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Posts posted by Rushman14

  1. Kinda the rankings I thought I would see. I'm glad some of the prequels are held in higher regard than 8 & 9 by some of you. I actually have always liked the prequels for the overall storeline and many of the portrayals...particularly the villains. Obviously the pacing was messed up (60% of the storyline was crammed into Ep.3 according to Lucas), the acting was dreadful in Ep.2, Annakin should have already been a young adult in Ep.1, yadda yadda. But holy shit did Disney trash the franchise in record time. I figured they would do that after Ep.9, not hire that c-sucker Rianne Johnson to torpedo the new trilogy in the second act. It was pretty much unsalvagable at that point IMO. I hate Disney now and won't give them a goddamn dime for their streaming service.


    Midiclorins, Jar Jar, and little Anakin were enjoyable?


    The worst of the lot imho is Episode 8 but other than a few light saber battles, the prequels aren’t watchable either

    "Yadda yadda" was supposed to cover Midiclorians and JarJar, as well as the campy CGI in Ep.2, recasting grown Anakin, yadda yaddda. But I did mention Anakin should have been a young adult in Ep.1, so the movie wouldn't have turned into the goddamn Rocketeer. Ep.1 should have had him already digging on Padme and setting the stage for some brownchickenbrowncow. And then maybe he could have gotten f***ed up by the end of Ep.2 and we all get to see the true Darth Vader f**k a bunch of Jedis up by Ep.3.


    Episode 2 is entirely unwatchable. It would be #37 on my list

  2. started watching for a 2nd time and the weaknesses in the script become more apparent.

    That's what I figured. With the initial visual wow factor gone, more attention goes to the story, and that's not good.


    I love both you guys, but I don't agree at a all!!


    It is what it is.


    I loved this movie even more after a second time.


    Not sure I need a third time until blu.


    Love you back brutha!



  3. Not sure how I've avoided it have never seen one of them. The original was all the rage when I was on high school....


    I feel like I'm being punked.

    Nope. Just never interested...


    You should at least try the very first one that came out in '77. That was our era :)

    • Like 2
  4. By the way this just occured to me. Palpatine is a dumb idiot.


    1. he couldn't turn off his lightning when mace made it bounce into him......deformed.


    2. he couldn't turn of his lighting with Rey AGAIN.........dead.


    just stop shooting it mister all powerful. lol




    he really is a boob when you think on it, lol


    the other dumb thing he did was tell Rey his plan that he needed her to strike him down. He should have just taunted her and she would have light sabered the shit out of him.


    i was with with my friend. i love the guy he's one of those Star wars can do no wrong guys. i leaned over and said "um.......if his life force was gonna go into Rey at his death. why tell her? let her just kill you!!"


    that even made my friend think, lol






    unfortunately this film has a few of those moments

    • Like 2
  5. By the way this just occured to me. Palpatine is a dumb idiot.


    1. he couldn't turn off his lightning when mace made it bounce into him......deformed.


    2. he couldn't turn of his lighting with Rey AGAIN.........dead.


    just stop shooting it mister all powerful. lol




    he really is a boob when you think on it, lol


    the other dumb thing he did was tell Rey his plan that he needed her to strike him down. He should have just taunted her and she would have light sabered the shit out of him.

    • Like 4
  6. Saw it once, liked it a lot. Loved TLJ, love love TFA, this goes right in with those two for a great trilogy, certainly better than the prequels. Seeing it again on Christmas Eve, and I predict my opinion will only get more positive with the 2nd viewing. A lot in the film, and very little of it bored or bothered me.


    I saw it Friday with a buddy, I'm seeing it today with Ma, Sis and the BIL, and again with my niece on Christmas Day. I'm sure I'll notice more details and maybe even a flaw here and there. :D


    There is so much packed into the film, but I think it was necessary. Abrams could have easily added another 30 minutes to the film. I don't think fans would have minded!


    sounds like they should have split it into 2 parts. I'll find out on the 26th.

    • Like 1
  7. Nightbreed (1990)


    I have loved this film for an extremely long time. The theatrical cut was butchered by the studio, but I finally saw the director's cut last night.


    This is one movie I absolutely adore, and I just fell in love with it all over again! Great horror movie, it's also a great fantasy movie, and a great action movie, and a wonderful tale tackling themes like homophobia and racism without being too on the nose.


    I love this film.


    where can one view the directors cut without having to buy the blu ray

  8. Went to see Knives Out -- it was great! I recommend very highly. Possibly even worth going to see at the theater!


    Great writing, perfectly hammy acting, amazing set. Good stuff all round.

    I want to see this one, for sure.


    ETA: Going at 6:30


    Made by the guy that made The Last Jedi, also a great movie :)

    • Like 1
  9. prepping for Dark Fate




    Yeah, Dark Fate looks good, doesn't it?


    I hear it's solid but not classic like the first two. I'll keep my expectations in check.


    How can it not be just more of the same? Another next generation of evil Terminator, another "good" terminator sent back to destroy it, and basically the same action/fight sequences. Even the return of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor won't save it.


    I think they are trying to reboot it. I'm in.

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