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Posts posted by Mara

  1. So, I just got an iPad Air2 and am obsessed!


    I'm going to be using it as my main computer for a little while. My laptop shit the bed a couple of weeks ago, and I am DONE with Microsoft. I can't quite afford a Mac right now, maybe after Christmas. I've got questions for Apple geeks here.


    Security. I know one of the upsides of Apple is that they're immune to a lot of crap that PC users have to watch for, but what do I need to consider when putting personal data out there? Not like I do a ton of online financial transactions - mostly paying bills through my bank website - but do I need to install extra security software? I can do most of the online banking from my work computer if I have to; their network is super locked down and firewalled to the nth degree.


    I'm mainly using the iPad at home, and it's connected via my home network. I do have it set up with my wireless carrier, though, I don't plan to connect through them often. Anything I need to watch out for? I do know better than to use most public wifi spots for sensitive personal info.

  2. Wow, so many responses! I have missed everyone, even the people I haven't met!


    Some of you know or suspect why I vanished. I won't bore everyone with details (and quite frankly I am trying to put distance there, so no point rehashing). But to those of you who don't, and are wondering -


    - No, I haven't been in jail

    - I haven't been in drug/alcohol rehab

    - I wasn't abducted and probed by aliens

    - I didn't get knocked up (otherwise I WOULD be in jail for beating the stuffing out of the doctor who tied my tubes 15 years ago)!

    • Like 4
  3. Two new ones:


    Recently I was in the self-checkout line at Kroger. I've been going to this store for a while, and they have the nicest, friendliest staff. I enjoy talking to them.

    Anyway, Karla was the attendant at the self checkout that day. The woman across from me clearly had no clue how to use the self-checkout registers - she couldn't scan her stuff, kept piling stuff right on top of the scale (which you can't do, obviously). Karla went to try to help her and the woman proceeded to chew her head off, screaming, "I'm not stupid! I know how to buy groceries!" Karla said quietly, "It's okay, ma'am. I can see you're getting a little frustrated and it's my job to help you. I want to help you!" She then offered to scan in some produce (produce can be a pain in the ass even if you know what you're doing). The woman responded by setting the produce on an empty stand and yelling, "I'm just not going to buy it! So there! Does that make you happy?"


    I caught Karla's eye and mouthed, "WTF?" Finished my transaction. I then walked over to the nasty piece of work and said, "You know, you really ought to make a doctor's appointment and see about getting that broom taken out of your ass. It's obviously causing you problems." Then turned to Karla, who was stifling giggles, and said, "You have a great day. Don't let one screwed up bitch wreck it for you. I'll see you later this week." She mouthed, "Thank you."


    So, I was piling groceries in my car and Karla came running out. She apologized and asked if I would mind talking to her manager. Yes, the rude bitch was over at customer service complaining about Karla. I was more than happy to, explained that Karla is always sweet and personable and never anything but professional and that the customer had behaved abominably. The manager wasn't too concerned - she said she knew Karla well enough to trust that she had been courteous and professional.


    I hate seeing people abused like that. She works hard; because she's a checkout attendant in a grocery store doesn't mean she is somehow less of a human being.


    Other story: American Airlines sucks ass. Big time. They lost my return flight reservation on Friday morning (merger with US Airways has screwed up a lot of stuff). And I would have been OK with that - stuff happens - except that they were rude about it to ME! I was shuffling a little and getting anxious, saying I was worried about missing my flight. The ticketing clerk snapped back, "Well, you're going to miss it anyway, because you don't have a reservation!" I had the e-ticket, which proved I DID have a reservation. So they kept looking - they'd booked me on the same flight a month later!!!! Their dates didn't match the one I had on my e-ticket, which saved my ass.


    Three different agents later - I was booked on another flight, finally. Only one of them was at all pleasant. I'd never been in the Philly airport before and to get anywhere you have to go around your ass to get to your elbow. The guy who typed up my voucher for the new flight couldn't finish processing it (because he didn't have a phone - wtf?), so had to send me to another counter. He gave me wrong directions, and when I returned to ask again, he just stared at me and said, "You got lost? It's not that hard." A sympathetic passenger overheard and walked me to where I needed to go.


    Never, ever flying AA again. The have attained a new level of suck.

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  4. f***ing car accident. My fault completely - I thought I had enough room to squeeze past and change lanes. Impatience and exhaustion = poor judgment. Tore the running board off of the passenger side. Crap. Other guy was nice; I felt bad, and am still so angry at myself.


    Plus side of dating a lawyer: I called him immediately after and he gave me great advice on what NOT to say; i.e.: "do not tell the cop you're exhausted and running on fumes. Do not tell him that you've just flown home from going to a rock concert. Do not volunteer anything." He did calm me down, too. Sucks. I have the cleanest f***ing driving record up to now - haven't had a wreck in decades. I am so pissed at myself.

  5. Probably my last show and I am glad they were so "on". Alex was definitely feeling better than he was during the Atl. show - he was his usual goofy self, clowning around and interacting with the crowd.
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  6. F.ucking Guilford County planner who doesn't know what the f*uck he's looking at. He's held up our site for THREE FREAKING MONTHS asking for stupid information that isn't necessary, causing us to do innumerable revisions to the construction plans and Every. Damn. Time he comes back with something new he wants to see (when he bothers to respond to my efforts to communicate). NO, WE ARE NOT ADDING A GRADING AND STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN FOR A 120 Sq.Ft, CONCRETE PAD. NO!!! That requirement is for a MAJOR plan review only. Says so in your stupid little pamphlet. We are doing a MINOR plan review.


    Unfortunately the other planner there is also dumber than a bag of hammers. So we are stuck. I am so angry right now that I don't dare call him.

  7. Its been hot as blazes here in Myrtle Beach SC for at least a week now. Some days the heat index has been over 105. Humid as all get out. Walk outside and sweat without making a move even at night. This kind of heat seems a bit early to me. Whew...

    Man, you ain't lying. I was in Shallotte on Thursday and I almost got sick because it wa so hot unloading in the trailer.

    I just cut the grass a little while ago. Good grief the humidity is thick. How the hell I worked in that sh*t for 7 years is beyond me at this point. 130 degree attics every day and step outside in 95 degree heat to "cool off". Crazy sh*t. I was good at it too but never again...

    And here I am in Palm Springs, where it's been between 110 and 118 every day. I love the heat, lazing in the pool and having a cocktail or two. Nothing one can do but relax and take it in. :sundog:


    Yeah, but how much longer are you going to have the water to fill that pool?

    • Like 1

    Summer was cool up until I graduated university and thus no longer got a 3-month break (though I did work part-time every summer starting at age 17. Still).


    Having "summer vacation" and getting to sleep in and spend chunks of free time having fun or just lazing around the pool almost made up for the horrendous heat and 6854% humidity.


    Once I became an adult the concept of "summer break" vanished along with any other redeeming qualities the season might have to offer. Now it's all about dashing from one air-conditioned environment to another.


    And the bugs. Dear god, the f*ucking bugs....

    • Like 2
  9. I also like to have my hair stroked/gently pulled during a long kiss.


    Some ear play is nice and can be exciting, but don't overdo! I've had an experience or two where it felt like the guy was trying to get down in there and lick my brain. Not sexy at all. As with just about everything, there is a line that, once crossed, can derail the whole train.

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  10. I didn't get to work out today with the SO - schedules conflicted. He left me a protein shake in the fridge, as he usually does when we know we might not see each other. Today he left a little note underneath it - "Take me only if you're blonde and cute". I called later, all flattered and stuff, to thank him. He said expect a new note with each shake, even on days we're both there. :)
    • Like 1
  11. Just random musings from an idle mind....


    What, to you, makes a kiss great/perfect?


    I mean, it's easy to list things that make a kiss bad, like bad breath, too much saliva, or a dead fish tongue that just sort of flops into your mouth and lies there like a big wet....blob.


    Of course there are many, many contexts in play as well. Like first date vs. booty call, for example.


    For me, soft, sensitive lips are a must, to name one thing. There needs to be lip action and movement, not just pressing them against mine. I'm sure I'll think of some other things.


    Edit: I did think of something else. I like it when the other person lightly traces the outline of my lips with just the tip of his tongue between kisses. I also love soft little kisses on the neck.


    Anyone else? I know this is in NWW, but I'd love to know the guys' perspective as well.

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  12. Nothing will kill a guy's sex life more than a marrage license and a comfortable recliner.


    Lexapro will kill off anyone's sex drive. Trust me; it's one reason I was able to endure the dry spell I had. But if you happen to meet someone who really lights you up, well, then.....no problemo! (Have made a recent-ish switch to Effexor. It doesn't banjax the sex drive like Lexapro does. Lexapro and its cousin Celexa also make it difficult to erm, cross the finish line, if you get my drift).

  13. I was at my mom's house recently helping her to clean out That Closet - you know, the one with stuff that no one knows what to do with. We found my rubber skirt that I purchased 20 years ago. I was going through a slightly snotty rebellious phase at the time, and wore that skirt with Doc Martens and an old ripped Sex Pistols sweatshirt to Christmas dinner at my dad's, along with a glue-on nose stud.
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