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  1. http://s22.postimg.org/8242kim1d/Screenshot_2015_12_08_19_11_13_zpsgqx4sx2u_edit.jpg
  2. Best band on the planet right now, IN MY IMMODEST AND STUCK UP OPINION! Some info on the next album: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://loudwire.com/alter-bridge-january-2016-studio-return-new-album/&ved=0ahUKEwj7vLa9t6fJAhWCLBoKHU4GCCwQFggbMAA&usg=AFQjCNHoAKiO9k_XvxrerkZIcGBD41M2Uw&sig2=rUrnI1s2tOonl85mtjyHug Some good news! Creed reunion is delayed for at least another year because of all this! YAY!
  3. Soooooo... Could this be a win for a non-Rush song?
  6. What are your favourite albums of the year? These are mine: 1. Fleet Foxes- Shores 2. Taylor Swift- Folklore 3. Biffy Clyro- A Celebration Of Endings 4. Bruce Springsteen- Letters To You 5. Taylor Swift- Evermore 6. Trivium- What The Dead Men Say 7. Rina Sawayama- Sawayama- 8. The Killers- Imploding The Mirage 9. Eleine- Dancing In Hell 10. Nightwish- Human Nature
  7. So which one? And I look forward to seeing Signals win this poll! These were left out of the other polls hahaha...
  8. Two hotly loved Rush songs, from two very different eras. Both deserving...but which is best?
  9. To underappreciated classics. Which is best?
  10. Both are beautifully produced, both suffer from negative feedback more than most. Both have weird moments (in a good or bad way, up to you to decide). Which is better?
  11. I am in total shock. This actually has devestated me.
  12. I am currently on a chronological revisit of one of my favourite bands of the last couple of years, and by now, of all time. With every revisit, more songs jump out at me as being magnificent. Now I thought it could be fun to open discussion about Judas Priest and their songs, as we often love to debate about albums and rankings and polls. But what are your favourite songs? Of the early albums, my favourite songs are: Rock A Rolla Cheater Victim Of Changes Deceiver Diamonds And Rust Last Rose Of Summer (omg I bloody worship this song) Exciter Better By You, Better Than Me Beyond The Realms Of Death And you know what song really, truly stands out to me? The Stained Class bonus track Fire Burns Below. Bloody love that one! Of course I love plenty more, this list only covers the first four albums! And you?
  13. Two weird songs, both comparable for oddness. Which is better?
  14. Go for it!
  15. For the fans who have no real place to go!
  16. Personally, both are AMAZING albums, and although both get a 9/10 rating from me, one is definitely closer to a 10/10 than the other. For me, Grace Under Pressure. But when it comes down to it, which of these two albums, the first Rush albums post-Terry Brown, takes home the glory?
  17. I vote Bastille Day, one of my top ten Rush songs. You?
  18. Africa. I love both of these haha
  19. No arguing about whether Permanent Waves counts or not! This isn't labelled "seventies", I'm just curious about what you guys would rank as top ten from these albums: Rush Fly By Night Caress Of Steel 2112 A Farewell To Kings Hemispheres We have tonnes of these threads. But to know what? I haven't played Rush properly in months. I'd like too change that! Let's start celebrating the music we love! Share your favourites. These records I think are tough as their are so many classics.
  20. Over the next few weeks/months I'm going to revisit some classic Stephen King books as well as catch up on some newer ones that I haven't read yet. So I thought I'd make my own thread and do my own little reviews. Feel free to comment or ignore as you please... Ok I'm starting off with the 4th volume of The Dark Tower series, Wizard and Glass, which I read back in 1998. I need to read this as a recap for the 5th, 6th and 7th volumes that I'll be reading later on. When I came to read this last time I did so with a groan as it's a flashback to Roland's youth and not a continuation of the story itself in the current timeline. As I began to read it however I realised it was slowly becoming the best volume in the series (for me anyway) even better than The Drawing of the Three... And by the end I thought it was one of the top dozen or so novels of King's career... Here's what my copy looks like... http://www.stephenking.nl/images/boeken/skewizard_glass.jpg
  21. A Facebook page I follow (Worship Metal) has a new feature for 2020. One album they deem to be classic every day. So far: 1/1/2020: Black Sabbath- Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (1973) Really enjoyed this. 2/1/20: Death Angel- Darkness Descends (1986) I enjoyed this even more! A sublime thrash metal album! 3/1/20: Entombed- Left Hand Path (1990) Another absolutely magnificent metal album! 4/1/20: Metal Church- Metal Church (1984) Again, I enjoyed this one immensely. 5/1/20: Candlemass- Epicus Doomicus Metalicus (1986) My favourite so far! Have you guys any interest in following? I've loved discovering some new albums, it's been great so far. I've enjoyed them all, especially Entombed and Candlemass.
  22. http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-and-love-lorraine-42.png WE ALL LOVE YOU!
  23. Not sure if one of these threads already exists but even if there is one, it's likely time for a new one! I grew up with R.E.M. But as with a lot of things, over time I left them behind and started enjoying more music, most of it far away from this style. But lately I've been listening to them constantly, and not only do I still love these albums, I appreciate them even more than before because I can hear just how special they are. Murmur, Reckoning and Monster are my current favourite albums. I noticed in the last week, as I have moved house, that I do not own a single one of their albums except for Automatic For The People. I've changed that. I've bought the bands first ten albums (the ones I grew up with). So, what are your thoughts on this band? Any favourite songs? Any reasons why you might strongly feel the opposite to how I feel about them?
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