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Everything posted by zappafrank

  1. I'm guessing this has already been posted before, but in case not, holy crap, this is awesome! I wonder if this was the inspiration for Mel's Rockpile. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qezwXjFpW-g
  2. I can't seem to find it on Ebay or Amazon. Wasn't just released this year? Is it any good? I know it's a collection of bootlegs but "officially" having a complete Hemispheres show is a draw.
  3. I actually did this my senior year, and it's perfect, if I do say so myself: "When I leave, I don't know What I'm hoping to find When I leave, I don't know What I'm leaving behind"
  4. How about... you do you, and Neil does Neil, and you don't judge him one way or the other?
  5. How exactly did he do it that was a problem? Genuinely curious, not meaning to be antagonistic.
  6. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/geddy-lee-i-think-ive-accepted-that-rush-has-done-its-last-tour/
  7. I also had the same observation, but in Neil's defense, A) he lives in a different place than the other guys and B) ever since Neil's family tragedies, Ged and Alex kind of run things from the public eye perspective, so it wouldn't be surprised if Neil's involvement with the doc was handled on his own terms, for lack of a better phrase.
  8. The doc definitely conveyed more of a sense of finality than anything that previously has been said in the press and/or hinted at by anyone related to the band, BUT... ...there is still just a touch of vagueness in some of their comments. Lots of "IF it's the end," "last MAJOR tour," and so forth. So, after having seen the documentary and gotten more insight from the band/crew themselves, do you still think there's a chance they'll ever play live again? Also noticed that they were clear to separate recording entity vs touring entity. It's honestly nothing groundbreaking in terms of how they've presented things all along, but still heartening to hear that we might get more new music of some kind.
  9. Given the incredibly short amount of time that Geddy plays guitar on Xanadu (couple minutes at most?), I find it odd that he chose to bear the weight of the bass/guitar combo through the entire song just for a flash in the pan use of the guitar right at the end of the song. Wouldn't it be more practical (and comfortable) just to have had one of Alex's guitars on a stand ready for him at the right moment?
  10. Either RtB or S&A "Well, they're still Rush albums, which automatically puts them ahead of the curve."
  11. ...who are these "most DT fans" of whom you speak? 1st I've ever heard of such a sentiment
  12. Really glad that RushIsaBand followed my lead, as it were, and called out all the misinterpretation of Alex's RS interview, especially with regards to Consequence of Sound. http://www.rushisaband.com/blog/2016/03/11/4640/Updates-and-other-random-Rush-stuff
  13. Actually, it was me in pain at MSG, from the jackass behind us who wouldn't shut up. Talking? Yeah. He was a motormouth, just babbling non-stop, and quite loudly, too, so it was easy to get distracted even when focusing on the music. And it wasn't even Rush stuff, he just took the opportunity to make the entire show his personal social hour.
  14. Actually, it was me in pain at MSG, from the jackass behind us who wouldn't shut up.
  15. Also, setlist.fm is user-driven, so it's only as good as the people contributing to it. Just b/c it's up there, it doesn't mean it's right. I remember hearing about someone went through a bunch of Nickelback setlists and replaced each song with "Shitty song, another shitty song, a song that sounds like the 1st shitty song, a new shitty song," etc. Well, OK, in the case of NB, the changes WERE right, but you get my point.
  16. Do they boys themselves not remember? I always imagined they'd be the kind of guys who'd keep meticulous notes of their setlists. Even then, an epic like Lamneth is not exactly a throwaway number, either, "they might have played once." If you play it, I'm guessing you remember the work that went into it.
  17. I just saw that. The problem with the whole thing is that it's being made out to the masses that Rush will never play live again. I think we all know that extended tours are a thing of the past. But they've always gone into this saying maybe a residency or something. The media presenting all of this as if Rush is 100% done for good, band members going their separate ways never to interact again.
  18. Well, I've already seen a couple of other sites (via FB links) report it as fact that Alex has confirmed they're done touring forever. It spreads like wildfire, and that's how rumors start.
  19. Everyone, my point isn't the RS article itself, but that I've already seen a few other sites using the article as confirmation from Alex that Rush is officially done touring, when in fact he says nothing of the sort. I'm correct in saying that these other sites are spreading false information by saying as such, right? That they misread the RS article?
  20. The article in question, in reference to Alex's Rolling Stone article: http://consequenceof...t-from-touring/ I think the Consequence of Sound people misread. Alex is saying they couldn't do more of the R40 tour, and nothing concrete about touring in general. This is the passage they point to: So, all those things combined, I get it. I’m disappointed and I think Geddy [Lee] is very disappointed and we’d love to continue this tour a little bit longer, but we’re off now. *THIS TOUR* I'm not being the anti-Bard, but I'm correct in that the CoS (hah, not Caress of Steel!) people misread, right?
  21. "Topher Grace lit by flickering torchlight" ...I don't get it
  22. (*goes all Back to the Future II*) *Commended for Presto, since that's the album that got me into Rush when I saw the video for "Show Don't Tell" on MTV as a wee 13 year old really discovering music for the 1st time.
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