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Everything posted by DirkPrattLerxst

  1. Buy the DVD now. Buy the Bluray as part of an R50 package!!!$$$ Actually, I'd be shocked if this is not immediately released in Bluray. I would be shocked and angry!
  2. I'm pretty sure the same guy mixes everything. The audio should be much crisp and cleaner on DVD and BluRay than it is on CD. It's too bad the sample on Amazon is super low quality because I want to hear the full quality of the mix.
  3. I prefer vocals to be up front, I wanna hear Geddy clearly and not like CA Tour where he's buried by everything.
  4. Rushisaband posted something about it after I told them about the amazon single :)
  5. If they put it up on itunes I'm preordering the single!
  6. I'm betting on it being a promotional single for R40 Live.
  7. Snare drum sounds similar to R30 (because R40 drumset was basically an updated R30 set) The way it looks certainly resembles the R30 kit, but the R40 kit is made out of a huge chunk of a Romanian oak tree that is over 1500 years old. This video explains it more. Yeah I knew that, just saying it was a new R30 kit with no electronic stuff ;)
  8. Snare drum sounds similar to R30 (because R40 drumset was basically an updated R30 set) Though DW used a dfferent wood though for the shells IIRC correctly (I'm not sure if that's the correct terminology. I ain't a drummer), but nevertheless, Neil's snare sounds good and cuts through the mix well! Not to mention you can hear the bass!!
  9. Since then it's been hit or miss (TFE hit S&A hit VT miss CA miss)
  10. Love the guitar tone from the 30 seconds available too and Geddy sounds good
  11. Snare drum sounds similar to R30 (because R40 drumset was basically an updated R30 set)
  12. It also says relasing September 25th. Maybe Roll the Bones is a live single!
  13. For some reason only Roll the Bones the song is showing up on Amazon hence the 6:02 length.
  14. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B015FE01WM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1442611572&sr=8-2&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=rush+roll+the+bones+live&dpPl=1&dpID=61jx3qoGYgL&ref=plSrch
  15. This is confirmed-found a Roll the Bones sample on Amazon and the mix is great!
  16. Agreed. Maybe they didn't want to cause confusion between R40 Box Set and the R40 Live Blu Ray, plus Roll the Bones kinda fits the theme of the tour. (Possible farewell)
  17. I have no idea, but it's pretty awesome!
  18. Agreed... :cheers: Get ready for this..................The original Vapor Trials is better than the remix.http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1409/1095440510_fa2c145e67.jpg This one I could care less about as my previous post would indicate... :codger: BOTH VERSIONS OF VAPOR FAILS SUCKS ELEPHANT ASS! Vapor Trails is better than their 90's work as well as CA IMO
  19. Test for Echo (the song.) Nothing terrible, nothing amazing either.
  20. I really like Wish them Well because it's more of a straightforward rock song. Superconductor on the other hand...
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