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Everything posted by Brucey

  1. This thread could become a "thing", a thing of legend
  2. Have just got back from another party that I actually had to physically attend. This one is better. The one I just got back from was full of snobby, pretentious c***s who saw me as something that could be patronised to make themselves feel better. f**k that. http://www.sainsburys.co.uk/wcsstore7.23.2.77/ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore/images/catalog/productImages/35/0000001868135/0000001868135_L.jpeg
  3. You don't have to do that, I will threaten people with physical violence to persuade them to come to your party. They won't say no because I'm hard, people don't mess with Brucey. I actually slept very well, chocolate milk only helps me, so I'll be drinking a lot of it at tonight's party for sure. I think I'll be Jim McDonald instead of Michael Stipe tonight.
  4. Maybe this could be a party that lasts forever!
  5. Man that picture sums up how hungover I feel today after last night
  6. I am Michael Stipe and I look like a creepy homeless guy...or David Letterman. I used to sing 'Losing My Religion' but now I sing 'Lost My Razor'. http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Michael+Stipe+70XshVl1SNCm.jpg http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/160323164839-david-letterman-beard-restricted-super-169.jpg Um, I shaved that off ages ago, keep up http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/e574c76779594a9087fda28d4174ddc3/new-york-usa-19th-oct-2017-michael-stipe-attends-the-at-home-with-kef3fh.jpg
  7. I might have to sleep on that couch that's a bit wet and smells a bit cheesy, sorry Lorraine
  8. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0xtjnQ4la1rpiwdbo1_400.gif
  9. Funnily enough I'm going to an actual party tomorrow, this thread here is teaching me some really good party etiquette, I'm sure everyone will love me at it.
  10. Brucey just spilled his milk on the couch. At least that's what he said it was... :P It is deffo milk, and some spit because I tried to lick it up
  11. I think I may have overdone it with the chocolate milk, it's my booze and now I feel confident and think I'm a comedian
  12. It's okay I've got some chocolate milk now http://www.sainsburys.co.uk/wcsstore7.23.2.77/ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore/images/catalog/productImages/35/0000001868135/0000001868135_L.jpeg
  13. This is threatening to actually become a party if we're not careful
  14. I'm having a Kahlua and milk. That's kinda chocolatey. You wouldn't happen to have an old Hallowe'en candy and a cow handy? I could probably make something with that. Unfortunately I do not
  15. Until I stop posting again
  16. It's okay I'm posting again now, everything will be fine
  17. Kinda still waiting for my chocolate milk BUUUUUUUUT I won't complain, not my party
  18. Attending Lorraine's party. It was a bit shit, but that's not her fault, it's your guys faults for being lazy and not turning up, I was right, you are all boob heads after all!
  19. Boots is my dogs name so it is
  20. http://25.media.tumblr.com/1d4eca7c18bc943107938dc87585cdf0/tumblr_n17njthoTG1rn3vyoo1_250.gif
  21. I am Michael Stipe and I can dance how I like, I did Losing My Religion you know
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