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Tull Fan Too

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Posts posted by Tull Fan Too

  1. I'm hoping I'll be able to start listening to this show (live) on a regular basis- up to now my work schedule has prohibited it.


    In the meantime, I've just now downloaded the show tagged "1-24-08Neu" onto my Nano and I'm giving it a listen. I like what I hear so far. biggrin.gif

  2. These are very easy to make, and taste as good or better than anything you can buy at IHOP.





    2 cups sourdough starter

    1 tablespoon sugar

    3 tablespoons oil

    1 egg

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1 scant teaspoon baking soda


    Mix the sugar, oil, egg, and salt into the starter. Once your griddle is hot and everything else is ready, sprinkle the soda over the batter and stir it in gently. Once the soda is mixed in, avoid stirring the batter as much as possible. Cook on a hot oiled griddle.


  3. QUOTE (Don Quixote @ Feb 21 2008, 03:53 PM)
    QUOTE (Tull Fan Too @ Jan 11 2008, 01:15 PM)
    Water Starter
    Mix one cup of lukewarm water with one cup of flour.  Let sit until bubbly (about 4-5 days).

    You can accomplish the water / flour starter much easier and faster with stone ground organic rye flour.


    Start with equal parts water / flour by weight (2 oz is enough), let it go a few days until you see noticeable activity. Feed with equal parts (2 oz) rye flour and water a couple of more times, and then you'll have it going well. After this you can start feeding just water and bread flour, and its ready to use.


    Rye flour starters are quite durable - I can go 3 weeks between uses with this method.


    I cheat a bit and use some instant yeast along with the starter. I get a decent souring and the yeast helps guarantee the rise. Here is my method:


    Night Before:

    3/4c water

    1/4c milk

    1/4c starter

    1.5c bread flour


    Stir together - don't worry if its lumpy.


    Next Morning - you'll see that the starter has done its juju on it



    1.5c bread flour

    1/2T instant yeast

    1/2T kosher salt



    1T sugar

    2T butter


    I use a KitchenAid mixer to knead that together until it becomes a bit cohesive, then give it 5 minutes on speed 2. Turn into a slightly oiled bowl.


    Here's where I vary it.


    If I am wanting a regular loaf I'll let the dough rise until double, then stretch the dough out to a rectangle, and then fold to fit in a buttered loaf pan. Let rise again until double.


    If I am making a free form loaf I will let the dough rise 45 minutes (regardless of rise). Then stretch the dough out, and fold up like an envelope. Let rest 45 minutes. Repeat stretch and fold 1 or 2 more times. Then shape and let rise until double.


    Slash and bake at 425 degrees for 30-40 minutes (depends on your oven).


    The latter method helps to develop that shattering crust that is sooooooo good...

    Very cool! I've made an overnight sponge with rye flour before, but I'd never thought of using it to feed the starter. I have a whole bag of rye flour that I'm trying to find uses for- I'm going to try this out. smile.gif

  4. QUOTE (RUSHMAN999 @ Feb 1 2008, 04:48 PM)
    QUOTE (Tull Fan Too @ Jan 10 2008, 12:39 AM)
    Is anyone here interested in making bread/ baked goods out of sourdough?  I've just recently gotten into it and it's good stuff!  smile.gif

    Hello tull fan just read your post about sourdoughs very interesting for me as my job is a bread baker,i have tried to develop a range of sourdoughs for the bakery i work at with some success so will try your method many thanks RM biggrin.gif

    That's very cool! If I were looking for a job right now I'd try to find a bakery to work for- one that really makes their bread from scratch, not some kind of pre-packaged frozen dough that you thaw out and call "fresh-baked".




    More recipes coming soon..... stay tuned.

  5. Most sourdough recipes fit into one of two catagories: either the sourdough is used to leaven whatever you are baking, or it is just used for the the taste. In this recipe, it is used more for flavoring, but that doesn't mean it tastes sour. It's kind of the same idea as sour cream coffee cake. Anyway, here's the recipe:





    1/2 cup brown sugar

    1 stick butter

    1/2 cup molasses

    1 egg

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    1 1/2 flour

    1 teaspoon ginger

    1 teaspoon cinnamon

    1 cup hot water (see note)

    1 cup sourdough starter


    Cream butter and sugar together. Add molasses and egg, beating well. Mix dry ingredients together and stir in hot water. Beat this into the first mixture. Carefully stir in the sourdough starter. Bake in an 8-inch square pan for 30-30 minutes or until set. Serve very hot with whipped cream.


    NOTE: The original recipe for this called for 1/2 cup of water. Somehow I misread this, and didn't notice until I'd already devoured two slices hot from the oven and was sitting down to copy the recipe! Made this way, the gingerbread has a consistency somewhere between a cake and pudding. Personally I thought it turned out great, but if you want your gingerbread more on the cake side of things, decrease the water by half.

  6. QUOTE (rickyrob @ Jan 23 2008, 01:31 PM)
    QUOTE (Tull Fan Too @ Jan 23 2008, 06:43 PM)
    QUOTE (rickyrob @ Jan 19 2008, 10:31 AM)
    Has anyone invested in the new album...

    "Dark Passion Play"

    Its f***ing awesome!

    Annette's voice is not as high as Tarja's, but its still fantastic. In fact, some of Tarja's very high vocals used to annoy me a little.

    I bought the special edition with a second CD, which is just the instrumental version of the album.

    1022.gif  1022.gif  1022.gif

    I need to buy that album. It's been on my "wish list" practically since it came out.

    Its on par with, if not better than, "Once" wink.gif

    Cool.... I'll have to add "Once" to my wish list as well. wink.gif

  7. QUOTE (rickyrob @ Jan 19 2008, 10:31 AM)
    Has anyone invested in the new album...

    "Dark Passion Play"

    Its f***ing awesome!

    Annette's voice is not as high as Tarja's, but its still fantastic. In fact, some of Tarja's very high vocals used to annoy me a little.

    I bought the special edition with a second CD, which is just the instrumental version of the album.

    1022.gif 1022.gif 1022.gif

    I need to buy that album. It's been on my "wish list" practically since it came out.

  8. QUOTE (ladirushfan80 @ Jan 10 2008, 06:24 PM)
    QUOTE (Tull Fan Too @ Jan 10 2008, 11:28 AM)
    I've never heard of visitation rights for an inanimate object before.  laugh.gif

    I have no experience with bread machines, although my Mom has one that she uses occasionally.  I make mine the old-fashioned way. smile.gif

    well, it's one of those things...





    i found out today that we just "acquired" a bread machine of our very own!!!


    Congrats! smile.gif You'll have to post some of your favorite recipes- maybe I can pass them along to my Mom, she is always looking for inspiration for her bread machine.

  9. For anyone who is interested in getting into sourdough, here is a little bit of a primer.


    First you must create what is called a "starter". This is the basis of all your sourdough recipes. A starter is the home for your wild yeast.


    Here are two ways to start a starter:


    Milk Starter

    Set one cup of milk in a room-temperature place (kitchen counter is good) for a couple of days, or until it smells sour. Then stir in one cup of flour. Let this sit until it starts to get bubbly (should take about 2-5 days).


    Water Starter

    Mix one cup of lukewarm water with one cup of flour. Let sit until bubbly (about 4-5 days).


    If there are no bubbles in your starter by the fifth day, throw it out and start over. The same thing goes if colored mold starts growing on top. If your starter does get moldy, it usually means the mixture was too dry- use a little less liquid next time. (My starter is the consistency of pancake batter, or maybe a little thicker.) If at any time your starter turns pink or orange, throw it out- that usually means there is bacteria growing in it.


    Feeding Your Starter

    You should now have one cup of starter (one cup of liquid + one cup of flour = one cup of starter). However, many sourdough recipes call for one cup of starter, so in order to have some left for later you need to double your starter. To do this, simply add one cup of water or milk and one cup of flour to the mixture. (Never feed your starter with anything except water/milk and flour.) Let it sit out for at least a few hours. (I usually let mine sit out overnight if I feed it in the evening, or for the entire day if I feed it in the morning.) Now you can remove what you need for your recipe and you will still have some left for later.


    Storing Your Starter

    It's a good idea to use a container that holds at least twice the capacity of the amount of starter you plan to keep on hand. Yeast, by definition, makes things rise, and your starter might "boil over" if it doesn't have enough room to expand. You can use any kind of plastic, glass, or ceramic container you please to hold the starter. DO NOT fasten any kind of lid on the container so that it is airtight, especially if you are using a glass container- it could explode! Starter that is not used and fed every day should be stored in the refrigerator. Even in the refrigerator, it will need to be fed at least every week or two- if you don't plan to use the starter enough to use up that much, either throw away or give away the extra. Starter can also be frozen for up to six months at a time.


    In a couple of days I'll start posting recipes that you can use your starter with. smile.gif

  10. QUOTE (tangdog @ Dec 16 2007, 11:48 PM)
    Great players. They will be opening along with 3 for Dream Theater and Opeth this spring.

    That sounds like an awesome combination- I hope that tour comes somewhere near me so that I can see it.


    Listening to Opeth's Lamentations live double-disc right now -- good stuff, much mellower than the studio albums I've heard from them.

  11. My stepdad has If I Were Britannia I'd Waive the Rules and Bandolier on vinyl (which I have recorded to minidisc). They get a listen occasionally, it's fun stuff.
  12. I just recently bought The Anatomy Of and Colors due to this thread. The cover album is kind of uneven IMO (I love "Blackened" and "Us and Them", but can hardly stand "Bicycle Race"), but Colors is very good, and is growing on me the more I listen to it. Thanks to the original poster for starting this thread. smile.gif
  13. QUOTE (ladirushfan80 @ Mar 20 2007, 02:05 PM)
    QUOTE (Tull Fan Too @ Mar 20 2007, 12:20 PM)
    What is a car bomb?

    And with Guinness, draft is the way to go..... but if you can't get that, the bottles with the widget will do in a pinch. trink38.gif

    well... if i have it right,


    it's a glass of guiness, with a shot of bailey's in it...


    they were pretty damn good i must say!

    Damn that does sound good, I'll have to give it a try. Thanks ladirushfan! trink39.gif

  14. I'm a Scorps fan, I'm in the process of collecting some of their albums.


    So far I've only got the 3-CD Platinum Collection (not recommended BTW, I wish I'd gotten Box of Scorpions instead); and the first album, Lonesome Crow. I have Taken by Force coming to me in the mail as well.


    Scorpions lyrics are often rather cheesy IMHO, but the musicianship more than makes up for it. And Klaus Meine (sp?) certainly has a distinctive voice. smile.gif

  15. Wow! A thread about the most overlooked and underappreciated of my most favorite bands on a forum dedicated to another one of my favorite bands! Woohoo! 653.gif 653.gif biggrin.gif


    Kansas to me is more than a band and more than just music- they are the ultimate favorite band of my Dad, so it is impossible for me to listen to them without thinking about him.


    Of course, I love the music as well- I have a hard time picking out just one favorite Kansas album. I think, all things considered, Point of Know Return is their best, followed closely (in order) by Somewhere to Elsewhere (their newest album) and Leftoverture. For a "best of" collection, IMHO it would be hard to beat Always Never the Same, on which the band play many of their best songs backed by the London Symphony Orchestra. That album is absolute dynamite.


    I sincerely hope they will put out a new album sometime soon- judging by their most recent works they are doing as well now as they were in their heyday in the mid-70's -- possibly even better.

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