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Everything posted by ST3V

  1. The Classic Era is probably the toughest for me to rank anything, because there are so many songs that I feel undecided on 1. Xanadu 2. A Farewell To Kings 3. Fly By Night 4. Working Man 5. Cygnus X-1 (I'm counting both as 1) 6. Circumstances 7. Closer To The Heart 8. Anthem 9. A Passage To Bangkok 10. Finding My Way
  2. It's definitely a great song on what would be a great album if The Trees didn't exist. I like the live versions too, the different key gives it a unique tone and I like it, but in a different way. Definitely one to remember from their Classic Era
  3. I gave in and bought VT original on CD. itll come soon
  4. Interesting style, I see your changing it up, because the Chronicles discs feature 2 songs from each album (except Presto) and a live song from a major live album. Nevertheless, I think this would make a great Compilation album for their later years
  5. This is yet another example of why I still buy cds. I still have my original Japanese cd pressing of "Vapor Trails." I also have my own CD collection. 40 to be exact (42 if you include the 2nd disc of Rush: Chronicles and Come Sail Away: The Styx Anthology), but only 4 (technically 5) are Rush. I may just have to get Vapor Trails for this reason- it's definitely not in my Rush top 10 albums. I still quite enjoy it though.
  6. It's a coda. Yeah, but I feel they coulda put more effort into it rather than just strings + vocals. It would've made it a whole lot better if Alex just sat down and broke out his acoustic for a bit, nothing too crazy.
  7. Now I'm curious.. Is there anywhere I can hear the original, because it seems all the Music sites/apps have the remixed version
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