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Prince Sphinc-Tor

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Everything posted by Prince Sphinc-Tor

  1. Damn GR...you must have a loooot of free time...but good job.
  2. The Munsters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUftpgCf8yE
  3. My wife and I made a movie once.....it wasn't pretty.
  4. spoiler. Loved the Empire Strikes Back gizmo. Good episode...'bout time they started to tie stuff together...still have too many loose ends though.
  5. QUOTE (PanaceaFish @ Apr 15 2009, 09:50 PM) OMG, I love this movie too... I was lucky enough to tape this off cable years ago, but I'd really like to find it on DVD... I just watched it on youtube...part 3 wouldn't play though.
  6. One of my favorites, 'cuz it's soooooo true. Autograph-Turn Up The Radio Daytime, nighttime, anytime, Things go better with rock.
  7. QUOTE (Prince Sphinc-Tor @ Apr 12 2009, 02:09 PM) This is one of my favorite movies...I remember watching it when I was like 13. MAJOR 70's cheesosity, but as good as it gets! One character, named Claude wears an AFTK t-shirt in one part. Alright I just watched the whole movie again and it wasn't the kid I thought, but look at 1:24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2G1Q3BDwFU...AE9D43&index=61
  8. This is one of my favorite movies...I remember watching it when I was like 13. MAJOR 70's cheesosity, but as good as it gets! One character, named Claude wears an AFTK t-shirt in one part.
  9. I can't stand Nicholas Cage...His best role was Valley Girl...He gets worse with every movie.
  10. I heard this today...BBT...what a douche. As is if anyone gives a f**k about the asshole.
  11. QUOTE (The Owl @ Apr 9 2009, 02:33 PM) Great episode! The Smoke Monster scene with Ben was almost as emotional as the Kate giving up Aaron scene last week.. I liked getting more into Ben's character......totally amazing I thought that was really corny and cheesey looking.
  12. QUOTE (vital signz @ Apr 9 2009, 07:23 AM) spoilers....... He had been very bad in the past, drug lord, murderer etc., and now that we know from last night that the smoke monster judges people, he had to be judged... I get that...but how did he fit into the whole scheme of things....what... was all the business with him just a time filler?
  13. QUOTE (*Presto* @ Apr 8 2009, 10:41 PM) I LOVE this show. Have watched it from the beginning. Best thing on television. I'll be heartbroken when it ends. Yeah....but they better answer EVERY question...and God knows there are tons of 'em!!!!. I have an idea that the producers of the show should come out with a companion that goes episode by episode, explains everything that happens, significant events, things you might have missed, how this episode ties in with others and the "grand scheme" etc... I also hope there is character section that explain every character, his or her significance to the show etc...Take Mr. Echo for instance...that guy was major character for a while who met a really unique end....what was that all about?
  14. I watched a few minutes of that movie and realized my pecker was shrinking at an alarming rate and my testicles were withering like grapes on a vine....I had to run to the other room, cranked up some NASCAR, blew up some ant piles with M-80's, started a fire by rubbing 2 sticks together, caught a few bass, and finally put an addition on my house. My junk is finally back to normal. Whew....that was scary.
  15. That looks awesome!!!! Borat was so f'in insane!!!!!! That guy is a genius.
  16. QUOTE (Test4VitalSigns @ Apr 4 2009, 02:37 AM) http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt299/horndog3009/Treadmill_gangsta.gif
  17. As a virgin all I can tell you is I've got a fist full of astroglide...and I'm never gentle....welcome to the board.
  18. Rush's first album is called "smell the glove"....you might have heard most of thier best songs are on side 5.
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