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Posts posted by tangy

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sun & Moon said:

    I dig Cory! He's great, he's funky, and involved in great musical projects. I love the Fearless Flyers and Vulfpeck. Just yesterday my boyfriend and I watched the latest BASS episode on his YouTube channel (the video featured Victor Wooten delivering again many deep words of wisdom). Cory's Wongnotes have a massively tight horn section!




    I have only been a fan for few months but everything he does is quality. 

    Gonna check out the Victor wooden video.

    • Like 1
  2. 42 minutes ago, goose said:

    I think it's more the full discography polls that are getting tedious.  With the bulk of those it seems to take seven rounds of eliminating albums few care about to get to the meat of most bands' discographies.

    Yeah, the RPG are more thought provoking IMO. Like i said, it's all good. 


    Back in the day, the moderator of MOTS tried to limit the number of fantasy band threads to no avail.  


    I don't post daily but pretty much check in every day to see what's shaking.


    FWIW, the best threads are about new bands. Not discussing the merits of geriatric rockers output. IMO



    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, J2112YYZ said:

    Am I the only one that finds it strange, with the exception of Mick, the people who are complaining about the polls being off-putting are members who haven't even been posting regularly in ages? Like even before the polls you guys weren't around that much.

    I find it strange that you find it strange. Makes sense to me! 



  4. 7 minutes ago, Mosher said:

    A dedicated poll section would be fantastic.


    I like some of the polls, but I also like order.


    As polls are clearly a thing on their own, another subforum makes more sense. 



    Like the "feedback" subgroup 



    • Like 2
  5. 10 hours ago, Union 5-3992 said:

    As Random Samples has a containment subsection for spam/games/etc., should we maybe unclutter Music of the Spheres with its own subsection for polls? More than half the topics on the front page are all polls. 

    Yeah, it's a bit much these days. 

    • Like 1
  6. Ground breaking VS money making


    Post youthanasia is as bad as asia....


    When peace sells came out it appealed to me in the same way old rush did. Sick energy.


    To this day, wake up dead is my fave song pre biking or skiing tune.


    Appreciate your post, but have to disagree with part of it.


    The System Has Failed, Endgame, Th1rt3en and Dystopia are all fantastic.


    Musically speaking they still rip. Lyrics were huge to me with early deth and I can't relate to Dave anymore. No need to elaborate why.


    I like parts of the system has failed. Back in the day!


    I can understand that. As I said earlier in this thread, I don’t care about the lyrics, compared to the punch of the music.


    And that’s kind of funny, because in general I always pay attention to lyrics, I love them. But when it comes to metal I don’t care, really. It’s about the sound.

    I agree.


    That's too bad as early deth had good lyrics. Way better than Metallica and actually one of the big reasons I prefer deth over Metallica.


    I assume all you guys know what the band name means?

    One million deaths in a nuclear war.


    I never liked Metallica, this despite making a concerted effort to get into them, including buying Master of Puppets in 1986 on the Music for Nations label. I don't wasting money but I just couldn't like it.


    Yes indeed. Scary stuff.


    I guess Metallica was not quite metal enough for your tastes. Lol. I appreciate some of their earlier music.

    • Like 1
  7. Ground breaking VS money making


    Post youthanasia is as bad as asia....


    When peace sells came out it appealed to me in the same way old rush did. Sick energy.


    To this day, wake up dead is my fave song pre biking or skiing tune.


    Appreciate your post, but have to disagree with part of it.


    The System Has Failed, Endgame, Th1rt3en and Dystopia are all fantastic.


    Musically speaking they still rip. Lyrics were huge to me with early deth and I can't relate to Dave anymore. No need to elaborate why.


    I like parts of the system has failed. Back in the day!


    I can understand that. As I said earlier in this thread, I don’t care about the lyrics, compared to the punch of the music.


    And that’s kind of funny, because in general I always pay attention to lyrics, I love them. But when it comes to metal I don’t care, really. It’s about the sound.

    I agree.


    That's too bad as early deth had good lyrics. Way better than Metallica and actually one of the big reasons I prefer deth over Metallica.


    I assume all you guys know what the band name means?



  8. Disappointed this still doesn't include a full length video of the MP/ESL setlist. I guess what wasn't released either never existed or has been lost. So yeah, just 3 cd set for me too. Audio of full show will be worth it and hopefully there is a noticeable difference in the remastering of the album proper as well.


    Baffling that there isn't complete footage, I realize it was shot on film and I suppose the budget would go up a fair bit to soot the entire show and then process all the footage, but surely they could have managed that for the 1 Montreal show.


    I'm not sure if it's due to the ESL video being made for TV (it wasn't available to purchase on VHS for quite some time after). Possibly the production company retained/ disposed of the original footage? Hard to believe these days :(


    Here's a clip of it being premiered on MTV...



    The good old days. I was stoked to watch it for the first time.


    Best video ever shown on mtv . Imo

    • Like 1
  9. Has anyone bought a King Biscuit live album and felt short changed when there was no actual biscuit included in the package? I have! How can they call themselves King Biscuit if they have no biscuit to offer?? Give me that biscuit! :smash: :eyeroll: :wacko: :blink:


    Where's your whistle from the old grey whistle test?


    Back in the day, the king biscuit was great.

    • Like 1
  10. Here are a handful of albums that feel like quick victory laps to the albums that finally “made it.” For me, to qualify it had to follow up the band’s most commercially successful album up to that point no more than 2 years later, and had to feel somewhat like a response to their newfound success. I’m sure I missed some, and I’m sure you may disagree with some of these choices (should Styx’s victory lap be Kilroy? Shouldn’t Kiss’s be Rock And Roll Over?) To those arguments I say: sure, probably. But here’s how I see it at this time, so here’s the poll for today.




    What about synchronicity?


    Others mentioned signals. Clockwork angels is the most victorious of all imo.


    Is the victory lap, their final lap? As in recording


    ETA- d'oh. Signals over clockwork based on your definition.




  11. I detect the el supremo from the room at the top of the stairs!


    Steely Dan for me. Tough call but show biz kid, my old school, razor boy, king of the world and your gold teeth all rule.


    Countdown to extinction kicks ass too. Saw that tour twice. Deth at the peak of the powers


    RIP- nick menza. Huge part of the sound on countdown.


    Lots of killer tunes but ashes in your mouth is my fave. The solos on that and hangar 18 from rust are two of deths finest moments imo

    • Like 2
  12. Ground breaking VS money making


    Post youthanasia is as bad as asia....


    When peace sells came out it appealed to me in the same way old rush did. Sick energy.


    To this day, wake up dead is my fave song pre biking or skiing tune.

    So you go biking and skiing? Where the mountains?


    Yeah, lived in the mtns since the early 80s.

    I need gravity and love both mtn biking and telemark skiing.

    Are you in great shape?


    Nothing special, an old chimp trying to keep on keeping on.


    Lol. I have hurt myself alot crashing and overdoing it. So I gotta stretch and walk everyday to stay right. 3 miles walk and yoga everyday for 13 years. Unless I am so hurt I cant walk.


    Maybe I should stop listening to wake up dead!


    I am into it. Two times in my life when I am living in the moment.no other thoughts when riding or skiing.

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