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Everything posted by RushRevisited

  1. "A day on Mercury is twice as long as a year on Mercury."
  2. QUOTE (Phoenix @ Oct 20 2004, 10:31 AM) QUOTE (LakesideMaiden @ Oct 20 2004, 09:18 AM) Dude, I'd totally SO be there for that!!!! For what? Watching the stars with RR , or me in the US watching the stars with RR . Or the three of us watching the stars and drink Mallacan?
  3. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0410/ngc281_sauer.jpg Explanation: NGC 281 is a busy workshop of star formation. Prominent features include a small open cluster of stars, a diffuse red-glowing emission nebula, large lanes of obscuring gas and dust, and dense knots of dust and gas in which stars may still be forming. The open cluster of stars IC 1590 visible around the center has formed only in the last few million years. The brightest member of this cluster is actually a multiple-star system shining light that helps ionize the nebula's gas, causing the red glow visible throughout. The lanes of dust visible left of center are likely homes of future star formation. Particularly striking in the above photograph are the dark Bok globules visible against the bright nebula. The entire NGC 281 system lies about 10 thousand light years distant.
  4. QUOTE (Alsgalpal @ Oct 20 2004, 03:47 AM) Those pictures are breathtaking...Is this a hobby of yours RR? Dude, these are NOT my pictures. They are from APOD site - Astronomy Picture of the Day... I can only wish I could capture things like this... The only ones that are minea re the moon pics I have posted (Others of Staurn, etc to come this winter!).
  5. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0410/planetring_spitzer.jpg Explanation: Why are some older stars surrounded by dust? Observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope by a team led by George Rieke (U. Arizona) were expected to show that young stars, on the order of one million years old, have large dust disks, while relatively older stars, between 10 and 100 million years old, have none. The conventional wisdom was that the dust disks surrounding young stars were still forming planets, while in older systems these disks had dissipated after planets had already formed. Unexpectedly, they found some older stars with the infrared glow of impressive rings or disks of dust. A possible explanation is that the old disks are remnant debris from violent collisions between many forming planets of rock. Resultant dust rings from such a scenario are depicted by an artist's illustration above.
  6. QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Oct 18 2004, 11:33 AM) There will be a Blood Moon/lunar eclipse on the 27th! Check it out! I almost forgot about this! Thanks Jack! Will get the telescoe out!
  7. QUOTE (Phoenix @ Oct 18 2004, 10:27 AM) Thanx for this RR. This one is real close to my fave of M16. That is my new desktop background. I can't wait until thw winter skies come for my telescope!
  8. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0410/ngc3079_hst_comp.jpg Explanation: Edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 3079 is a mere 50 million light-years away toward the constellation Ursa Major. Shown in this stunning false-color Hubble Space Telescope image, the galaxy's disk - composed of spectacular star clusters in winding spiral arms and dramatic dark lanes of dust - spans some 70,000 light-years. Still, NGC 3079's most eye-catching features are the pillars of gas which tower above a swirling cosmic cauldron of activity at the galaxy's center. Seen in the close-up inset at lower right, the pillars rise to a height of about 2,000 light-years and seem to lie on the surface of an immense bubble rising from the galactic core. Measurements indicate that the gaseous pillars are streaming away from the core at 6 million kilometers per hour. What makes this galaxy's cauldron bubble? Astronomers are exploring the possibility that the superbubble is formed by winds from massive stars. If so, these massive stars were likely born all at once as the galactic center underwent a sudden burst of star formation.
  9. QUOTE (muggy @ Oct 17 2004, 07:22 PM) To anyone...I didn't name my son Geddy Lee for nothing....he is hot!!!!!!!!! LOL Welcome! Did you really name your kid Geddy Lee?
  10. QUOTE (Slaine mac Roth @ Oct 17 2004, 05:15 PM) Could it be Contents Under Pressure Youz up!
  11. QUOTE (Slaine mac Roth @ Oct 13 2004, 12:10 PM) Back into crossword mode: HARD NOT GRAND, TA That Darn Dragon
  12. QUOTE (ZootAllures @ Oct 16 2004, 02:28 PM) First post, seems like a really great forum, considering the official Rush site doesn't seem to have one. As far as my favorite album goes, that is quite a tough choice to make, considering I do not own most of their post Moving Pictures material. Of the albums I do own, however, A Farewell to Kings is probably my favorite, with 2112 and Permanent Waves each being a close second. If fluctuates, really, as I'm sure it does with a great deal of Rush fans. Welcome to the board!
  13. QUOTE (paganoman @ Oct 14 2004, 10:21 PM) QUOTE (RushRevisited @ Oct 14 2004, 08:02 PM) QUOTE (madra sneachta @ Oct 14 2004, 09:00 PM) I love the 2112 to Hemispheres sequence with the FBN owl and Presto hat. Whoever put that together was a genius. Hopefully, the R30 DVD (please, please pretty please) will have the full intro. You don't have the R30 Nashville DVD?? How and where can I get it??? Is it good? Through the hub or through bit torrent. If you need help, let me know, but this link to a thread I made in our Different Stages area should explain http://www.therushforum.com/index.php?showtopic=663
  14. QUOTE (A Victim of Circumstances @ Oct 16 2004, 12:55 PM) I open http://www.computerlove.net/flama/exhib.ph...3&mediaId=12061 and it loads but I only hear the sound. The video does not come through. I have updated my quicktime player but it didn't change anything. Any ideas? You may need Flash 7, whcih just came out recently....
  15. RushRevisited


    QUOTE (Emops @ Oct 16 2004, 01:09 AM) QUOTE (Drumnut @ Oct 15 2004, 11:59 PM) If they take out La Villa, What song should Al's rant be in? I think Alex should start performing the rap from "Roll the Bones." now THAT would be good!
  16. QUOTE (slammz @ Oct 16 2004, 12:31 AM) I would have to go with Anthem!! It gets my blood going and makes me play the air guitar!! slammz did ya see the Rush In Rio 1975 hidden video of Anthem? If not ya gotta!
  17. RushRevisited


    QUOTE (Drumnut @ Oct 16 2004, 12:59 AM) If they take out La Villa, What song should Al's rant be in? Leave That Thing Alone
  18. RushRevisited


    A thread here inspired me to pop in Rush In Rio again. Just saw Natural Science and cannot fathom why this song was dumped from the setlist this tour. GOD I hope they bring this back next time around. What musical inspiration, man... An absolutely kick ass song, played to perfection....
  19. QUOTE (madra sneachta @ Oct 14 2004, 09:00 PM) I love the 2112 to Hemispheres sequence with the FBN owl and Presto hat. Whoever put that together was a genius. Hopefully, the R30 DVD (please, please pretty please) will have the full intro. You don't have the R30 Nashville DVD??
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