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Do they adjust guitar and bass amps during show?


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Just curious if they keep the amps on both sides at a set level during the show, or maybe they have some Rush personnel in the distance to dictate if the guitar or bass be turned up or down.

The reason I ask is, there were a few songs where I had a hard time hearing Alex's guitar. Like it could have been turned up a few notches.


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My guess is that the guy working the mixing board looks after all that.

I noticed the guitars were a little thin for the first few songs of the Calgary show.

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I think the techs/FOH adjusts the volume, but with the band's imput. For example, in Dallas when Limelight started Alex's guitar was a little too low so he motioned to his tech to 2.gif on stage (get it?) and adjust it. Sometimes they can be too loud. For Example, when I saw them on the R30 tour during RTB Alex's (maybe the band as a whole) was way too loud, so he kept signaling (from reading his lips he threw in a few colorful metaphors) to turn down. The venue's P.A. was clipping badly (this also happened when I saw them 3 weeks ago.) and so Alex's guitar ended up dropping out completely from the P.A. signal.
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