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  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Hold Your Fire
  • Favorite Rush Song
    La Villa Strangiato
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Moving Pictures
  1. Well, yes, they do. ANY fan would want to hear their best music. Counterparts, for the most part, is forgettable. Oh wow! That would be awesome! Get real, dude...... Wrong again. 'Counterparts' is the 'usual stuff'. As in, uninteresting. Sure, fire up 'Animate Me'...after that...who cares? Yes, I can. What planet do you live on? Chris Well, yes, they do. ANY fan would want to hear their best music. Counterparts, for the most part, is forgettable. Oh wow! That would be awesome! Get real, dude...... Wrong again. 'Counterparts' is the 'usual stuff'. As in, uninteresting. Sure, fire up 'Animate Me'...after that...who cares? Yes, I can. What planet do you live on? Chris Hey, CHRIS. After carefully and thoroughly reading your post I think I can simplify its core message to one sentence. "Stop liking what I don't like!" Honestly,you just sound to me like one of those Rush fans with the mentality that says "old Rush good, new Rush bad!" Do you genuinely believe that Tom Sayer, tSoR and Subdivisions are their best songs? I hate to sound like a hipster but aren't those their most most mainstream songs? I've always found that the most fun part of listening to any band is listening to their entire catalogue and finding lesser known songs you really love. Right now you sound like a fan who likes their radio favourites without much personal taste of his own. If these songs are your favourites you could just buy a greatest hits collection and be set for life. Sounds really f*ckin boring. Hey Czarcasm.... After carefully and thoroughly reading your post I think I can simplify its core message to one sentence. "All the old stuff sucks!" Honestly,you just sound to me like one of those Rush fans with the mentality that says "old Rush bad, new Rush good!" Well, except that your 'new' Rush is over 15 years old... :laughing guy: The fact of the matter is this: Rush doesn't play what I want to hear at their concerts...they play what THEY want to play...are you feeling me? THEY are the ones who, for better or worse, have decided that, above all, they wanted to play the kind of music THEY wanted to play... So...czar.....if you have a problem with them playing the 'popular' songs of their catalogue at their live shows..... Take it up with THEM.... Have fun with it... Imagine...a so called fan telling Rush they are too 'commercial'.... That's a good one..... Chris
  2. I sense you sarcasm. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of Neil's lyrics are about the ascendency of man, [i.e. man's supremacy in all things], and therefore are against the very basic tenant of Christianity: The Sovereignty of God. I find this ironic, as Neil constantly uses Christian symbolism in his lyrics, even as he dismisses the validity of Jesus Christ. My personal viewpoint is: love the art even as I have absolutely no respect fo the philosophy of the artist. Must be why I like the instrumentals so much....nothing to ignore or filter out. Chris
  3. Well, yes, they do. ANY fan would want to hear their best music. Counterparts, for the most part, is forgettable. Oh wow! That would be awesome! Get real, dude...... Wrong again. 'Counterparts' is the 'usual stuff'. As in, uninteresting. Sure, fire up 'Animate Me'...after that...who cares? Yes, I can. What planet do you live on? Chris
  4. To be honest, I haven't like much of what Rush has done, musically, since Counterparts...and I only really like half of that album. Philosophically, Clockwork Angels is just recycled 2112. Neil is pushing 60 and this is all he's got? That's the real disappointment. Chris Its 2112 times better than what you're pushing! What a mature comment.... Care to explain WHY? Or are you just too intellectually incapable? If you want to have an ADULT conversation... Then have at it. I don't have time for teenagers... Chris
  5. To be honest, I haven't like much of what Rush has done, musically, since Counterparts...and I only really like half of that album. Philosophically, Clockwork Angels is just recycled 2112. Neil is pushing 60 and this is all he's got? That's the real disappointment. Chris
  6. There's no doubt in my mind that Moving Pictures is the their best effort. They definitely captures a special sound on that album. The whole album is incredibly cohesive without being the least bit repetitive. Chris
  7. The Big Money...just plain jams...love the guitar solo. Chris
  8. The whole album is great and musically cohesive...but the imagery from Red Sector A makes it the top song...if only by a hair. Chris
  9. Camera Eye...it's a song that transports you somewhere... I have to admit, though, that I truly like every song on the album. Chris
  10. Spirit of Radio...because it captures, well, the spirit of radio. In other words the song accomplishes what it claims to set out to do. Chris
  11. La Villa...actually I think it is the best Rush song.
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