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Posts posted by Imaginos

  1. Book one of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series - "The Eye Of The World".


    LOVE IT!


    Once I finish Robin Hobb I plan to demolish The Wheel Of Time.

    Which Hobb are you reading? The only thing of hers that I have read is The Liveship Trilogy.

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  2. "Molok" by Gazpacho. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it on my first listen. It seems quite bleak and minimal at first (apart from "Bela Kiss" which features a manic accordian frenzy) but the more I played it the more layers revealed themselves. I think that this album will appear in my annual top 10 when the year is done.
  3. "TAKE HEED! People of the Great Northern Empire of the Americas, all of the Realm, as far as this message will be carried! I am Arhys, Son of Marhys, one of three remaining heirs to the displaced, forgotten, and forbidden Legion Of Sorrowful Song. I contact you from the fair and just village of Ravenskill, far from the Emperor's Palace, in the outer edges of the Realm, nestled on Endless Isleland. By means almost indescribable, we have biohacked the receivers implanted into the flesh so many generations ago, jamming the cacophonous lull of the NOMACS for however much longer our primitive tech will abide.


    We are a simple people, like most of you. Our hearts beat, our skin cracks, our bones grow tired, like all of you, even the nobility, even those who set themselves above us behind the tallest of walls and heaviest of armaments, as they are as empty as us. BUT LO, of late, Ravenskill is energized by talk of a Chosen One, possessed of a forbidden sound, a stirring melody almost impossible to comprehend. You must've heard tale of this Chosen One, a humble servant with the innate ability to break the shackles of the mind and heart we must've forgotten how to perceive. This Chosen One's very existence portends not the doom of which our Emperor warns, but rather, is a harbinger of untold possibilities. Could you dream of finding power beyond powerlessness? Could it be that very idea is a lie, sold to us by those who benefit most from our endless struggle?


    My brothers and sisters across the Realm, I send this message to spread word that a Rebellion is rising in Ravenskill, to bring glad tidings that even as the Chosen One has been drafted by the fates, I have been drafted by the people to be your Commander. I am here to tell you that not only is this Chosen One real, and not a fiction as the Emperor’s messengers insist, but this Chosen One is, in fact, my blood, and my brother. Seek the Songs for yourselves. There is true freedom beyond what we’ve been taught. There is more than the endless drone of the NOMACS. I have seen and moreover, I have heard. I am but a messenger of the Chosen, a soldier of his light, a commander of rebellion. He, the Chosen One, is the conductor, of a force once thought lost, a force unrivaled by swords, steel, or even fire, wind, and water. TAKE HEED and PREPARE!"[/background]


    ...What a load of juvenile nonsense!

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