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Posts posted by Laurabw

  1. I put ketchup on my hotdogs, but I don't eat them often anyway. But if I do, they have to be Oscar Meyer. And yes, I know, it's all fake ingredients that will kill me, but I think I'm safe eating one or two a month.

    I'm with ketchup & mustard myself. But if I don't have either, that's fine too. It's all about the meat for me anyway...or rather, the fake meat that'll kill me. I like that. :blaze:


    I probably have a hot dog about once a season and 99% of the time it's at the cinema. So I guess it'll be a slow, drawn out death by hot dog for me.


    :hotdog: :hotdog: :hotdog: :D

    • Like 1
  2. The Rush tours I didn't go to. (And I regret not knowing about some tours in the early 80s because it was so hard to hear about them back then.)




    Metallica back in the 80s.


    U2 when they played a free daytime show in SF somewhere around 1987. It was announced that morning on the radio, but I was already at work so I couldn't easily leave to go.


    Ultravox! Cool.


    I also regret so many Rush shows in the middle of their career, because at the time I wasn't going to shows alone, and had nobody to go with.

  3. Blink-182, A Day To Remember and All Time Low in August.


    Three Days Grace in August.


    I like Three Days Grace.

    Their show i free at the NY State Fair. I thought i read on their website somewhere that they have a date in New Jersey.


    You could be right. I just don't want to go alone, I only have one friend who likes them but he's got grandkids and so much stuff going on and probably wouldn't be interested in going. I go to a lot of shows by myself, but sometimes that gets old!

  4. Steely Dan last night, crummy picture. I've never seen them, but they were great and their back up musicians were outstanding. Sick guitar solo in Bodhisattva. Steve Winwood opened, he did a lot of Traffic stuff. SD did mostly all their big hits, which was fine with me.



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  5. I would post a picture, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out on this site in particular. I am a smart person, i really am, but...what am I missing here???


    A picture hosting site? I've been using Photobucket for over 15 years now.....free too.


    I just have my stuff on iPhoto...there's no way to just drag and drop?


    No, your photos have to be hosted on a public web server in order for them to be available to be posted here. With the exception of your avatar pic you can't just upload a file to TRF itself.


    Gotcha. Does Flickr count?


    It does. Just make sure the photo's privacy is set to "public", then paste the url of the photo itself (as opposed to the url of the page, which Flickr likes to provide).

    I'm still doing something wrong. Frustrating.

  6. I would post a picture, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out on this site in particular. I am a smart person, i really am, but...what am I missing here???


    A picture hosting site? I've been using Photobucket for over 15 years now.....free too.


    I just have my stuff on iPhoto...there's no way to just drag and drop?


    No, your photos have to be hosted on a public web server in order for them to be available to be posted here. With the exception of your avatar pic you can't just upload a file to TRF itself.


    Gotcha. Does Flickr count?

  7. Same birthday as Ringo, he'll be 76. But you'd think he was younger. He's cool. We've been to lots of concerts together. Eagles, Sting, Bruce, Meat Loaf (which was one of the loudest concerts I've ever been to, lol) Boz Scaggs, Mark Knopfler, Paul McCartney.
    • Like 3
  8. I would post a picture, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out on this site in particular. I am a smart person, i really am, but...what am I missing here???


    A picture hosting site? I've been using Photobucket for over 15 years now.....free too.


    I just have my stuff on iPhoto...there's no way to just drag and drop?

    • Like 1
  9. Post (with pics if possible) what you cooked for dinner on any day.... and if you want to go even further; post your recipe....... (and no take out/dining out/ delivery/ fast food here.... only post what YOU cook)




    Tonight I made some Shrimp Fried Rice (with carrots, scrambled egg, and peas), Steamed Broccoli, and Egg Rolls (Tai Pea brand, very good)



    I came up with this thread after I cleaned up, so no pics, but I will post pics in the future.


    That's what it says. Post with pics if possible.


    I never read the first post so this is a revelation to me.

    I'm sure nobody will remember this but The Owl had a thread several years back (maybe in Random Samples) titled something like "Video Introductions" as a way for TRFers to get to know each other. I thought it was a good idea but nobody was really biting. Too shy? Too revealing?


    I don't think too revealing, but I'd feel weird. I found some old post about putting up pictures, but it seemed like it went way off track (shocking I know) and nobody really did it, but I think you did, something about coconuts! :D

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