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Everything posted by fledgehog

  1. I think GaGa wins the talent war. Not much interesting about Katy Perry aside from her boobs, and Ke$ha is just a caveman in the wrong time with autotune. for whatever it's worth, this is what Lady GaGa sounded like before she was well...you know....Lady GaGa. Give it a listen, you'll be surprised: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_U7VSQmVpo
  2. QUOTE (RUSHHEAD666 @ Jul 2 2011, 03:10 AM) She is [...] good looking uhhhhh
  3. the 1913 premiere of Sravinsky's Rite of Spring The Beatles' first United States appearance any Rush Caress of Steel show
  4. re: crazy driving in Asian countries about ten years ago I went on vacation with my family to China. The driving in major cities like Shanghai and Beijing was only slightly more reckless than the worst US cities, but in some more obscure cities out in the Gobi desert and whatnot, it seemed perfectly acceptable to drive on the sidewalk, in the other lane, etc...it seemed that the goal when driving in China is to stop as little as possible. I distinctly remember our tour bus driver blowing the bus horn more times in each trip that I or anyone else around here has probably in their entire life. And I know that it probably gets even worse in some less developed parts of the continent/world.
  5. the track seems to be receiving unanimous praise. Perhaps it's because Systematic Chaos and Black Clouds significantly lowered standards, but i think it's a good song nonetheless. the differences that Portnoy's departure have caused are without a doubt positive across the board. They aren't trying to be heavier than they are, they aren't trying to emulate Portnoy's flavor of the week band, Rudess is using a real piano rather than bebot and ipad crap (as cool as that stuff is, it needed a f***ing rest), Mangini doesn't use the same fill over and over again every 3 seconds (like Portnoy has been doing since 2003), and most importantly, the song feels like a cohesive whole piece, rather than a bunch of solos thrown together with a growly section from Portnoy. I'm definitely excited for what the official release has in store. If this is *just* the single, the other stuff has got to be amazing!
  6. it's not 2004 any more, wikipedia is just as reliable as a hard-copy publication. the problem doesn't lie in the wiki article, it lies in the people who feel the need to superanalyze every aspect of everything, ever. does it really matter what is or isn't a ballad? the whole reason i posted the wiki article was to give a definition that is generally accepted. If you choose to classify ballads differently, so be it, but does it really make a difference? (I suppose if you're one of those people who thinks that "all rock ballads suck", you'd want to make sure there's some sort of loophole so that all your favorite rock ballads magically evade the definition and thus the generalization as well). When it comes to classifying music, there are a million factors to take into consideration, and although there may be definitions that are more widely accepted than others, there's no "right way". If I say that I think YYZ is a ballad, who is anyone else to tell me I'm wrong?
  7. 1. starts on 1 2. the key itself has just as much to do with emotion and color as the mode. this is why certain keys have certain connotations (C major is generally seen as pretty bland and flat, Db is seen as calm and tranquil, Eb is seen as victorious, Dm is seen as the saddest/scariest of all keys). I don't know enough about psychology and musicology to be able to explain it accurately, but it probably has a lot to do with the overtone series and frequencies. to me, natural minor has always sounded more somber, whereas the "scary" minor is harmonic minor (because of the augmented second).
  8. QUOTE (MCM @ Jun 27 2011, 07:33 PM) QUOTE (fledgehog @ Jun 27 2011, 09:56 AM) from Wikipedia: Pop and rock ballads The most common use of the term ballad in modern pop music is for an emotional love song. When the word ballad appears in the title of a song, as for example in The Beatles's "The Ballad of John and Yoko" or Billy Joel's "The Ballad of Billy the Kid", the folk-music sense is generally implied. Ballad is also sometimes applied to strophic story-songs more generally, such as Don McLean's "American Pie". Power ballads Simon Frith identifies the origins of the power ballad in the emotional singing of soul artists, particularly Ray Charles and the adaptation of this style by figures such as Eric Burdon, Tom Jones and Joe Cocker to produce slow tempo songs often building to a loud and emotive chorus backed by drums, electric guitars and sometimes choirs. According to Charles Aaron, power ballads came into existence in the early 1970s, when rock stars attempted to convey profound messages to audiences. He argues that the power ballad broke into the mainstream of American consciousness in 1976 as FM radio gave a new lease of life to earlier songs like Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" (1971), Aerosmith's "Dream On" (1973), and Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Free Bird" (1974).[35] Other notable examples include Nazareth's version of "Love Hurts" (1975), Foreigner's "I Want to Know What Love Is",[34] Scorpions "Still Loving You", (both 1984), Heart's "What About Love" (1985) and Whitesnake's "Is This Love" (1987). I think the writer of this Wiki is confused between a ballad and an anthem. Some of these are ballads (in the modern sense of the word) and some are stadium anthems. from wiki, again: Modern use The word "anthem" is commonly used to describe a celebratory song or composition for a distinct group, as in the term "national anthem". Many pop songs are used as anthems, such as Queen's "We are the Champions", which is commonly used as a sports anthem. The term "anthemic" is a modern word coined to describe music with a celebratory connotation to it. nothing celebratory about any of the ballads listed.
  9. QUOTE (Invisible To Telescopic Eye @ Jun 27 2011, 03:12 PM) Rock ballads suck, including Entres Nous. ....................
  10. from Wikipedia: Pop and rock ballads The most common use of the term ballad in modern pop music is for an emotional love song. When the word ballad appears in the title of a song, as for example in The Beatles's "The Ballad of John and Yoko" or Billy Joel's "The Ballad of Billy the Kid", the folk-music sense is generally implied. Ballad is also sometimes applied to strophic story-songs more generally, such as Don McLean's "American Pie". Power ballads Simon Frith identifies the origins of the power ballad in the emotional singing of soul artists, particularly Ray Charles and the adaptation of this style by figures such as Eric Burdon, Tom Jones and Joe Cocker to produce slow tempo songs often building to a loud and emotive chorus backed by drums, electric guitars and sometimes choirs. According to Charles Aaron, power ballads came into existence in the early 1970s, when rock stars attempted to convey profound messages to audiences. He argues that the power ballad broke into the mainstream of American consciousness in 1976 as FM radio gave a new lease of life to earlier songs like Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" (1971), Aerosmith's "Dream On" (1973), and Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Free Bird" (1974).[35] Other notable examples include Nazareth's version of "Love Hurts" (1975), Foreigner's "I Want to Know What Love Is",[34] Scorpions "Still Loving You", (both 1984), Heart's "What About Love" (1985) and Whitesnake's "Is This Love" (1987).
  11. traditionally, a folk ballad is one that tells a story. ballad being used to describe a slower-paced song holds its roots in jazz (slower jazz songs are frequently referred to as such). In rock, the term, to me, has more to do with musical style than lyrical content. Doesn't have to be a "love song", although most ballads do involve a love figure (past, present, or hopeful future).
  12. QUOTE (ghostworks @ Jun 25 2011, 07:33 PM) Pat Metheny Group > The Way Up live The Way Up is almost the complete opposite of a jam...one of Metheny's most intricate compositions. It's a fine piece, album and performance nonetheless, but not entirely relevant. Re: OP - jam bands might not be for burned out hippies, but Phish sure are.
  13. student still although i do some teaching and gigging when the opportunities arise.
  14. QUOTE (Sir Lerxst @ Jun 26 2011, 07:06 PM) I was driving about today and realised that although traffic lights can be annoying, my biggest hate on the roads are cyclists. Especially when you get one that sits bang on the White line in the middle of the road, limiting the amount of space you can give them on overtaking, which they then complain about because they get blown about by the draft, but I'm not going to sit behind you at 5mph watching your arse jiggle up and down either. The most annoying thing ever though, has to go to cyclists who ride side by side. They have been known to actually block roads around here, because there is not enough space to pass them. Also farm traffic. Driving at 15mph on the road in a vehicle that could happily do the same speed in the field right next to road. Farmers always claim that they stop often to let cars pass. I live in the countryside, driving 1000 miles per month, and have never seen this happen. Not even once. ugh, far too many people ride bikes around here on roads that are 1 lane in each direction and have little to no shoulder. I am all for using bikes as a mode of transportation -- but when you're getting dressed up in your silly spandex and going out for a recreational ride, keep it on the recreational bike paths and residential neighborhoods, and stay off the damn main roads. On the rare occasion that one of them is riding near the side of the road, and not dead in the middle of it, you still have to think fast if you wanna have any chance of passing them without colliding head-on with traffic in the other direction. they put up "shared roadway" signs, but those are there to remind DRIVERS to look out for bikers, NOT to give bikers an excuse to go all over the road. Quite possibly the most annoying thing around here, however, is the suburbia mom syndrome. A couple weeks ago, I was coming out of a small local road where I live (half dirt, half paved, almost 2 lanes wide), at about 3:45pm, which is prime time for school buses. Mom #1 in her honda accord is stopped in front of me. She's standing in the road awaiting her child. Mom #2, driving one of those hideous 2010-generation Outbacks, emerges from a 500-foot long side street and parks PARALLEL to the Accord, gets out of her car and begins chatting with Accord mom...IN THE ROAD. they're now successfully blocking traffic in both directions. After about 10 minutes of waiting for them to leave, i gave them a few angry horn honks and engine revs, and they stared back at me as though I had driven my car into their living room or something. Is it too much to ask of you to clear the roadway, even if it is residential and relatively unused? Or better yet, how about try *walking* the 500 feet to the bus stop, rather than driving out there? Chances are you AND your kid both need the exercise.
  15. QUOTE (garbo @ Jun 25 2011, 11:10 AM) My friend made me a free copy of "Born This Way" by Lady GaGa (I'm ashamed, but he wanted me to listen to it. WHY?! I don't know) it's catchy. doesn't really have much in the way of musical or artistic value, but it'll get your head nodding even if you hate it.
  16. QUOTE (Sir Lerxst @ Jun 25 2011, 10:19 PM) When the lights are changing, all sides of the junction are kept at red for, I guess between 5 and 10 seconds - but it deviates quite drastically depending on how busy the roads are. traffic lights in the states work the same way. After one direction goes red, there's a grace period of several seconds for the intersection to clear out. Of course, in true american fashion, people just begin rolling out into the intersection during this grace period so that they can shave 5 seconds off their trip time. The impatience has to disappear along with the cell phone usage. EDIT: i should also make note of the fact that in the US, people generally seem to think that a "stop" sign is actually a "15mph or less" sign. (I'm even guilty of rolling through stop signs in quiet residential areas...)
  17. QUOTE (Kenneth @ Jun 25 2011, 09:29 PM) QUOTE (Sir Lerxst @ Jun 25 2011, 10:43 AM) QUOTE (Tarkus406 @ Jun 25 2011, 05:59 PM) people start honking the VERY SECOND it changes. I am that guy - especially since the traffic lights on my regular route are generally in favour of the traffic from the other direction. Although, in fairness, over here we have an amber light in between Red and Green, which is usually held for around two seconds - so its not like it changes suddenly. I always though that would be a better light system. i think they're actually pretty common in europe. in america, though, the amber light would probably just end up being perceived as a green light, and people would start jumping the gun on them too, leading to even more accidents.
  18. it pisses me off, but not as much as the impatient drivers who ride their horns and give you death glares if you're not already moving 5 seconds BEFORE the light turns green. calm down, being two inches closer to the intersection isn't going to get you where you're going any faster.
  19. the album could be made out of butterflies, rainbows and $1000 bills, I still wouldn't like it.
  20. QUOTE (ghostworks @ Jun 25 2011, 09:00 PM) QUOTE (ReRushed @ Jun 23 2011, 09:29 PM) QUOTE (HigherWater @ Jun 23 2011, 08:03 PM) I voted for AFTK but could it be disqualified on a technicality? The album is Farewell to Kings the song is A Farewell to Kings, no? No. does no one own the physical albums anymore? unless they changed it for the CD release (which I doubt), the physical album cover has an "A" on it....
  21. QUOTE (PhilCastro @ Jun 24 2011, 11:44 PM) QUOTE (Tarkus406 @ Jun 24 2011, 11:24 PM) This creature was never known to lactate That's not what I've been told pfffft where did you learn biology, the toilet store?
  22. QUOTE (Geddyfan13 @ Jun 24 2011, 09:00 PM) QUOTE (Tarkus406 @ Jun 24 2011, 05:12 PM) My first glance at the thread title made me think GF13 asked if Geedy knew me (he doesn't by the way) Hello taksu460 do yuo knwo what tartus is do it make malk or not i dunno hehe i dunno whut it is but not a skelton my frend says geedy sing abut it in rol bones like how he takls what you think? i thin geedy can get milk fom tartsu or else whyu would i shuld rite that in stroy? i dunno hehe i agree
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