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Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Louisville - 4/5/2011
  • Favorite Rush Song
    The Trees
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Moving Pictures
  • Best Rush Experience
    Louisville concert with my wife.
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Pink Floyd, Alice in Chains
  • Musical Instruments You Play
  1. This was my second Rush concert. I went a few years ago when they were closest to Louisville at Riverbend in Cincinnati. This time, they came to Louisville. As far as the venue goes, I'd rather see them outside (Riverbend) or in Rio, but the close confines of the KFC Yum Center wasn't bad at all. I had originally planned to take my daughter when I bought these tickets, but my wife became upset because I wasn't taking her (I couldn't...she wasn't a fan!) Guess what...after seeing Rush live, my wife is now a big fan! I have a few problems now...albeit good ones. 1) They are getting up there in age, so I hope they come back, and 2) I'll be buying 3 tix instead of 2 because I would really like for my daughter to see them before they retire. I really enjoyed the layout of the setlist. The guys and the producers really do a great job of consideration for the audience. The first song was one that most people know (radio-played), and the rest of that set was promoting newer albums. New fans don't necessarily know these songs, but they may like them afterwards. The second set was a very cool idea and rocked out! They played one of their most successful albums, in it's entirety. Thus, they've just sold at least two albums in one show. The special effects of the show are unbelievable. The different screens, layouts and media on the "jumbo tron"; the different types of instruments they switch to; the fireworks (my wife's favorite); the before, intermission and after video shorts. But my favorite was the movement of the lights and their colors. It kind of looked like a Transformer hovering over them. You can definitely tell they've invested A LOT of money into the set. 'Makes me glad I'm not a roadie. So, put all of these things together, mix in some of the most creative lyrics of all time, along with songs you've rocked out to all of your life and you've got one of the greatest shows there is to see...all in just three hours!
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