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YYZ Working Man

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Posts posted by YYZ Working Man

  1. Based on what I've read from past discussions about it, whatever unused film footage from the ESL shoot in Montreal is long gone. Ditto the GUP tour


    Btw, did anyone ever notice how opposite ESL and GUP are visually? Where ESL was grainy and dark and underlit in many places giving it a nice atmosphere, GUP was seemingly recorded under the brightest spotlights ever invented. Its TOO well lit! I need to wear a welders mask to watch most of it lol


    The "lost footage" thing is really a bummer. The 1981 material was shot on film so maybe filming a full length show on multiple cameras, processing, editing and video transfer would have been costly, so perhaps I can see that they actually didn't even film the entire 2 hour concert with multi-cameras but the 1984 shows taped in Toronto at MLG. That was video and the cost to record both shows in their entirety would have been inconsequential. I was at both shows in MLG in 1984, on the floor and I can confirm that they had the cameras moving about for both nights. If your intention is just to use 1 night (likely the second night), you would still record the first night as a safety. You would look upon the first night as a rehearsal for the crew and the second night is show time. But all it would take is a few video tape cassettes to record the evening. To only have the 60 minutes that was released, as the only surviving material from both nights, would indicate a level of sloppiness and indifference that I don't think the Rush organization was capable of.


    The only tricky thing that should be getting in the way is if the original recording format of video used back in 1984 became extinct and they never got it transferred to a more accessible format. I'm not sure what they used but if it was the M format as opposed to betacam, then yeah sure - finding M machines would be a challenge (not impossible).


    ESL : with all its sound challenges will remain in my top 5 for sentimental reasons . Love so many different parts of the album

    the phaser in Tom S , YYZ drum solo , BB, the Jac L intro, drum fills in La Villa and the trees, transitions from trees into xanadu


    The GUP show second night at Maple Leaf Gardens was the footage on the video . 17 years old - was my first Rush show. This was back in the day when you lined up outside a mall the night before tickets went on sale and charged the doors of a Ticket master outlet with cash in hand . Ended up with 1 st row floors GED side way over to the right.

  2. I like this place . Been here for many years and have a sense of belonging and community .

    Spent some fun nights here especialy when the tours were on and the Chat Root was active .

    To be honest -No fault of anyone here because everyone is very nice but ever since chat was removed the visits are less and less

    Starting to Feel like a ghost town .everything has its peaks an valleys

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  3. written for Robbie Whelan, a friend oNeil Peart who was an assistant engineer at the Le Studio Morin Heights in Laurentian mountains where they recorded many of their albums. Robbie taught Neil how to cross-country ski and skied with him to work at the studio often. On the way to the Le Studio in 1983, Robbie was killed in a vehicle accident
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