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Spaghetti Lee

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Everything posted by Spaghetti Lee

  1. Yes or No Part 1 Yes No Yes, for for the whitest whites
  2. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
  3. Were you stealing one of the band's trailers?
  4. You keep saying that...but the truth is, you're here ALL THE DAMN TIME...not that there's anything wrong with that ha ha... ...but it's true. You're here almost non-stop throughout all hours of the day and night...more than nearly anyone else. So, no excuse for substandard trolling!
  5. THIS is the best you could come up with??? Might wanna stick to videos afterall... http://thepoliticalcarnival.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/grasping-at-straws.jpg
  6. I started dozing off at the 45 second mark Good for you so you don't need the sleeping pills any longer. I know that it's an old hat, but it's still an enjoyable acoustic version of a great song. It makes The Speed of Love feel like speed metal. hmmm. Wonder what a sped up version of this cover would sound like... Oh no...that means there are more horrid videos coming. Satan help us.
  7. If anything came from Alex, you can bet it was WRONG.
  8. I didn't hear him talking about sky-Gods, mid-America haterides, Jesus billboards, hatred for old songs, or disdain for fans...so he didn't really sound exactly like Neil Peart.
  9. Wow! Someone actually said "like a boss" AND called Rush "boys" in the same two-sentence post!!! ...and said it SERIOUSLY!!!
  10. It's spreading like this forum's version of the damn Ebola virus... http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/somebody-please-anally-infect-me-with-ebola-my-rush-fanboy-neighbor-will-not-stop-blasting-that-damn-feedback-shit-platter-9e4ab.png
  11. I guess I would say Moving Pictures is the best Rush ever sounded. Oh c'mon. You KNOW he wanted to say Counterparts. But even HE knows that even if he DID meet some "Rush chick" (lol), he'd try to "get some" by going into an overwrought tirade about how "Cold Fire" is the world's best and most realistic love song...and said "Rush chick" would soon uncover his true fondness for Counterparts...imagine his surprise when he'd wake up in his own "cold fire" as he finds himself Lorena Bobbitt'd by this "Rush chick" as she forces him to watch out-of-sync Hanna Barbera cartoons to sped-up versions of horrible 90's Rush songs as his lifeblood slowly spills over as he screams, "Where's my thing?!!!???"... ...now THAT'S a Rush hook-up!
  12. Are those the actual lyrics? If so...oh my God. Those are some of the stupidest lame lyrics I've ever read from anyone, ever. Just wow. When I tried to listen to such sucky songs on Counterparts recently, I purposely avoided paying attention to the lyrics because I have heard for 20 years how awful they were. But, I was NOT prepared for this. Those lyrics sound like a Weird Al parody...only without the cleverness or (intentional) comedy. Just horrible. SURPRISINGLY horrible. Well, keep in mind that the last two songs are the lyrical low point on that album... Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. Cold Fire has fantastic lyrics, they express the honesty and realism of how many men feel. I love them! Everyday Glory is awesome as well. I haven't said this in a while: EAT MY POO Yeah. I don't see what's so bad about the Cold Fire lyrics. They express the reality and disillusionsment of how people percieve relationships should be vs the reality of what they really are. I think it's interesing how it's presented. And the lines like "this is not a love song this isn't fantasy land" is a direct acknowledgment how many typical love songs express love as all happy and beautiful which is a strak contrast to how relationships are presented in this song. Do not see how this could be "harmful" to real relationships. Real relationships are about making the positives and negatives work and being aware that the "happiness" elements are not always going to be there. Not "harmful" at all. Relationships can be hard work to sustain at times. That is a reality. Neil is presenting a real relationship here not some sugarcoated puppy-love fantasy crap. I agree that the song presents love in a somewhat realistic way, but, like much of Counterparts and Roll The Bones before it, the lyrics can be somewhat clunky, and often veer into the inane, with Cold Fire and Everyday Glory being the primary offenders in this regard. The Speed Of Love's lyrics are pretty bad, but at least they (mostly) flow well... Cold Fire's lyrics flow great. Especially since it includes the word Phosphorescent. Please tell me where it is "clunky". Both the verses and chourus are both fine. Seriously? Are you joking? Uh no. Do I look like I'm joking? It's catchy both musically and lyrically. It's a good song. http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/id-rather-be-abducted-and-beaten-to-death-with-my-keyboard-than-be-forced-to-listen-to-rushs-cold-fire-29c74.png
  13. Are those the actual lyrics? If so...oh my God. Those are some of the stupidest lame lyrics I've ever read from anyone, ever. Just wow. When I tried to listen to such sucky songs on Counterparts recently, I purposely avoided paying attention to the lyrics because I have heard for 20 years how awful they were. But, I was NOT prepared for this. Those lyrics sound like a Weird Al parody...only without the cleverness or (intentional) comedy. Just horrible. SURPRISINGLY horrible. Well, keep in mind that the last two songs are the lyrical low point on that album... Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. Cold Fire has fantastic lyrics, they express the honesty and realism of how many men feel. I love them! Everyday Glory is awesome as well. I haven't said this in a while: EAT MY POO Yeah. I don't see what's so bad about the Cold Fire lyrics. They express the reality and disillusionsment of how people percieve relationships should be vs the reality of what they really are. I think it's interesing how it's presented. And the lines like "this is not a love song this isn't fantasy land" is a direct acknowledgment how many typical love songs express love as all happy and beautiful which is a strak contrast to how relationships are presented in this song. Do not see how this could be "harmful" to real relationships. Real relationships are about making the positives and negatives work and being aware that the "happiness" elements are not always going to be there. Not "harmful" at all. Relationships can be hard work to sustain at times. That is a reality. Neil is presenting a real relationship here not some sugarcoated puppy-love fantasy crap. I agree that the song presents love in a somewhat realistic way, but, like much of Counterparts and Roll The Bones before it, the lyrics can be somewhat clunky, and often veer into the inane, with Cold Fire and Everyday Glory being the primary offenders in this regard. The Speed Of Love's lyrics are pretty bad, but at least they (mostly) flow well... Cold Fire's lyrics flow great, like a chunky murky monthly cycle. Especially since it includes the word Phosphorescent which is like so cool and cerebral and no one could think of such a cool word to use except Neil. Please tell me where it is "clunky" because to me I cry when I hear it. Both the verses and chourus are both fine songwriting the likes of which will never be seen again unless Neil decides to write a sequel, and I hope he does, it's one of the boys' best songs. http://www.quickmeme.com/img/f8/f8cd2e99e87da2ea7067c4798aec50d29df032fb84cc8e55a2706538b67f0a36.jpg
  14. Are those the actual lyrics? If so...oh my God. Those are some of the stupidest lame lyrics I've ever read from anyone, ever. Just wow. When I tried to listen to such sucky songs on Counterparts recently, I purposely avoided paying attention to the lyrics because I have heard for 20 years how awful they were. But, I was NOT prepared for this. Those lyrics sound like a Weird Al parody...only without the cleverness or (intentional) comedy. Just horrible. SURPRISINGLY horrible. Well, keep in mind that the last two songs are the lyrical low point on that album... Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. Cold Fire has fantastic lyrics, they express the honesty and realism of how many men feel. I love them! Everyday Glory is awesome as well. I haven't said this in a while: EAT MY POO Yeah. I don't see what's so bad about the Cold Fire lyrics. They express the reality and disillusionsment of how people percieve relationships should be vs the reality of what they really are. I think it's interesing how it's presented. And the lines like "this is not a love song this isn't fantasy land" is a direct acknowledgment how many typical love songs express love as all happy and beautiful which is a strak contrast to how relationships are presented in this song. Do not see how this could be "harmful" to real relationships. Real relationships are about making the positives and negatives work and being aware that the "happiness" elements are not always going to be there. Not "harmful" at all. Relationships can be hard work to sustain at times. That is a reality. Neil is presenting a real relationship here not some sugarcoated puppy-love fantasy crap. http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/sky-god-neil-i-bend-over-to-theei-request-me-lord-to-stick-it-out-and-impart-a-cold-fire-on-my-everyday-gloryhole-with-the-speed-of-love-98dfd.png
  15. Are those the actual lyrics? If so...oh my God. Those are some of the stupidest lame lyrics I've ever read from anyone, ever. Just wow. When I tried to listen to such sucky songs on Counterparts recently, I purposely avoided paying attention to the lyrics because I have heard for 20 years how awful they were. But, I was NOT prepared for this. Those lyrics sound like a Weird Al parody...only without the cleverness or (intentional) comedy. Just horrible. SURPRISINGLY horrible.
  16. How come? Well, when someone writes lyrics, you always wonder how personal they are. That's what I mean. It's none of my business, but I still wonder. Well I'm sure many people have gone through what Neil describles in these lyrics, Neil included. "Halo Effect" is also an actual psychological term: http://en.wikipedia....iki/Halo_effect The halo effect is a cognitive bias in which an observer's overall impression of a person influences the observer's feelings and thoughts about that person's character. A person’s attractiveness has also been found to produce a halo effect. Attractiveness provides a valuable aspect of the halo effect to consider because of its multifaceted nature; attractiveness may be influenced by several specific traits. These perceptions of attractiveness may affect judgments tied to personality traits. Physical attributes contribute to perceptions of attractiveness (i.e. weight, hair, eye color). For example, someone who is perceived as attractive, due in part to physical traits, may be more likely to be perceived as kind or intelligent. The role of attractiveness in producing the halo effect has been illustrated through a number of studies. Recent research, for example, has revealed that attractiveness may affect perceptions tied to life success and personality.[3] In this study, attractiveness was correlated with weight, indicating that attractiveness itself may be influenced by various specific traits. Included in the personality variables were trustworthiness and friendliness. People perceived as being more attractive were more likely to be perceived as trustworthy and friendly. What this suggests is that perceptions of attractiveness may influence a variety of other traits, which supports the concept of the halo effect. http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/1339224365285_5669359.png
  17. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll124/pintslayer/mindblown.jpg
  18. http://freethoughtblogs.com/entequilaesverdad/files/2014/03/epic_facepalm_by_katalunaeternity-d6l7fpo.png
  19. http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/90/73/9f/90739f7a8719d5196c8b1c37860c2aa7.jpg
  20. lol Counterparts first lol lol lol
  21. Reasonable list, but what caught my attention was the noticeable lack of scatological "humor"... :) I noticed that! I think we all need to accept that Spaghetti Lee is like Sarah Jessica Parker: Hideously beastfully disgusting in certain lights, but onky on the extreme rare occasion. Otherwise he is quite the anti-charmer! http://sarahjessicaparkerlookslikeahorse.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/061.jpg
  22. My GOD nothing, and I mean NOTHING has EVER made me felt so old as THIS one sentence. NOTHING!!!!!!!! PHRUCK!!!!!!
  23. The references to scatology were there...did you not see that Presto, Counterparts, Roll the Bones, and Test For Echo were included in the list? You can't get any shittier than that.
  24. Um bip bip um bip bip yeah
  25. Here is my list. I included live albums up until Different Stages which includes the amazing Hammersmith show which is a sort of follow-up to All the World's a Stage (including an amazing version of "Cygnus X-1"). I rated A Show of Hands pretty low as for some reason the band chose some uninspired bland performances for the album release; truthfully that compilation kinda sucks especially compared to the video of the same name (shot in one location) which is one of my favorite Rush live performances (the VHS mix, not the horrible DVD mix). I actually prefer ALL the Hold Your Fire tracks as performed on the A Show of Hands VHS release. All live albums after Different Stages are pointless as they are just the audio from their DVD releases with abysmal empty reverbed-to-death buzzy sound "quality." All the World's A Stage Hemispheres Caress of Steel A Farewell to Kings 2112 Moving Pictures Permanent Waves Power Windows Fly By Night Signals Rush Grace Under Pressure Exit Stage Left Vapor Trails Different Stages Clockwork Angels Hold Your Fire Snakes and Arrows Presto A Show of Hands Counterparts Feedback Roll the Bones Test For Echo
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