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Everything posted by Red3angel

  1. Which rush albums got under your skin where you are obsessed with them in other words they are your favorites even if they’re not other people’s favorites. Mine would be hemispheres, Kings, grace, caress, clockwork
  2. Agree with your list. I don’t prefer one album to the other. They depend on my mood.
  3. I agree with most people here that their best days were from signals on back. But I love the band way too much not to own all the records. And to keep myself from burning out on the classic stuff I will listen to anything of theirs.
  4. Most underrated rush album for me is roll the bones followed very closely by caress of steel. Both of them should be in every rush fans collection if it’s not already.
  5. It’s just the way I talk. LOL I’m not really being rude LOL or am I?
  6. I can’t help thinking big… I think permanent waves is better than moving pictures
  7. What rush song has been stuck in your head lately? Mine is best I can
  8. Mine Each of us A cell of awareness Imperfect and incomplete Genetic blends With uncertain ends On a fortune hunt That’s far too fleet… Yours......?
  9. Red3angel

    Dead horse

    I think Halo affect is the calm before the storm I love it
  10. Red3angel

    Dead horse

    I love every Rush album, especially their early ones but I still say clockwork angels is a masterpiece. Only one song of theirs makes say how the hell did they come up with that and that is Tom Sawyer. But clockwork angels makes me say the same thing about the whole album
  11. Red3angel

    Pew va mp

    Which album made them more known to the masses
  12. Red3angel


    Signals by the way I didn’t really quit the forum there’s too many cool people on here but anyways I think signals is the best To start a new fan out with. agree?
  13. Goodbye to this form it’s been cool
  14. Uh, no. I'm not mad. What a ridiculous comment. You make it seem, though, that you hadn't even heard of the book. Which has a HUGE part devoted to Rush and 2112, not just a couple of small visual cameos. The writer, Ernest Cline is obviously a fan. To make this movie and completely cut out huge key parts (Rush being one of them) was a huge disappointment. So since you didn't answer the first time, did you read the book? Because it was fantastic. The movie was fun, but far from fantastic. BTW, do you know how to quote and reply in the same quote? You just click below the last quote tab of the post you're replying to and reply. No need to make another post.
  15. You mad? Lol . I loved the movie without any this to do with band. After all on this forum there seams to be equal hate for their work and the members, so maybe I’m happy there was less rush.
  16. Where have you been that this is new to you? You know it was adapted from the book, right? And the book had an entire part devoted to 2112 and Rush. The movie though enjoyable to watch is quite bland and dull compared w/ the book. Everything I knew and loved in the book are taken out. Seriously, if you haven't read the book, you should.
  17. It wasn’t in the movie but that’s OK with me as rush fans heard the calling in the trailer
  18. Really good movie enjoy very much. One of his best. There is a 2112 poster in the movie and someone wears a 2112 T-shirt
  19. I’m not drunk . Hyf is the greatest thing ever
  20. You need to stop drinking, and for God's sake, if your judgment is that impaired, please stay off the roads.
  21. Maybe it’s the beer talking but I’ve decided that snakes and arrows is now in my top five . It is both optimistic and appreciative of life
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