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Posts posted by hcm

  1. I never thought about the sitting standing thing. I really only go to Rush shows and well....everyone stands the whole time(execpt for AC where everyone sat, and it felt weird)


    I feel for someone who is unable to stand for that length of time but I have to agree with others I would not enjoy the show as much if I had to sit, I would for a favorite song or two but I doubt my sitting would allow anyone behind me to see much more, since I am usually pretty far back anyway and quite short.


    I had an issue with a very tall person standing in front of me who did not hold the ticket for that seat, and also a 10 year old who was standing on the seat(making him taller than the 6ft guy) who also did not hold the ticket for that seat. Hey if you bought that 400 dollar ticket and you are taller than me than stand all you want, you paid for the right to.

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  2. "Not everyone who sits up close is loaded. Some people have just decided that if they have any extra money, they're going to spend it on this, because it means that much to them."


    This exactly, I'm short it hurts even worse when the guys drifing in without a ticket are like 6ft tall, I hate to be mean but come'on man cut me some slack. I really couldn't afford the ticket I bought but I really wanted a prime experience...I don't mind if you driftin for 1 song if it is a fav but not the whole darn set.

  3. I don't think you can equate acoustic Rush with Feedback...I believe there are a lot of song that would translate well acoustically. I don't think the boys will every do that though.


    What I would love is an all instrumental set, so many good instrumentals, as much as I love listening to Geddy's voice.


    Or an all 'B' Side set

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  4. I got into Rush at 10...around the time of Fly By Night, but I did not see them live until the R30 tour...a big part of the stretching not being afraid thing....think of all the good live music I missed by not going to concerts early among other experiences.
  5. MFH just roated in on my CD player, I haven't listened to it in a bit. I like it. It isn't Rush but some of the songs really grew on me. I suprisingly have not listened to Victor, I need to do that.


    I would love to watch Ged playing some of the songs from MFH just to see what kind of emotion he would bring to them.

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