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Posts posted by ShowMeDontTell

  1. Neil has always been a writer, first, and then a drummer. That surprised me, of course, but given the complexity and brilliance of his lyrics, it should be obvious.


    As a teen discovering this amazing band, I couldn't stop reading along with every song. I was never disappointed.


    I'm drawn to great lyrics, analogies, metaphors. The Sci-Fi stuff only heightened my excitement for the band. Even The Body Electric which is a tiny wisp of the Sci-Fi and fantastical magnum-opi he wrote in the past...



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  2. Oh, and there are techniques that can save the voice, most definitely. Opera singers perform well into their 70's and even 80's without having to take the orchestra down. Geddy's upper register began to suffer a bit. Doesn't matter. It happens. Look at Geoff Tate. His glory days are far behind. Even Freddie Mercury suffered from it, but he smoked like a chimney, enjoyed partying and drinking and lots and lots of coke...
  3. Honestly, it was more of a joke between myself and a rush loving guy I was seeing. If I met someone and the person said Tom Sawyer, we'd howl. We actually nicknamed one guy that.


    True to form, a super Rush fan could say Tom Sawyer but then follow up with other songs. Non-Rush fans spout it as it's pretty much the only song they know and can remember by the band.

  4. Tom Sawyer has become my fan Litmus test. All true Rush fans can agree that if you meet someone, mention Rush and the first thing out of their mouths is Tom Sawyer, they're not really a Rush fan.


    I love the song but for whatever reason it became the Stairway for Rush and, like Stairway, should be banned from radio play like that one DJ did in Northern California.


    Rush had to play it live as it's their most recognizable song. While I didn't use it during the show as a beer break, I could see why die-hards would.


    And, yes, live, in the later years, Geddy just couldn't handle it. But that's age and bad technique. I always thought he maybe should have studied classical singing. His voice may have lasted.

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  5. Saw them last year. Wasn't much impressed. Disappointing considering they were a major part of my playlists as a teen. I was a gothy clubber in the day and their back beats made us look great on the dance floor.


    They're old now and dark, angsty shit doesn't roll well with the over 50 sect.


    Hang the hat or revamp.


    Or maybe I just outgrew the darkpop synth...



  6. Wasn't sure where to post this but recently in a discussion of Bohemian Rhapsody on FB a good friend and solid Rush lover said he heard Neil Peart sold the rights to one of his books to a film producer. I couldn't find any evidence.


    Unsubstantiated rumor or fact? It wouldn't be a biopic but pretty cool,



    Anyone else hear of it?

  7. I'm not very familiar yet with the way the forum is set up but I figured Queen... More music than film.


    So, thank you. :)


    Hollywood didn't really ruin it, per se. It wasn't the best thing I've ever seen and I cringed a couple of times but it's my favorite band and I never thought I'd see a movie about Freddie. No one I knew liked them when I was growing up and people thought I was crazy for being so into them.


    Now Freddie's everywhere. I don't like a lot of what Roger and Brian have done, capitalizing on his death, but they've kept Freddie and the music relevant. The movie is just one more step and it'll definitely create new fans.

  8. It is dark and cynical but it has heart. I'm floored by its brilliance.


    I've two boys. Nickelodeon was a staple as they were growing up. When we moved back to the States, the three of us discovered Avatar: The Last Airbender which, in our opinions, was the best thing to ever hit TV. Rick and Morty is completely different but the level of characterization and depth in the writing are the same. Some people dismiss animation. They shouldn't.


    I've watched all seasons of both shows countless times and I always discover something new.


    Maybe I'm also a little dark and cynical. Rick and Morty resonates.

  9. I reveled in the joyous celebration of the band, music and their creativity. It wasn't over the top and very pg 13. Freddie was no saint and I was hoping to see the dwarf waiters running around his parties with trays full of cocaine strapped to their heads... Walking cocaine tables, in Freddie's eyes.


    Not one in sight. :/

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  10. Freddie and Roger had a similar sense of humor and were very close but I noticed the film portrayed Roger as a caricature, weird as he and Brian were very much involved from the start.


    I remember them talking about the video for, "It's a Hard Life," and Roger laughing with a lot of love and fondness over the costuming as they were completely indulging Freddie. Also, in the film, they showed the band splintering over his solo project which was absolutely false. They all pursued solo stuff at that time and supported each other and appeared on their respective albums. Roger dressed in drag for Freddie's Great Pretender video.

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