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Everything posted by fledgehog

  1. My most recent additions: Arctic Monkeys- Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not Yes-90125 Rush- Replay Dream Theater- Live at Budokan AC/DC- AC/DC Live
  2. All the World's a Stage --> Limelight?
  3. ^^Thought that the smoke detector in his room is actually a video camera
  4. umm....that's true...*looks embarressed* ahem...anyways... ^^^Is a stick figure
  5. ^^Is so uncreative that he couldn't make 1/2 a paper out of a paper and a paper cutter
  6. ^^^Lives on a diet of other people's .
  7. ^^Makes alcoholic drinks with actual mud
  8. http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-16.JPG Don't you touch that guitar, mister... http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-18.JPG Umm...Alex...we're not playing that song right now... http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-19.JPG Do you guys out there know what song we're playing now? Might wanna help me out here... http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-15.JPG ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-2.JPG Geddy? What in God's name are you doing up there? http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-3.JPG Me Geddy. Me play bass. Me not happy. GRRRRRAH! http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-9.JPG "I See Red..." http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-11.JPG Neil's rhythms start getting a bit too mystic http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-6.JPG For crying out loud, Geddy, I'm playing the right song, you and Neil aren't! http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-12.JPG This one's just dying to be captioned...I need an expert to do this one...help please? http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-23.JPG Will you guys get away from the stage before Alex f***ing falls over on you? http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Rush-21.JPG okay cymbal, here I come... http://images.starpulse.com/AMGPhotos/pic200/drp100/p162/p16203riblx.jpg Come back down here!
  9. http://www.mysticrhythms.se/pics/150.jpg Geddy: I told you not to make up your own chord progressions during the show! Alex: (thinking) *help me, I can't breathe!* Neil: *sigh* Not again...
  10. ^^Doesn't have anything to share, except a 1-inch dick and an '87 Chevy Cavalier that doesn't run.
  11. ^^^Doesn't know what Preparation H is.
  12. ^^Bad at calling people bad at flaming
  13. ^^Drove to his phone service provider to ask for help when his attempts to do so failed.
  14. ^^attempts to turn the dials on keypad phones
  15. ^^Knows no meaning of the word "cell" beyond "cell phone"
  16. ^^Is closer to a "Britney Spears Child" than a "Rock Child"
  17. ^^Attempted to marry and reproduce with a rock.
  18. ^^Actually believes that rocks grow
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