what was once just "rock," or even "music." I still use classic rock though, cuz "classic rock radio" played a major role in my intro to music.
  18. i kinda agree. and it's terrible what happened to Chester. but.......um.....i'm sorry the debut is lyrically one cliche on top of another. Again i don't mean that to come across badly but just saying what i hear. Mick Yeah, for such heavy (sounding) music, the lyrics were THE furthest thing from explicit. The only other band I know that has lyrics quite that non-specific is Coldplay. But hey, it definitely works. The number of people who find "I tried so hard, and got so far" to be as deep as Dylan is truly something to behold. Not saying I don't like the lyrics, but the approach is cliche. Go back to Queen and ponce around somewhere else. Yo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it as an insult or a dis at all. I hope I didn't make you upset. :( Ignore me i was a total t**t. Mood swings. I will not defend myself. Sorry bud. np bro
  19. When I refer to that classification of music, I use the radio term "classic rock," which is just an evolution of old AOR. Anything that wouldn't fly when AOR became classic rock radio, doesn't fly with me under that classification. So in general we start with the tail end of the sixties and go up to (but never including) Nirvana, though some releases post Nevermind do make the cut (Tom Petty and Aerosmith come to mind).
  20. i kinda agree. and it's terrible what happened to Chester. but.......um.....i'm sorry the debut is lyrically one cliche on top of another. Again i don't mean that to come across badly but just saying what i hear. Mick Yeah, for such heavy (sounding) music, the lyrics were THE furthest thing from explicit. The only other band I know that has lyrics quite that non-specific is Coldplay. But hey, it definitely works. The number of people who find "I tried so hard, and got so far" to be as deep as Dylan is truly something to behold. Not saying I don't like the lyrics, but the approach is cliche. Go back to Queen and ponce around somewhere else. Yo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it as an insult or a dis at all. I hope I didn't make you upset. :(
  21. "I'm knitting with only one needle Unrrrraveling fast, it's true I'm driving only three wheels these days But my dear, how about you? I'm going slightly mad It finally happened I'm slightly mad" --Freddie Mercury, I'm Going Slightly Mad
  22. I love The Song Is Over and Getting In Tune. They break the fourth wall in the best way possible. "I'm singing this note cuz it fits in well with the chords I'm playing..." A band that can write songs like that is a band that doesn't take themselves too seriously, which is a really good thing.
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