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Everything posted by RussDRocker

  1. Guys, I was in the front row center for Pittsburgh! What an amazing show. The crowd knew every song and there was alot of excitement. It was great to see the guys up close. You can see every facial expression and it looked like they glaced over at us from time to time. Obviously, these tickets cost an arm and a leg and it is not something you can do every day (unless you are financially wealthy) But if you ever want the best show ever up close, pick a show this tour and just do it!!! You will not be disappointed!! This trip was 4 months of planning but we were at the Marriott right across the street, you can not ask for better then that! The Cobol Energy Center is brand new and very nice inside. I do not agree with those that do not like the first set. Although I am not a fan of 80's keyboard music, this band can get away with it. "Presto" sounded very good live. "Stick it out" brought us back to the heavier RUSH that many prefer. There was a good mix of both 80's stuff blended with other material. The second set was smoking!!! Great to hear "The Camera Eye". Alex acoustic solo before "Closer to the Heart was inspiring and soothing. All in all, RUSH is the best-period!!! Russ
  2. The cab will take you to Jone's Beach but will not take you back!!! I called! Russ
  3. Yes, BU2B is first. You are right but still cool to have the mini CD. I got an E-mail from the web site when it came out and I bought it right away. Russ
  4. Got mine from the RUSH Backstage web site.
  5. Hey guys. This is Russ from Long Island. I need two tickets for RUSh in Pittsburgh in say the first three rows from the stage. Tickets prices that I will not have to mortgage a house to afford. If you or anyone you know has these awesome seats and they can't go, please E-mail me at RussDRocker@yahoo.com. I am going no matter what!!!! Russ D'Angelo
  6. RUSH is the best!!! Need 2 tickets halfway decent (say first 20 rows) at a reasonable price. IF you guys have them or know someone that does, please let me know. Here is my info: Russ D'Angelo E-mail RussDRocker@yahoo.com. You can also send me a message on Facebook.
  7. I can tell you that those that like Vapor Trails are not younger guys or teenagers. Those people only know RUSh for what's on the radio like "Tom Sawyer", "Spirit of Radio", etc. They have no idea that RUSh has an album called "Vapor Trails". Russ
  8. I for one would love to hear "Fly by Night" as well. I don't think it is primitive or simplistic at all!!!It's a great song. Russ
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