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circumstantial tree

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Everything posted by circumstantial tree

  1. I tend to love music that has memories attached to it, and Hold Your Fire definitely does. The album came out Sept 8, 1987, which was 3 months after my graduation from high school. When I hear Turn the Page, I always think about how all of us in our class have gone our separate ways. We all entered a new phase in life where we would go off to college and part ways with many of our long time school friends. At graduation, we all kind of realize that ya know? High school was hell for me and, I imagine, for many of us. I certainly didn't shed a tear on graduation night, for sure, but some time after that, I found myself realizing that we wouldn't see each other again, and as much as I was glad to be done with high school, there are times I kinda miss it. There's a certain poignancy to it, if any of this makes sense. "Turn the Page" just represents to me those times in our lives where changes take place and we must move on and forward, but never really forgetting the past. Paganoman mentioned earlier in his descriptions of the songs about the ending of "Turn the Page" and the really long fade out. That piece of the music really amplifies for me what I just described above - a leaving and changing of sorts. The music on this album makes me think of brilliant sunsets too. We saw a beautiful one the night of the Rush show on that tour. A snow storm had dumped so much snow on everthing, but the sky had been clearing and the sun as it was setting just made the landscape just beautiful. The campus at NC State made me really want to go to college as we arrived for the show. There was a sunset on the video for "Time Stand Still", so maybe that is another reason I associate sunsets with this record. I had decided to not go to college beforehand, but after getting to see the campus before showtime, I got this deep rooted desire to go - think of the song "Mission". And I found myself wondering if any of my high school classmates were there someplace. So, I get a lot of feelings deep within when I hear Hold Your Fire. My interest in the album has everything to do with what it conjures in my emotions and imagination. It has nothing to do with whether or not it "kicks ass" and makes me wanna groove.
  2. QUOTE (paganoman @ Dec 8 2004, 12:10 AM) Matt Damon is on Leno right now. Umm... He's hot? I got Leno on right now too, Paganoman! Yeah, he's sexy I guess, but Ben Affleck is better I think. I literally crossed paths with him in Boston during the DNC. He was checking in to the Copley Fairmont Hotel.
  3. Hold Your Fire remains as my favorite album by Rush. The concert I attended for that tour also remains my favorite Rush show. It can't be beat.
  4. www.imdb.com also gives mistakes and stuff when you look up specific movies.
  5. Yes, Kevin Spacey! Russell Crowe was already mentioned earlier by me.
  6. NO! The guy I'm thinking of also played the lead character in Pax. I can never remember this guy's name.
  7. Please someone tell me the name of the actor I was referring to in my previous post! This will bug me!
  8. Who's that actor in L.A. Confidential? He was hot in that!
  9. "Ahhh, but no one ever said life was fair Tina. I'm bigger, I'm faster, and I'll always beat you...." - Mommie Dearest
  10. Mel Gibson has always been hot. Although lately he seems a bit psycho. Bruce Willis is sexy when he has hair. He was lookin' good when he was on "Sixth Sense".
  11. I also kinda like Charlie Sheen. I watch his new TV sitcom called "Two and a Half Men". He's a keeper!
  12. Who do you think is hot out there? I've always been quite partial to Russell Crowe! I think he's sexiest in "Gladiator" and that other film he did where he played a mathematician. There are others and I'll list them as I think of them.
  13. I've always thought Chemistry would be great concert opener.
  14. Well, she's no Scarlett O'Hara Even as a gay man, I'm drawn towards that pic!
  15. QUOTE (Batman @ Dec 5 2004, 06:50 AM) The Poster looks great the new batmoblie is taking me some time to get use too Now if they just don't reveal who Batman is to everyone in the movie it will be great! Also its got to be good its got Morgan "F-ing" Freemon in it! what?! what?! what?!
  16. My favorite is "Hold Your Fire". Funny thing is that "Signals" was my favorite for the longest time and I would play in incessantly. But Hold Your Fire seems to have held up more than Signals in the long run as being a favorite. Signals is now runner up.
  17. his music is too "basic" and blue collar for my interests.
  18. I say bring nemesis "Black Widow" into the movie. I liked the one from the TV series - the black pantsuit with the red hourglass shape on the front.
  19. I think a lot of their songs are underrated. I find "Mission" to be highly underrated. It's a very inspirational song.
  20. QUOTE (RazorsEdge @ Nov 29 2004, 11:01 PM) Freeze is my hands down favorite. You can't have that one, RE.
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