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Cosy Toes

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  • Interests
    Golf, Strangling Animals, Discombobulating Sep poes
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Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
  • Favorite Rush Song
    Garden Road
  • Favorite Rush Album
    The D�but
  1. QUOTE (Geddyfan13 @ Jun 4 2011, 03:24 AM) hello I hope it is ok for me to post here bcues som peopke told me wen i posted her befor that they dun like me cuz i cant tpe good but i just want to tak about rish and geedy i want to know what peoppl think becuse i have a qestion about rush. i wrote a story about rish making milk on a dary but my frend says that it wrong becaus in canda they dont have darys they get milk only from gaots i wanna now if thats trye doe anytone here know if thats true plese let me know if you knwo if thats true i think its very importnt for my story that it be right about the milj if they are no cows in canda mebb i can change the stry so that it is in ameica''? would it be ok if rush lives in america i wold like that cuz mebbe i wold meet geedy then someday heeh Will you marry me? Oh, and it's Candida.
  2. What a load of Shite. Hackneyed Filth. Bring Back Jon Pertwee. Heck, bring back Sylvester McCoy.
  3. QUOTE (Sir Lerxst @ Jun 4 2011, 10:25 PM) In mid 2010, he contracted an ear infection, which makes wearing In Ear Monitors incredibly painful Caused by dried Semen from Geddy and Alex trying to f**k some sense into him.
  4. QUOTE (cajun boy @ Jun 2 2011, 10:23 PM) QUOTE (Cosy Toes @ Jun 2 2011, 05:16 PM) You get a big Manhug from Alex and Geddy, they will sign anything you have brought with you, and will happily chat for 15 minutes . Neil works the room offering glasses of Champagne and nibbles. Forgot to post...IGNORANT people need not reply !!! I can only reply from experience.
  5. QUOTE (The Owl @ Jun 2 2011, 12:58 PM) I know pretentiousness is common among many prog groups, and hell almost welcome at times... but do you really need to call your albums "observations" Well for one Opeth are METAL not Prog, and they're not pretentious they're Swedish.
  6. You get a big Manhug from Alex and Geddy, they will sign anything you have brought with you, and will happily chat for 15 minutes . Neil works the room offering glasses of Champagne and nibbles.
  7. QUOTE (-Jane- @ Jun 1 2011, 10:27 PM) Why is new Opeth bad? is it bad to change up what you are doing? It only says probably, but they have been going downhill since Blackwater Park They've got a long way to roll down the hill before they reach Rush though!
  8. QUOTE (The Owl @ Jun 1 2011, 04:01 PM) Artwork for "Heritage" http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/248860_10150260186353410_7496603409_9002103_5549670_n.jpg Looks like the evil twin of a Gabriel era Genesis cover... but I like it. Just love the fact Per's head is falling out of the tree Remember Kiddies: Old Opeth Good, New Opeth Bad (Probably)
  9. QUOTE (RobC @ Jun 1 2011, 01:39 PM) still enjoyed both gigs massively though as i had been waiting 4 years since last time they were in Europe!! No you hadn't. You'd been waiting five months short of four years. Don't exaggerate.
  10. QUOTE (ghost of a chance @ Jun 1 2011, 01:03 PM) Listen guys, if you want perfect view and sound, just stay at home and watch the DVD's What like RiR with it's abysmal sound, and all the Rush DVD's have waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too frenetic editing . Rush Sux.
  11. QUOTE (phlaaps @ May 31 2011, 10:26 AM) QUOTE (Cosy Toes @ May 31 2011, 04:19 AM) Rush photos in Newcastle were better in 1977. Dick. You don't know me. Until you do it's Richard. Thank You.
  12. Rush photos in Newcastle were better in 1977.
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