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  1. :cheers: Happy 10th Anniversary, jnoble !! :cheers: Cheers to you and best wishes for many more years on TRF!
  2. :sundog: :sundog: Happy 13th Anniversary, Sunny! :sundog: :sundog: It's been awhile since you posted, but I still wanted to send warm wishes your way! I hope all is wonderful with Digi Man and the family!
  3. :cheers: Happy 10th Anniversary, The Cat 3 !! :cheers: Best wishes to one of the coolest cats on TRF- enjoy your 10 year milestone!
  4. :cheers: Happy 13th Anniversary, Inthend !! :cheers: Cheers to 13 years- that's awesome! And go Eagles! :)
  5. :cheers: Happy 13th Anniversary, troutman !! :cheers: You haven't been here lately but I couldn't miss an opportunity to honor 13 awesome years of troutman! I hope things are going well for you in Alaska!
  6. :ebert: :ebert: Happy 2nd Anniversary, Wil !! :ebert: :ebert: We're so glad you're here- cheers !
  7. :ebert: :ebert: Happy 2nd Anniversary, Lurkst !! :ebert: :ebert: Here's to two years and many more to come!
  8. :cheers: Happy 12th Anniversary, alphseeker !! :cheers: OK, I apologize that this is a day late, but best wishes to our resident cycling enthusiast ! The Tour de France is less than six months away!!
  9. :cheers: Happy 11th Anniversary, willowroolz !! :cheers: Cheers to 11 years on TRF, and here's to many more !!
  10. :cheers: Happy 13th Anniversary, Jaminbenb! :cheers: Here's to a great long run on TRF and to a fellow central Pennsylvanian! Celebrate!
  11. :cheers: Happy Anniversary, Xanadoood! :cheers: Cheers to nine years, and many more for the guy named after one of the most awesome Rush songs!! Best Wishes !!
  12. :cheers: Happy Anniversary, Gemini Rising! :cheers: Here's to an entire awesome decade on TRF and many more to come!
  13. :ebert: Happy Anniversary, tomhealey!! :ebert: Here's to the guy in the front rows at the final R40 show! We thank you for your concert tales and wish you happy 7th anniversary!
  14. :cheers: Happy Anniversary, onthebeam! :cheers: Cheers to 10 years of being on TRF !! Celebrate!
  15. :ebert: Happy Anniversary, GeddyLeeRoth !! :ebert: Cheers to you and your 10 years on TRF !!
  16. Happy Anniversary, EmotionDetector!! Wow! Eleven years is exceptional !! Cheers!
  17. :cheers: Happy 10th Anniversary, Mr. JD !! :cheers: Best wishes to TRF's awesome photographer, defender of the traveling hard drive, and looong time Rush fan! Cheers!
  18. :cheers: Happy 8th Anniversary, Maverick !! :cheers: Here's to a great eight years with TRF's jet pilot, amp and pedal expert, and baseball fan! 32 days until spring training!
  19. :cheers: Happy Anniversary, invisible airwave! :cheers: Cheers to one of TRF's big movie experts! Celebrating 7 years and infinity movies! :)
  20. :cheers: Happy Anniversary, Laura !! :cheers: Here's to three years and many more of your great posts on TRF !! I'm still jealous you got to meet Geddy! ;) Best Wishes!
  21. :clap: Happy 2nd Anniversary, prolix !! :clap: Cheers to your two years of membership on TRF! Here's to many more! :)
  22. :cheers: Happy Anniversary, PolarizeMe ! :cheers: Here's to 8 years and at least as many more on TRF !!
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