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Everything posted by geddysgal13

  1. Whatever. Geddy is still gorgeous. He's #1 in my book.
  2. The 2 most gorgeous men on earth!
  3. Wow. What a way to start my Saturday. Guess I will have to go by the dvd now.
  4. "Where the hell is the ON button on this thing? Geddy....help!"
  5. No. I would never stalk Alex or Geddy. Just joking here. I am planning a trip to Canada but for Hubby and I. I'd probably pee on myself if I ever actually saw lerxst in a bbb. But i would go up and saw hello. What the heck. I'm sure he's the sweetest person ever and would probably tell me some goofy joke to put me at ease.
  6. He looks like charlene woke him up and made him run some "Hubby" errands. I think he looks adorable.
  7. His jacket looks very warm. Must have been when everyone everywhere was going through that cold (freezing) snap. Made me wish for Hawaii.
  8. Alex on the subway. Gonna be busy in Toronto I am.
  9. Adding a trip to bed, bath and beyond on my list of places to visit in April. Guess it was the one in yorkdale.
  10. Maybe the writer didn't mean ounces? Don't Canadians use the metric system? Maybe he meant 32 oz but its really only half that? Just wondering because in American 32oz of steak seems like a lot.
  11. The person who saw Geddy saw him at The Saint restaurant. Not sure if they have a 32 oz or not. That is a lot of steak.
  12. How about philly or Baltimore? Id travel to those places.
  13. Myrtle beach is only 3 hours from me. I'm in.
  14. If I was THAT close to Geddy the last thing on my mind would be my steak.
  15. And he has been truly blessed. As are we for being able to see such a gorgeous person as Geddy.
  16. It's on my list to do in April. Gangster or any of the other girls are welcome to join me!
  17. Good enough for me. I'd wear it to a Rush concert.
  18. GGG. I like that. Maybe that should be on a shirt as well.
  19. If we all ever meet on the next tour, first round of drinks are on me.
  20. Legs spread open, sitting on a piano bench in shorts....well happy f**kin new year to me!!
  21. Planning on it! That and spending a lot of time at Caplanskys.
  22. I'm going to Toronto in April. First stop, Orbit Room!!
  23. The other half of the fun would be playing with the unzipped bits. Oh yes....unzipped bits.
  24. I'd say half the fun of unzipping them would be to get to what the zips were hiding!
  25. Yeah!! Hope to hear something soon!
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