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  1. Happy Birthday mate! You're an old man and a Cowboys fan but you're ok! You've got untapped potential...like the drawstring that's dropped out of your jogging pants in the dryer, you may seem useless but with the help of a safety pin and some moxy you can be great once again! :goodone: :smoke: :givebeer: :ebert: :clap: :hi: :cheers:
  2. http://cdn0.sbnation.com/assets/4032079/Helmet_Wallpapers_1024x768.jpg
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pUBKpX76nk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52FjO33K1zU
  4. :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll:
  5. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/11/article-2556592-1B60315800000578-447_634x446.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/11/article-2556592-1B60316600000578-299_634x446.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/11/article-2556592-1B60316E00000578-912_634x445.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/11/article-2556592-1B60322500000578-682_634x446.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/11/article-2556592-1B60322F00000578-87_634x444.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/11/article-2556592-1B60322A00000578-421_634x448.jpg
  6. All these guitarists turn 60 this July/August: Pat Metheny, Steve Morse, Al Di Meola, Eric Johnson and Scott Henserson. All born in 1954. Stevie Ray Vaughan was also born in 1954. As well as Uli Jon Roth and George Lynch. 1954 was definitely a year when the guitar gods visited earth! :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:
  7. Why, oh why? Is this shabby blonde in any way hotter than the brunette chick? HELL, NO!!! Is this part of Goober's plan? Is the world coming to an end? Were the Mayans right? Will the next Judas Priest album be decent?
  8. Choose a team, sign free agents, build your roster, win the MEGA BOWL! http://www.footballwarroom.com/index.cfm
  9. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-0-1B91A9F500000578-100_470x605.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-0-1B91AA0600000578-895_470x605.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-2561114-1B91AA0C00000578-835_964x971.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-2561114-1B91AB8200000578-457_470x608.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-2561114-1B91A8EF00000578-910_470x608.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-0-1B91AB5E00000578-68_964x719.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-2561114-1B91AB7100000578-859_964x707.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-2561114-1B91A89800000578-116_964x706.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/17/article-2561114-1B91A7E700000578-101_964x606.jpg
  10. Sorry this is late Bob! Happy Birthday cos now you're 50! :cheers: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/190/1/0/the_milkman_mock_poster_by_georgetheg_man-d6cqk7p.png
  11. Here's one opinion...but who are your favorites? http://nfl.si.com/2014/02/07/2013-nfl-announcer-rankings/2/
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v7ddB_9cGc
  13. Since we'be been inundated with Biffle coverage and threads, I thought it's time to turn our attention to a lesser noticed driver. burgerandacoke mentioned that Danica was not in top equipment last year. While this is arguable (she drove for Stewart-Haas and they're affiliated with Hendrick), it was a part time team. This year, she's got no excuses. She's on one of the top 4-5 teams in NASCAR, inarguably, in a full time ride. There are 25 teams with what could be called a full funding level, listed below: Hendrick (5, 24, 48, 88) Gibbs (11, 18, 20) Roush (16. 17, 99) Stewart-Haas (10, 14, 39) Penske (2, 22) Childress (27, 29, 31) MWR (15, 55 (Martin and VIckers), 56) then the less successful funded teams EGR (1, 42) Petty (9, 43) and lesser funded teams such as the 51, 78, and Front Row Cars (34, 35, 38). So, where do you think Danica will finish? How many of the funded teams will she outrun?
  14. NFC teams: http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502867/disp/b914bf28cc1bd3b1dd1e8fe0848dd4aa.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502869/disp/b203dbe9a14599c837b563774e4c38ce.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502873/disp/03456a7f7c4db26660e50ea665ff282c.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502871/disp/6c94efa81f0ce3e5e28bc8e34de08e3d.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502877/disp/38ad97b0f1b4f87ddeb780ca0ca65388.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502875/disp/05e893e64e6e4e078930727bfc7f6fd6.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502879/disp/a8aae58cb3e2d9c46081728c43536ea5.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502881/disp/767ae447e631cd59bcc1866bab307fc5.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502885/disp/a5876d6b87168cdee1d8bac815db5534.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502883/disp/bf83aca1b1b635852a71023a458abec6.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502889/disp/434229d53813f18c989c04a3d547b421.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502887/disp/f8bc5cd78ac70d99896f8c750c6eac25.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502891/disp/5e1dccca7a03065ffe9413e1309947d4.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502893/disp/7a3273121e38c42fff8dd02ccc105a21.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502897/disp/1b43f19c4e2df8b139128736ad750887.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68502895/disp/2472757f62418f3fb7828754361a5024.jpg AFC teams: http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499753/disp/e5b39f7fbed99ac571afdb1b44564456.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499755/disp/f7e9e339cb33cd600c4c281d5e8914d1.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499757/disp/e7770e21c08778be356f46d6a2538d4b.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499759/disp/0a9d0f0df99b681e9599e5cbb758d4f1.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499761/disp/1228c3a1cbfdbea29bd4b71b1a32fa6b.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499763/disp/2a989a37bb38afb4c4f8127c30b5a19a.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499765/disp/b93167cedee3c71c736e3e16da4f0f4e.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499767/disp/0ef4498f50b6e73f8cac1d6cd139f6b1.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499769/disp/c6eefb2e657e95e98315ee8fc41877b9.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499771/disp/bcb5b46151c38270444e8063b3d4638e.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499773/disp/9af356e6654b8ed80119ec0d677842f3.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499775/disp/5af38abdf0f9ae16d17f3a8cd3561ee7.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499777/disp/6dd300b6eaf784bb80523ff7d47d8034.jpg http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/68499779/disp/dfc852daf45d8f63e9f15ed59c2c3cc0.jpg
  15. :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:
  16. Not that we necessarily know any of these people, but in general, which type of fan do you find the most annoying?
  17. http://i.imgur.com/SmW1zAU.jpg
  18. Hope you have a great day! :cheers: :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader: :yay: :hi: :cheers: :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader: :yay: :hi: :cheers: :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader: :yay: :hi: :cheers: :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader: :yay: :hi: :cheers: :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader: :yay: :hi: :cheers: :ebert: :clap: :cheerleader: :yay: :hi:
  19. :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :cheers:
  20. The new scrollbar on google chrome sucks!
  21. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/21/article-2543240-1AD97EE200000578-657_634x343.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/21/article-2543240-1AD97FDA00000578-20_634x382.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtxaNJh5TUE http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/21/article-2543240-1AD97D6A00000578-582_634x286.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/21/article-2543240-1AD97F3700000578-11_634x286.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/21/article-2543240-1AD97EA800000578-100_634x334.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/21/article-2543240-1ADB01CA00000578-950_634x370.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/21/article-2543240-0009B04700000258-963_306x423.jpg Clint Eastwood in the 1971 film 'Dirty Harry', brandishing his infamous Smith & Wesson .375 calibre hand gun
  22. World’s Dirtiest Man: 80-Year-Old Iranian Man Hasn’t Bathed in 60 Years 80-year-old Haji believes that “cleanliness brings him sickness.” That’s why he hasn’t bathed at all in the past 60 years. He lives in isolation in Dejgah village, in the Southern Iranian province of Fars. Haji hates contact with water. Even the suggestion of a bath makes him very angry. And all these years of escaping bath time have taken their toll – Haji is almost the color of earth. He has managed to completely blend in with his surroundings. In fact, it’s easy to mistake him for a rock statue if he sits very still. It’s not just bathing that Haji dislikes. His disgust for fresh food and clean drinking water is unmistakable. Instead, he prefers his favorite meal of rotten porcupine meat. He drinks 5 liters of water a day for health purposes, but only from a large rusty oil can. He likes to fill his smoking pipe with animal feces instead of tobacco. To trim his hair he doesn’t use clippers; he just burns it off over an open flame. An old war helmet keeps his head warm during the winter. http://www.odditycentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Amou-Haji2-550x366.jpg Haji doesn’t really have a house – the earth is his home. He lives in a hole in the ground, much like a grave, to keep him grounded and in touch with the reality of life. Sometimes he sleeps in an open brick shack that the villagers constructed for him out of pity. Locally, he is known as Amou Haji. ‘Amou’ is the Farsi term of endearment for a kind old man. http://www.odditycentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Amou-Haji-550x364.jpg Haji’s lifestyle of choice is very unique. The villagers say that he had suffered severe emotional setbacks in his youth, which led him to make these extreme choices. Even so, he does seem a lot happier than some people who live in large homes with comforts and conveniences. Haji doesn’t seem to have a care in the world. He has nothing to lose, nothing to fear. Makes you think about what’s really important in life, doesn’t it? Haji isn’t the only person in the world who hates bathing. Two years ago, we wrote about Kailash Singh, an Indian man who hadn’t taken a bath in 38 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eijyb489uIM
  23. Week 1 16 pts - Texans (over the Chargers) 15 pts - Seahawks (over the Panthers) 14 pts - Colts (over the Raiders) 13 pts - Bucs (over the Jets) 12 pts - Saints (over the Clowns) 11 pts - Patriots (over the Bills) 10 pts - Redskins (over the Eagles) 9 pts - Steelers (over the Titans) 8 pts - Chiefs (over the Jags) 7 pts - Dolphins (over the Browns) 6 pts - Lions (over the Vikings) 5 pts - Rams (over the Cards) 4 pts - Giants (over the Cowboys) 3 pts - Bengals (over the Bears) 2 pts - Broncos (over the Ravens) 1 pt - Packers (over the 49ers)
  24. Season starts Thursday. Anyone interested in Pick 4 this year? The "rules" are: pick 4 games vs the spread each week. I could also run a contest with o/u's as well if there's enough interest. Week 1 (home team on top): Thursday, Sept. 5 : Ravens Broncos -8.5 TOTAL 49.5 Sunday, Sept. 8 : Patriots -7 TOTAL 53 Bills ••• Titans Steelers -6.5 TOTAL 43.5 ••• Falcons Saints -2.5 TOTAL 54 ••• Bucs Jets -1 TOTAL 41 ••• Chiefs -2.5 TOTAL 41 Jaguars ••• Bengals Bears -3.5 TOTAL 45.5 ••• Dolphins -1 TOTAL 42 Browns ••• Seahawks -3.5 TOTAL 45.5 Panthers ••• Vikings Lions -3 TOTAL 47 ••• Raiders Colts -7 TOTAL 49 ••• Cardinals Rams -6 TOTAL 41 ••• Packers 49ers -5.5 TOTAL 50.5 ••• Giants Cowboys -2.5 TOTAL 49 Monday, Sept. 9 : Eagles Redskins -5.5 TOTAL 51 ••• Texans -3.5 TOTAL 47 Chargers
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