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Posts posted by WavesandWindows

  1. My first Rush experience was Time Machine. Give him that, it got me hooked. It introduced me to synth era, the old school period and even has the keyhole into CA with Bu2B and Caravan. Show him that set and if he doesn't like it, as suggested by Anguyen92, give him a tranquillizer dart, then stick on Snakes and Arrows Live. Although, Snakes might be even better, though it doesn't contain any of CA...
  2. I think they should put a website out and let the fans vote for what they want to hear, and see if they attempt any of the tunes!


    (and as an old fan, hope that 99% of the dipstick population just doesn't click "Tom Sawyer" because it's all they know, while the old school fans are all like "HEMISPHERES!")


    No, keep that idea off your mind. Metallica tried this out, and it isn't great. All you're going to see is a disappointing end to a good idea.


    They did it a few years back...a lot of people wanted Camera Eye and they got it when they did the whole album (finally) I forget what else was voted....


    They have rushpetition.com every time a tour's about to start, apparently they're in connections with Anthem Records so I'm sure the guys know the site exists.


    The top votes as of last tour were something like Jacob's Ladder, Afterimage, Cut To The Chase, Hemispheres, Countdown, and Available Light, to name a few.



    And they did none of them!


    Actually I forgot a couple, probably because they DID play them live: Middletown, Manhattan, and Body Electric. They pulled quite a bit out of the vault for the last tour, mind you.


    This I did not know. But it didn't work well in the case of MetallicA, so my point is still somewhat correct, as I did not know of this site that brought Middletown, Manhattan and Body Electric to the stage.


    I think they should put a website out and let the fans vote for what they want to hear, and see if they attempt any of the tunes!


    (and as an old fan, hope that 99% of the dipstick population just doesn't click "Tom Sawyer" because it's all they know, while the old school fans are all like "HEMISPHERES!")


    No, keep that idea off your mind. Metallica tried this out, and it isn't great. All you're going to see is a disappointing end to a good idea.

  4. Perhaps, it could be good, but I'd rather have it in an alternating list with something less vocally taxing for him. If he felt that his voice wasn't up to scratch that night, they slap in the other song, if he feels alright, Rush play Xanadu. I think that's a fair trade, right? I mean, I know some people would be gutted to nit see the song, but I think they'd feel even worse to see Geddy suffer on the vocals to that song!


    If, they feel it would cause too much if an upset within fans if the song isn't there, they can work on an instrumental version, or even, as a VERY LAST RESORT, have Ged lip-sync the song if he's not feeling great that night!

  5. I was just on amazon and saw There is going to be new dvd coming out may 5th called Rush-The Rise of the kings. Its available for preorder so I ordered on. Just curious if anyone else knows about this.


    Hope it's not too late to get your cash back

  6. Here's just an idea I came up with. We now live in the era of video calling technology that can produce a pretty good sound, why not try and get a group of musicians with Skype or FaceTime to connect to one call and just have a jam that way, it saves a lot of trouble trying to find someone to jam with, and this way we can pretty much jam with anyone with the program worldwide.


    What do you think?

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