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  • Favorite Rush Song
    hard to pick one
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    the latest tour
  1. I will likely be shot, tortured, and run out of town (and in that order) for the following comments. As a drummer, (And not a very good one) I have come to appreciate many different aspects of the instrument. I think it is nearly impossible to rate two drummers side by side. I would assert however, that there are DRUMMERS, and then there are BAND MEMBERS whose job it is to drum. It is a lot of fun to go back and look at peoples influences, and their training, and figure out who is who. Neil Peart is a great example of a DRUMMER. He has methodically mastered every aspect of the craft over the years. There are lots of other DRUMMERS. Dennis Chambes is another great example. You can sit these guys in any musical situation, and they would kick some names and take some ass! On the other side, I think anyone who has been able to make a go of the music industry deserves some credit. They might not be DRUMMERS, but what they do fits.... what they do. I would stipulate however, that a BAND MEMBER can be an overrated DRUMMER for sure! Perhaps a lot of the hype comes from a group with a large fan base, such as Metallica. Just because a band is liked, and commercially successful, doesnt mean the man behind the kit is a DRUMMER. Add the marketing blitz and endorsements to that, and it is a recipe for undeserved idolization. Having said all of that, I tend to agree with most posters here with respect to those individuals who have been elevated to DRUMMER status agasint all percussive reason. I will give them credit for their sucess, I would rather be an overrated drumming band member than what I currently call my profession! Thanks for listening!
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