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Day of Light

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Everything posted by Day of Light

  1. at least the "mm bacon" people are honest
  2. hot take: you don't "support" vegans if you want them to consume animal products to make you happy
  3. blowing all my money on clothing, food and traveling to see friends no regrets
  4. can never journal for longer than like two weeks
  5. virgin asking for vacation time vs chad announcing vacation plans
  6. surprisingly somehow something requiring creativity
  7. i am isa's part time f**k with your website to find how the code misbehaves person
  8. I drink on the job. Double the drinking if I’m bartending. I mean it comes w/the territory cause it’s an experimental venue w/a bar. To clarify, yesterday was my first morning into late afternoon shift in awhile so I drank abnormally early (around noonish). Usually our shows are at night but sometimes people want to rent out the place & want someone on staff to run the bar which was what I did. nice, I suppose it's nice to not work nights all the time working closing shift is bummer not because it's hard but because i sort of have to sacrifice my social life half the week.nobody does shit during the day Actually I don’t mind working nights at this point in my life cause I’m a night owl by nature cause if I wasn’t working at Roulette that night, 3/5 times I’d be out at like Elsewhere or Vitus at the same hours seeing a show. sounds like the perks are very much in line with your interests
  9. I drink on the job. Double the drinking if I’m bartending. I mean it comes w/the territory cause it’s an experimental venue w/a bar. To clarify, yesterday was my first morning into late afternoon shift in awhile so I drank abnormally early (around noonish). Usually our shows are at night but sometimes people want to rent out the place & want someone on staff to run the bar which was what I did. nice, I suppose it's nice to not work nights all the time working closing shift is bummer not because it's hard but because i sort of have to sacrifice my social life half the week.nobody does shit during the day
  10. I drink on the job. Double the drinking if I’m bartending. I mean it comes w/the territory cause it’s an experimental venue w/a bar. i *could* drink on the job but it would cost me money
  11. "throw out" the old macarons at the end of the shift Kristina wink wink nudge nudge
  12. I've started keeping a diary again finding inspiration at the bottom of those ice cream barrels
  13. I'm basically subsidizing people's education with these low textbook prices
  14. byyy the way guys i drive an electric vehhhhicle
  15. Conspiracy Theory: fraroc wants to buntz the Gedster Counterparts/T4E era Neil or Beardy Lerxst is more my type. I'm all for that p/g ged personally
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