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Everything posted by Crimsonmistymemory

  1. ^ purrrr purrrr purrrr mew purrrr purrrr puuurrroww mew purrrr purrrrr purrr :pussy:
  2. A 90 year old man goes to the Dr. He tells the Dr. that he needs to get 3 Viagra pills. The Dr. asks why? The old man says "Well Thusday night my girl friend is coming over. Friday night my exwife is coming over. Saturday this new chic I have been flirting it up with is coming over. I want to make sure I am at my best performance for all of them!" The Dr. reluctant but understandingly agrees to prescribe the old man the 3 viagra but says. "I want you in here 1st thing monday for a follow up visit!" Monday the old man shows up with his right arm in a sling. The Dr. Asks "What the hell happened to you?" The old man answers, "None of the girls showed up!!" :laughing guy: :LMAO: :laughing guy:
  3. An couple in their 80's is at the Doctor for their annual checkup. The Dr. Tell them both they're in excellent health for their age but wants them to get in the habit of writing things down because if they haven't noticed things are going to start slipping. When they get home the old woman tells the man she wants some ice cream. The old man gets up to get her some. She askes him if he is going to write it down like the Dr. said to. He says he can remember ice cream. She then says she wants strawberries with the ice cream. He says ok no problem. She again askes if he is going to write it down. He says he can remember 2 things. She then says she also wants whipped cream on the ice cream and strawberries. The old man says on his way to the kitchen no problem. She excaims for him to write it down! He says babe I got this! 20 minutes later the old man returns and sets down a plate on bacon and eggs for his lady. She looks very puzzled as she looks up and askes, Well where's my toast??? :laughing guy: :LMAO: :laughing guy:
  4. A father is window shopping at the flea market one Sunday. He passes a booth that is selling "Lie Detecting Robots"! Curious he enters the booth area and is greeted by the operator. The operator explains that once the robot detects a "Lie" it will smack the person lying. Dad says "I have to try this out on my son!" and purchases the robot. Once home Dad gets the robot all set up in the kitchen and calls for his son to join him. When the son enters the kitchen Dad asks "where were you last night?" Son says "At the Library!" Robot smacks the son! The son says "Okay okay I was at Billy's house!" Dad asks "And what were you doing?' Son says "Watching a movie!" Dad- "what movie?" Son- "Toy Story!" Robot smacks the son again! Son- "Okay Okay it was porn!" Dad- "WHAT!! When I was your age I didn't even know what porn was!!!" Robot smacks Dad! Mom laughs out loud and says "Well he certainly is your boy!" Robot smacks Mom!! :laughing guy: :LMAO: :laughing guy:
  5. ^ Only thinks he knows "cat speak" while subconsciously knowing cats only allow us to know what they want us to know :P
  6. ^Has no idea what is all included with a single meeeoww :crazy:
  7. 1966 Chevy Corvair. Bought it for $75.00 the floor boards were rusted out so I brought the car to my High Schools metal shop and made some new ones (as best I could) threw some carpet over my handy work and drove it that whole summer til the tranny wend kaput.
  8. He was the spokes person/persona to promote Columbian Coffee not any perticular brand if I remember correctly other than brands that used coffee beans from Columbia https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Valdez&ved=2ahUKEwiruP3NkpnhAhVFzlkKHSYSCowQFjASegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw1K26LXInApsghM5NkQQ05F
  9. :bump: ie :bump: ie :bump: ie :bump: ie
  10. OMG I feel fence testing coming in this thread topic
  11. :rush: is my favorite band so if :rush: is better than my favorite band I guess that means my band got more Rusherer?? :P
  12. Ahhh :bump: per dee dooo :bump: ing
  13. :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump:
  14. :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump:
  15. :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump:
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