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Found 2 results

  1. Does anyone have any articles or know of any interviews where a great songwriter has been asked how he/she wrote a great song? Like someone asking Paul McCartney how he wrote Hey Jude, or someone asking James Taylor how he wrote Fire And Rain. You see, as an architecture student, I spend some of my time learning about how the great architects conceived their great buildings, what the though processes were that they went through. Now I've learned a lot of this can be read by analyzing their buildings closely, but it becomes a lot easier to do with a professor asking you the right questions to get the right answers. Meanwhile, I may spend weeks analyzing an incredible song like Baba O'Reily, and come no closer to understanding how Pete Townshend wrote that masterpiece, only how it goes. So I want to know... How do you guys think great songwriters write great songs? Do you have any examples of interviews or articles where a great songwriter talks about the process behind writing a great song? What are their approaches?
  2. Been awhile since I last visited, but Rush never seems to go away, right? I'm sure we all have different listening styles nowadays. Some might play an album or three start to finish, some mix just the 80's synth stuff, some mix the Rush randomly with all the rest of their musicses.... I like playlists. Different songs for different moods. Here's a few of mine, but I have many more. The title of the playlist is important, of course, so you can dial into the RUSH that is needed for the moment: Heartstrings.m3u 1. Different Strings 2. Closer to the Heart 3. Time Stand Still 4. Cold Fire 5. Bravado 6. Resist 7. Nobody's Hero 8. Hope Indulgences.m3u 1. Hope 2. MalNar 3. Turn the Page 4. Where's my thing? 5. Marathon 6. Territories 7. Grand Designs 8. YYZ 9. Jacob'sLadder 10. Broon's Bane 11. The Trees 12. Alien Shore 13. La Villa Strangiato 14. Xanadu 15. Leave that thing alone 16. Losing It 17. The Main Monkey Business 18. Something for Nothing 19. MalNar 20. Hope Soapbox.m3u 1. Dreamline 2. Grand Designs 3. Mission 4. Manhattan Project 5. Hope 6. Cut to the Chase 7. Territories 8. Alien Shore 9. MalNar 10. The Larger Bowl 11. Turn th ePage 12. The Big Money 13. Cold Fire 14. Open Secrets 15. Ghost of a Chance 16. Time Stand Still 17. Marathon 18. Where's my thing? 19. The Main Monkey Business Top Old.m3u 1. Fly By Night 2. Making Memories 3. Beneath, Between, Behind 4. By-Tor and the Snow Dog 5. In the End 6. The Fountain of Lamneth 7. The Necromancer 8. Something for Nothing 9. A Passage to Bangkok 10. The Twilight Zone 11. Lessons 12. Tears 13. A Farewell to Kings 14. Cinderella Man 15. Madrigal Epics.m3u 1. The Necromancer 2. By-Tor and the Snow Dog 3. 2112 4. Cygnus X-1 5. Hemispheres 6. La Villa Strangiato 7. Natural Science 8. Broon's Bane 9. The Trees 10. Xanadu 11. YYZ 12. Freewill 13. Red Barchetta 14. Subdivisions 15. The Weapon 16. Losing It 17. Territories 18. The Big Money 19. Marathon 20. Mission 21. Time Stand Still 22. Turn the Page 23. Show Don't Tell 24. The Pass 25. The Pass 26. Chain Lightning 27. Dreamline 28. Ghost of a Chance 29. Alien Shore 30. Stick It Out 31. Leave that thing alone 32. Test for Echo 33. Resist 34. Limbo 35. Heart Full of Soul 36. Hope 37. Armor and Sword 38. Far Cry 39. The Main Monkey Business 40. Malignant Narcissism Whew.... good thing I'm a fast typer, it only took 3 songs to type up those lists (granted, one of the 3 songs was 2112 in its entirety). All the variety just goes to show how much ground Rush songs can cover... Do you have any you'd like to share?
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