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Posts posted by garyg7133

  1. Diagnosed last month with obstructive sleep apnea. Was using nasal dilators to alleviate snoring with pretty good results but ENT put me on a CPAP for now. Likely that if I lose about 20 lbs I can come off it as my head position would change and he can evaluate again. CPAP is the worst thing ever IMO but I haven't snored at all with it on and haven't dropped dead in my sleep....
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  2. The review is wordy but nails most of why I don't enjoy Neil's books ( and I forced myself through three of them, hoping it would get better! 2 of them got lost and I mailed the third to someone on TRF.)


    It always seems like he deeply wants to be accepted by ordinary people in his travels, or at least be seen as anything but a rock musician. Then he is sooooo judgemental of same people, what's up with that? I just couldn't get past that and didn't care for his books. IMO the parts where he is writing about his daughter Olivia are the only places that really ring true as he drops his judgement then. Those parts are lovely.

    Well said. I enjoy the travel aspects of his books and obviously the touring/music/band aspects as well, but he CLEARLY looks down on people and also hates being recognized. I don't care how well read he is or how smart he thinks he is as opposed to the "commoners". You played drums for a living. Nothing earth changing there.

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  3. Lotta dislike for SNA from you guys. Honestly there a re a few duds on there, but my only REAL problem with it (unrelated to the actual album itself) was that they beat the piss out of it on the tour. That actually soured me on the album for a while.
  4. I will stand by my opinion of t4e which has not changed since it came out. It's a brutal album.

    Brutally good?


    I really like it at first, but to my ears it hasnt aged very well in terms of songwriting. A great sounding album, though.


    HAAA No. It is an awful album. Production wise it may be the greatest album of all time but I wouldn't know because I can't listen to it.

  5. All in all it wasn't a bad night. The other guys were all cool if not REALLY worn out from the tour. It's funny because I've met a handful of celebrities where i work and since I don't go all fanboy they are really cool with me. Twice I've had odd or piss poor interactions with famous people (Hillary Clinton and Lou Reed were two of THE WORST people I have ever met, celebrity or not) but usually they want to fly under the radar (Dan Girardi, Hugh Grant) or are super personable (Sandra Bullock, Eden Sher, Sean Avery, Mike Starr). I think most of the time as long as you don't start yelling and screaming any celebrity is just going to say hello and go about their business. I actually had someone go completely bonkers when Ivanka Trump came in. I was mortified because I didn't even know the woman was sitting there and normally I'd make sure no one was hanging around to make a scene. To her credit, Ivanka was really sweet but at the same time kept moving so she wouldn't end up cornered.
  6. Love it. It works for me on many levels. It brings back memories of those dumb rock station call-in shows where they pitted one new song against another new song. The Big Money won for 3 weeks straight. That was also my first Rush tour so hearing it live was a big deal. Sonically there is a lot going on which I like.
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  7. Nope. The $40 wouldn't make a difference. I learned the hard way that sometimes you just don't want to meet certain famous people. I'd like to keep my image of Geddy and Alex being decent guys untarnished. I'm sure Neil wouldn't even show up for that matter. Met one of my bass idols at a meet and greet and he was rather drunk and was a complete jerkoff (to put it mildly) to me. Luckily one of his band mates completely made up for it by being completely awesome and very generous with his time.


    This is a fantasy land scenario so there's no case of Neil not showing up. There is no "Neil wouldn't show up." He shows up because I told him to! I'm guessing that wouldn't make a difference to you but I thought I should clarify. :yes:

    Got it, but still, I don't think it'd be worth it. Something tells me he'd just be a grouch. From the very few interactions with Geddy and Alex I've ever heard about I'm told they are nice to the fans that they meet and I'd like to keep that image intact.

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  8. Met one of my bass idols at a meet and greet and he was rather drunk and was a complete jerkoff (to put it mildly) to me. Luckily one of his band mates completely made up for it by being completely awesome and very generous with his time.


    Gary, you can't keep us in suspense


    Who was it ??

    Sounds like an interesting guessing contest for a poll.


    I'm pre-guessing that Andy Summers was completely awesome



    That is actually probably true as I bet he would be, BUT at the risk of being labeled a total chode, Ross Valory of Journey was the reason I STARTED playing bass. The bass line from Stone In Love was the first one I ever learned (albeit incorrectly at the age of 18). Fast forward to...jeez, 12 years ago my wife and I go to see them at PNC in NJ and my buddy calls as we're leaving the venue and says don't leave, we're heading to the after party. We get back there and the guys just sort of casually stroll in. It was mostly their families who had flown in because it was one of the last shows of the tour. Everybody is just kinda hanging around and the guys are making their rounds. I walk over to Ross who was literally standing by himself and say hello and shake his hand. Before I can get a word out he starts bitching me out because when I shook his hand his shot of whatever cat pee he was drinking got on his other hand. I wanted to crawl away. My wife said she literally was dying watching this go down. Luckily Deen Castronovo and my wife came over and literally grabbed me and walked back to the table and hung out with my wife and myself for quite a while. Funny side story here, but Steve Augeri was fronting the band at the time and my buddy took me over to introduce me to him and he said " oh yeah, I remember you" I was like huh? " yeah man, I remember you from Future Star right?" Future Star was a studio on Staten Island where I used to occasionally rehearse. one night my drummer wanted to go across the hall because Tyketto were rehearsing and he was a big fan. We hung out for about 20 minutes. 20 minutes and Augeri remembers me almost 17 years later....

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  9. Nope. The $40 wouldn't make a difference. I learned the hard way that sometimes you just don't want to meet certain famous people. I'd like to keep my image of Geddy and Alex being decent guys untarnished. I'm sure Neil wouldn't even show up for that matter. Met one of my bass idols at a meet and greet and he was rather drunk and was a complete jerkoff (to put it mildly) to me. Luckily one of his band mates completely made up for it by being completely awesome and very generous with his time.
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  10. Billy Joel is doing the residency at the Garden because it's easy money and he can take a car service to "work". His years of alcohol and substance abuse have certainly caught up to him. He even joked after one of his dui's that he had to play 3 nights a week to pay his car insurance premium. His voice isn't nearly what it was, but he did the smart thing and started adjusting the key on some songs. It works for some of the songs, but not for others. The one band that I saw just outside of their "big" moment was Everclear. Probably about 16 years ago and WOW were they brutal. Art's voice was beyond wrecked to the point that he was basically just talking the lyrics. I left about halfway through. One guy who seems ageless even after battling throat problems is Jon Anderson. The YES 35th anniversary tour was insane and he sounded nearly perfect.

    As far as Geddy goes, I wonder how he would have sounded over the last 4-5 tours if he hadn't taken voice instruction and/or started with the "yodeling"....

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  11. I recently started getting hooked on documentaries on Netflix. I think BBC did a documentary on Hiroshima that I started to watch and had to turn it off. There is a scene where a little girl is pinned under some debris that is on fire. the mother sits by helpless as the girl screams because the fire is touching her. The scene goes on FOREVER. I am not kidding. I tapped out after it lasted 5 minutes but seemed like a friggin' eternity and I was literally sitting there yelling to MOVE ON ALREADY.
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  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but starting waaaaay back around the p/g or HYF days Peart was really only corresponding with Geddy and Alex via fax and email regarding the albums until it came time to actually get together and record. Stands to reason that he wouldn't really be bothered with them after the "ride" was over. That said, my only real gripe is that there wasn't another leg of the R40 tour. While I loved the setlist (minus 1 song) I would have loved to see a second leg with some other oldies brought out. I still can't even call it a gripe though because the sheer volume of DIFFERENT songs that they performed over the last 5 tours is amazing. They made a conscious effort to play stuff that had either never been played or VERY rarely been played. Loved every minute of the last 5 or 6 tours....hell, I loved every show that I saw but once they became "evening with" without any opening act the shows were epic.I can understand if Geddy and Alex are underwhelmed with the prospect of no more Rush, but Alex has been having problems with his hands for a very long time (as documented in the RIo video). Seems like the only one who wasn't physically breaking down was Geddy.
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