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Everything posted by CE24

  1. The show was nothing short of incredible. The band was insanely tight, and Geddy hit all the notes, sans one or two in Tom Saywer. Scored second row seats, a few seats towards Alex from center. No Limelight. Far Cry was stupendous. Big Money was epic, Analog Kid insane. The string section was seriously rocking out during the second set. A kid and his dad in front of me showed in Kamonos, and the kid had a big, fake handlebar mustache. After a few songs, a roadie walked over with a beat up pair of sticks, and handed them to the kid. Everyone was patting him on the back. He was speechless. The Clockwork Angels material was incredible.
  2. Thanks for the review. Going to the show tonite in Cleveland. Third row, center.
  3. My guy that always comes through with tickets couldn't do it this time. Looking for two floor seats for tomorrow. Prefer first ten rows. Have cash. I live in the Akron area. Call Steve @ 330-801-1758 if we can help each other out.
  4. Check out Paul Gilbert's band Cygnus and the Sea Monsters on YouTube. Awesome.
  5. I've met Ted a few times over the years, and talked to him at length on various subjects. You'd be hard pressed to find a nicer, more down to earth guy. He actually listens, and looks at you while you speak. He doesn't look in another direction and say 'yeah' every time you finish a sentence. I've also seen him perform numerous times in the last ten years. Very few guys rock as hard as he does live.
  6. Rush has been in my cd player both at home and in my car for probably 99% of the time for years. The other 1% is divided between Savatage, Black Sabbath, and Iron Maiden. I've been having some health problems lately, and going through a plethera of doctors appointments, Neurologist appointments, CatScans, and MRI's. I always play Rush, loudly, on the way to the appointments. I don;t know what it is, but their music gives me a calming feeling. I've really been getting into 'A Show of Hands', 'Clockwork Angels', and recently re-discovered 'Hemispheres', which is utterly brilliant, in my opinion. I'll be at the Cleveland show. I can't wait. I'm taking my girlfriend, who really isn't a Rush fan, but I want her to see them live.
  7. I'll be sending something to the Q in Cleveland. Maybe the inner sleeve to Clockwork Angels.
  8. Love Dreamline, and I really dig Red Sector A. Throw Red Barchetta in there. It never gats old.
  9. Been listening to it since it came out, but heavily the last few days in preparation for the upcoming show. It's all killer, no filler. The bad part is that I bought it from Amazon. I guess I didn;t read that it was shipping from China. When I loaded it on to my ipod, the title is in chinese, as are the song titles. It doesn't show up with the rest of my Rush catalog. It's the last album, after ZZ Top. Bummer.
  10. Anyone notice the different mixes between the Time Machine Live CD and DVD? I bought them both at the same time, got the cool 'RASH' shirt with the set. I put in the CD on the way home, and immediately skipped to Camera Eye, as it is one of my favorite Rush songs. I was a little miffed from the get go. Geddy's vocals were horrendous (I'm quite aware the son was recorded 30+ years ago, but still......). When I got home and popped in the DVD, the vocals were quite adequate, and enjoyable. They even show a few buddies of mine on the DVD numerous times. They scored fourth row tickets the day of the show through the ticket distributor for $92 a seat.
  11. Thanks. I signed up for the newsletter yesterday.
  12. I have the song 'Distant Early Warning' on several cds. The original, and on various 'Best Of' type CDs. At the beginning of the cut, on all of them, there is some serious crackling and hissing going on. Kind of like a radio station that isn't quite tuned in. Anyone else notice this? Has there been an explanation?
  13. Hard to pick a favprite, but Xanadu, Camera Eye, Bastille Day, Subdivisions, and Distant Early Warning are some of my favorites.
  14. I've searched their site high and low, and found nothing. A couple buddies of mine waited till the last minute to get tickets last year here in Cleveland. One of the radio stations announced some tickets were being released. Each of the buddies got four tickets. The one buddies tickets were fourth row center, the other's fifth row center right behind the other guy. They paid face value at $98. I don;t know whether to wait for that, or try to pay high dollar for some good seats and be able to sleep at night knowing I'm locked in. I'm not expecting to join the fan club at this point and get tickets. I'd just like to join the fan club.
  15. Anyone know how to become a member of the Rush fan club to get pre-released concert tickets and such. I've spent an hour on Google tryng to find out, but have come up empty handed. Nothing on their website about signing up.
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