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John V

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Everything posted by John V

  1. I am also looking for several phots posted in the last few months. I did a system re-write and now i need my desk top picture back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I have a subscription only because my grand daughter sold subscriptions for school. I would have never subscribed had it not been for her. They report anything Rush in a small box where no one can see it. I am actually looking forward to it expiring. I am going old school and I am going to make a collage out of all the band pictures. I have emailed CBS news regarding the show "Sunday Morning" and asked them why no Rush? They do spots on all these other bands that I have no idea of who they are. They have ignored Rush too. Send email to. sundays@cbsnews.com I hope they do a spot one day.
  3. My daughter got me a Caress of Steel tee last Christmas. Very nice. Black with all concert dates on back.
  4. I am not sure if its John Hine. But there is a Rush fan on the staff. If not for this staff member, I doubt the word Rush would have been mentioned. He was excited before the induction. Now, I did hear one time when they were talking best bass players and Howard agreed Geddy was in the top five. But only because his guest voted for Geddy.
  5. I listen to Stern and heard some of his negative comments about Rush. I really don't think he listens to Rush. If he did, he would love them as we do. Howard is not a very smart person it seems. Or he just acts like a dumb ass. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are just silly. He argued once that fish cannot be caught and then released to live another day. He heard some jerk off say that a fish dies within one hour of it being released. I could not believe he was that stupid. I wanted to call into the show and ask him how come so many fish that are tagged are caught again months and years later? Then tagged again and released again. Oh. By the way. He loves Bruce Springsteen. I think he sucks. Springsteen that is.
  6. Being a former LSD user, I am having some issue with any type of intellectual effectiveness on the part of the drug. It is true LSD does incite hallucinations and sometimes paranoia. Rarely does LSD provide any sense of well being. In fact, I have found it to be the exact opposite. LSD from my perspective would not been conducive to any intellectual art. Whereas heroin is proven to have been the catalyst for some in the music world. Meaning, If LSD helps with cognitive intellectual progress, I should be god.
  7. Chances are very good, that women that do not like Rush, would be unappealing to me on many levels. It could be the difference maker. I am very fortunate to be married to another Rush fan.
  8. I am not sure about ordering HBO for one show? I mean I was going to do just that and now I am waffling. Maybe before the day is up, I change my mind?
  9. Weird females then. I have never been married to or been dating any women that did not like Rush. In fact I disagree about women not liking Rush in general. My wife went out to buy Zeppelins "Celebration Day" but came home with R-30 instead. Great wife and many more like her out there.
  10. NO, STRICTLY PROHIBITED! :o Dude, meet the internet. Even if I as the thread starter objected (and I don't), who would know? It's not like I took these photos, I just found them on the interwebs - use away! Thanks. Thats what I thought.
  11. "Jacobs Ladder" is a freakish drum beat. Purposely different. Its very good.
  12. Well said. If people had heard the original recordings, CD's and music files would be a disappointment. I know when I listened to my first CD I wondered what happened to many little parts and sounds we took for granted. To hear the difference, you had to hear the real recording, to compare. In my case I heard the real recordings all my early life as nothing else existed.
  13. If the receiver (amp) has a "Phono" input, you already have a preamp. For those who say it does not matter, it is because you are so used to digital recordings, you have lost the/your ear for the true analog sound that was originally recorded. Or you never had an ear for analog music to begin with. (You are young enough to have had only digital as an option). Radio stations play digital music today and have for many years. Back in my time, they spun records. So we heard the difference when digital took over. The big difference. Some of us here are old enough to remember when digital music was not an option. I was vinyl or tape (reel to reel). When digital came out, we heard the marked difference right away. But over time, the digital remaster becomes the base line for all music. This base line is low as far as pure sound. No comparison.
  14. I like "Between the Wheels" from the Snakes and Arrows live album. When Geddy screams the last few lyrics after the guitar solo is way cool.
  15. I have a hard time listening to studio recordings anymore. Rush is just to good live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Last night thinking about this very forum I put on R-30 with my wife in attendance. I decided to play the whole concert instead of picking songs. The first few songs in the intro are some of the very best music that can be found. Overture. My wife was mesmerized as I was.
  17. Digital Man S&A One of my favs Secret Touch S&A Another
  18. Is it okay to copy and save a picture from this thread? Frankly from any thread? I wanted to use one I saw here as my new desktop. Is this allowed?
  19. Actually the CD is almost extinct today. Computer files are king and easily transported. Re......I-Pods and MP3 players and hard drives. Analog albums (vinyl) sound better than both of the aforementioned. Analog is what music is. Digital is a remake of the original analog unless it was originally recorded in digital format. I see many returning to vinyl albums and I am seeing very nice turntables on the market. I saw one at Costco that will copy your vinyl analog album to digital format. Basically doing what the early CD manufacturers did. Now you can re-master. I love the pure sound of a pristine vinyl album. It cannot be duplicated. Think about a part of a Rush song that used to make your heart stop a beat and then find out on CD that sound is gone. While the body of the music remains the nuances sometimes get lost in the reproduction. Music is analog. To hear music in its purest form is analog. While vinyl albums have gone the way of the dinosaur, I would give my left nut to have all my old albums back in mint condition. I would listen to albums, not CD's and music files. Of course digital music can go with you. Analog albums cannot. So we can now have the best of both worlds. I wonder if all the original manufactures of vinyl records still have the master discs? (they made many master disks of each vinyl disc) If they do, we may be able one day to actually hear how music was intended to sound.
  20. Now why would Fox know about Rush anyway? They are a right wing mouthpiece and have no clue.
  21. f**k rolling stone magazine. It's nothing more than an occasional "feel good" article about the old days, but covering some of the crappiest music ever written, rapped or produced. I received a letter from them wanting me to renew my subscription. (subscription from my grand daughters school drive) Well guess what. They will get their form back, but it will be much worse than what Alex did. They will never see one more dime of my money. Wenner Piece of shit.
  22. They should have told them to stick it. And yes. Geddy's mother does look great for her age.
  23. I guess it was Moving pictures that caught my undivided attention. I knew about Rush, but this vinyl album made me look and listen hard. I had several rough years and a couple marriages before my stepdaughters got me "Presto" for my birthday. Then "Roll The Bones" I listened so much I drove them all crazy. Then I cooled off until Snakes & Arrows. I was hooked again and now I can listen to nothing else.
  24. http://www.wblm.com/common/page.php?pt=WBLM%27s+40+Bands+in+40+Days&id=653&is_corp=0 But I am still trying to find out the details. Here is the link.
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