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Everything posted by salges

  1. HELP re: INDIANAPOLIS I understand regular sales start 7 May. When does the pre-sale start? and at which web site? and what is the password? You are all so in tune with this process! THANKS.
  2. So you all got your tix through pre-sales? On musictoday? With a unique password? Do all venues sell through musictoday?
  3. I think it's every fan for himself to find the sales dates for each venue.
  4. Any idea how much the tour package ticket is through MYLAA pre-sales? Any downside to going that route? Anyone done that?
  5. Hell, I just want to get decent seats for a change. Haven't broken that code yet.
  6. The Pass....."Raging at unreachable glory, Straining at invisible chains.....". Work sucked today. I can identify with this.
  7. salges

    RUSH Tattoo's

    First of all, kudos to greyfriar for his continued concert experiences. So cool. I'm 57, recently enlightened to the band, and after all these years of thinking about it, now I'm ready for a tattoo. I think I've settled on the "R" with the integral "3" and the amalgam symbol to its right. I want it visible without being "out there". Maybe inside of a forearm. With all the wine I've had tonight, if I knew of a good artist, I'd do it right now. My wife would be outraged, but WTF.
  8. It shifts from YYZ to Entres Vous to Bravado to Anthem.
  9. salges

    Feb 1st - Rush Day!!

    I thought every day was Rush day. After missing out on 20 years of enlightenment, my epiphany was seeing Time Machine in September 2010 (during The Camera Eye to be more specific). Now I can't get my fill.
  10. THAT's the shirt in the pic from HowItIs. Thank you! And yes, I'll be looking for that shirt. Thanks to those who actually tried to help.
  11. OK, know-it-alls, in the Cleveland Time Machine film, Alex' first outfit includes a black T-shirt under a gray sports jacket. I think I can make out two words on the shirt, something like "village vespas". It almost looks like the crest of a school. I've watched it ten times, froze frames, Googled the heck out of it, but can't find that shirt. Any guesses? Yes, it's trivial, the kind of trivia I chase. Thanks for help!
  12. Limelight intro up to the first cymbals....over and over and over.
  13. Super Bowl....cool. 1) Spirit of Radio to get everyone's attention's attention. 2) Dreamline 3) Territories, which I swear they wrote for an Olympics opening ceremony. 4) Limelight At least those are on my short list for my daily commute.
  14. Thanks to most all that responded; it's all great info. I asked and was set on a course I knew I must follow. No, Lerxster, I have not yet entirely explored every album. Just when I think I've fully assimilated the rhythms and poetry of one set and start on another, I'm pulled back to the previous. I can't get past Moving Pictures, Permanent Waves, Presto, Roll the Bones, Signals, and Snakes & Arrows. As I mentioned, I was recently enlightened (this time last year) and saw Time Machine in Atlanta and Nashville. I've 30 years to catch up on. Thanks again.
  15. Thanks to most all that responded; it's all great info. I asked and was set on a course I knew I must follow. No, Lerxster, I have not yet entirely explored every album. Just when I think I've fully assimilated the rhythms and poetry of one set and start on another, I'm pulled back to the previous. I can't get past Moving Pictures, Permanent Waves, Presto, Roll the Bones, Signals, and Snakes & Arrows. As I mentioned, I was recently enlightened (this time last year) and saw Time Machine in Atlanta and Nashville. I've 30 years to catch up on. Thanks again.
  16. Well I hope you're right about the tour but you're wrong about me.
  17. The tour's over. Is anyone else out there wondering what's next? I haven't had enough yet.
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