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Everything posted by x1yyz

  1. Yay! I don't know the original song but those kids are good, and the long-haired guy really shreds. Also nice to see a young girl playing an instrument.
  2. I've listened to very little live stuff, but this thread has me thinking I should give it another try. I usually veer away from live Rush because I find that I really notice the issues Geddy has with his voice and that detracts from my enjoyment. Funny though, I don't notice the problems when I see the band live, but that could be either because it's a good night for him, or maybe the adrenaline is taking over. I haven't even heard ATWAS since I was a teenager (30+ years ago) so maybe I should give it another go...
  3. Dear TRF, You'll never believe what happened the other day! ...
  4. Geds Jeans & Intermolecular Reality: I just saw this thread and read both your posts. Thank you for sharing your stories, and I hope you find a friendly place here with likeminded people. I've only been here a short while myself but the people seem nice and they have good taste in music :)
  5. As a small kid I was so happy because one night I got to sleep in a big box.
  6. Sure, there was sexist and overindulgent stuff in the 70s, but there was also punk. And nothing can be further from overindulgent than (real) punk music—three chords, 2 minutes, a ton of energy.
  7. I don't know about that. 1323 was a pretty crap year for music. :P
  8. Sounds like the correct answer, according to that picture.
  9. Wow. I joined the month before you but have 4800 fewer posts than you. How do you find the time? Yeah, this has always amazed me as well. I've been here since 09 with more than a thousand posts till I'm at 5000.. Just this past few days i've seen a couple of people surpass 1000 posts in one day! I feel that if I post ten times in a day that's a lot. I just figure I don't have anything that interesting to say
  10. Wow. I joined the month before you but have 4800 fewer posts than you. How do you find the time?
  11. Killing Joke's "The Raven King," a tribute to their bass player, Raven, who passed away: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VQwX9h6kWo
  12. I have already been PM'd by a fine upstanding member as to the next name I should change it too Narpomatic? Narptastic? Narpoleptic? :P
  13. I've worked with several vets who say they love working with abcesses because it's so satisfying when they finally drain.
  14. Especially Adele Stein....... :drool: Was she the cellist with the tattoos? 'Cause she was pretty hot. For the record, I don't care for horns at all. But I love cellos, and I loved seeing and hearing the strings with Rush. They were so into the show! I think it worked well with the selection of songs that did contain strings as seeing them reproduced live was much better than having them on pre-recorded tracks. I also think it was good they only had them out for part of the show. Do I want the strings to make another appearance? Not necessarily—I wouldn't want them to overdo a good thing. Would I want Rush to tour with any other musicians? Definitely not.
  15. Hey, Neubauten has a killer percussion section. The first time I saw them they mic'ed a shopping cart and were thrashing it about on stage to get some great crashing sounds.
  16. Sex aside, knowing you are wanted and the need for physical contact (hugs, touching, etc.) are basic human needs. To be denied these things is wrong. Narp, I know you said your marriage was good in non-physical ways, but is that good enough? Are you sure it's the right relationship for you at this point in time? (Well, after you recover.) Let me know if I'm overstepping boundaries here...
  17. There's nothing wrong with porn, either used alone or with your partner. And if you & your partner can share porn (as opposed to someone hiding it or getting mad about it) then yay!
  18. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/196/4/2/grumpycat_zoomimage_by_teebusters-d6dkdrk.png
  19. GM, this was a major problem in my marriage. I was/am VERY sexual and he just...wasn't. I think we just got married because people expected us to do that because we were, outwardly, "such a great couple." I spent over 8 years of my life on the brink of cheating (I never did, FYI) because I couldn't get it at home. I'm not saying sex is the only thing in a relationship, but it's pretty damn important. I was in my 20s during my first marriage and had a high sex drive. There was one night in particular I asked my then-husband to have sex and he replied with "No, my TV show is on." So I ended going out by myself to a nightclub. It wasn't long after that I started cheating on him because, hey, other people wanted to have sex with me! And the relationship eventually came to an end.
  20. I have two friends who are huge Rush fans, and one in particular is a HUGE fan ... and like me they are both female! I also have a small handful of male friends who are fans but they don't seem quite as into the band as I am. I have asked other friends "Do you like Rush?" and they answer I keep hearing is "Not as much as you." Which I suppose is why I gravitated here.
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