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Posts posted by NobodysHeroine

  1. YYZRocks was right: I've returned to drooling after I got the Rush: Live in Cleveland yesterday! new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


    I'd like to follow Sir Lerxst's example in the Alex thread and bestow this thread with pics from the movie:








    I love the purple light shining on his hair... b_sigh.gif

  2. QUOTE (GeddysMullet @ Nov 14 2011, 11:22 AM)
    Again with the shirt laugh.gif







    He is beautiful. What a lovely way to end my evening. wub.gif

  3. QUOTE (yaoi_myantidrug @ Nov 13 2011, 06:19 AM)
    Found one I've never seen


    Ah, young Lerxst. wub.gif


    Then again, any Lerxst is good Lerxst. wink.gif

  4. Guess what, Geddy girls? Today is the two-year anniversary of me being a Rush fan! new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


    My crush on Geddy started shortly after I first got into the band. When I listened to Rush when I was younger, my dad deemed Geddy "the Canadian guy with the high voice." I had never seen him before that, and had a very different mental image of him than I do now. I didn't know anything about him until my Rush obsession, when I extensively researched the band. Little did I know that I'd become such a Geddycorn. laugh.gif


    Actually, my Rush-aversary of going to my first concert isn't until April. And even though my Live in Cleveland DVD hasn't arrived yet, there are still three other concert movies to celebrate with. 1022.gif


    Want to help celebrate, Geddy?




    Looks like Alex and Neil agree, too. Sounds good. tongue.gif

  5. QUOTE (1 of the 7 @ Nov 12 2011, 01:39 PM)
    It's often said you should play with the cards you're dealt. It's much easier when they're all Geddy wub.gif


    Three things make this picture epic:


    1) A Geddycorn and fellow Rushian.

    2) A Rush t-shirt.

    3) GEDDY! wub.gif


    I should get myself some Rush playing cards one of these days. And I'd happily deal all the Geddy cards. wink.gif


    Edited to correct a typo. Geddy's awesomeness distracted me. laugh.gif

  6. Oh, no, I believe that my Geddy love has begun to wane a bit. Hopefully it will be rekindled once I get my copy of the Live in Cleveland DVD. tongue.gif


    Don't worry, Geddy, I'm not neglecting you. wub.gif




    Aw, don't look at me like that. heart.gif

  7. Since today is Friday, I'd like to give the Neil nymphs some good sentiments:




    This is from The Boys in Brazil, when the camera person finds Neil as he's reading and captures a smile. biggrin.gif

  8. QUOTE (CMWriter @ Nov 10 2011, 04:28 PM)
    Kahme... anyone who doesn't have at least a small crush on Adrien Brody is out of their mind.
    He is beautiful. And I squee'd when he was in that Stella Artois commercial or whatever that was. I don't even know what they were advertising, but he was in it and he was just gorgeous. heart.gif

    Okay, then I'm not out of my mind. That's good to know. laugh.gif


    The downside of having so many crushes -- good-looking Jewish guys, in particular -- is that they often distract me from homework. But it's okay, Geddy and Adrien. I don't mind the distraction. wink.gif

  9. I've recently developed a mini-crush on Adrien Brody after seeing him in The Pianist. I liked him even more when I learned that he was really playing the music in the movie. tongue.gif








    I don't know what it is with good-looking Jewish guys, but I'm not complaining. laugh.gif

  10. QUOTE (goose @ Nov 7 2011, 11:49 PM)
    QUOTE (NobodysHeroine @ Nov 7 2011, 08:02 PM)
    The Pianist, directed by Roman Polanksi and adapted from the book of the same name. I'm also reading the book. biggrin.gif


    It's not as powerful and hard-hitting as Schindler's List, in my opinion, but still powerful. Adrien Brody was amazing as Wladek (Wladyslaw) Szpilman. heart.gif

    Great depictions of the Warsaw ghetto. (I think it's Warsaw, yes?)


    Love the apocalyptic feel of the whole thing. Very well done.

    Yes, it was primarily set in the Warsaw ghetto. It detailed both the Warsaw ghetto uprising (the Jewish resistance) and the Polish uprising (the Polish/"Aryan" resistance) against the Nazis. 1287.gif

  11. QUOTE (Janie @ Nov 8 2011, 04:16 PM)




    Snapshots from Al's upcoming book, "How To Tell When You're Completely Bonkers."

    Even if he is bonkers, we still have to love him. wub.gif

  12. The Pianist, directed by Roman Polanksi and adapted from the book of the same name. I'm also reading the book. biggrin.gif




    It's not as powerful and hard-hitting as Schindler's List, in my opinion, but still powerful. Adrien Brody was amazing as Wladek (Wladyslaw) Szpilman. heart.gif

  13. QUOTE (Sir Lerxst @ Nov 7 2011, 04:30 PM)

    I have a hunch that many ladies (and a few guys) who frequent this thread would love to be that pick. tongue.gif


    Am I right? wink.gif

  14. Most likely to...

    ~ browse airport gift shops: Neil

    ~ drink vending machine coffee: Alex

    ~ win a contest where you have to guess how many items are in a jar, etc.: Geddy

    ~ like playing in the sprinkler: Alex


    Most likely to...

    ~ buy shampoo and conditioner in separate bottles:

    ~ prefer mustard to ketchup:

    ~ believe in karma:

    ~ get the hiccups the most:

  15. Most likely to...

    ~ always be underdressed or overdressed: Neil

    ~ cannonball into a swimming pool for the sole reason of splashing everyone sunning poolside: Alex

    ~ go rock climbing: Geddy or Neil

    ~ Spend an entire day doing absolutely nothing but watching tv: Alex


    Most likely to...

    ~ donate blood every year:

    ~ have a rare blood type:

    ~ learn karate:

    ~ still enjoy venturing into the toy section at stores:

  16. QUOTE (GeddysMullet @ Nov 4 2011, 09:00 PM)
    More 90s for Kahme smile.gif




    ohmy.gif wub.gif


    Thank you, GeddysMullet. My eyes have feasted quite well, now. tongue.gif


    90s and 2000s Geddy are my favorite. biggrin.gif

  17. QUOTE (GeddysMullet @ Nov 4 2011, 07:57 PM)
    QUOTE (NobodysHeroine @ Nov 4 2011, 08:37 PM)
    QUOTE (GeddysMullet @ Nov 4 2011, 06:38 PM)

    Yay for 90s Geddy! tongue.gif


    A beautiful fella, indeed. wub.gif

    Had to go find some more of those for you.








    I have a pretty severe case of Geddy-love tonight blush4.gif

    There's definitely nothing wrong with that. I have a severe case of Geddy-love, myself. wub.gif

  18. QUOTE (VarianStar @ Nov 3 2011, 01:02 PM)
    QUOTE (alexlifeson- @ Oct 20 2011, 03:30 PM)


    Varian! Where have you been? It's been so quiet in this thread. bekloppt.gif

  19. QUOTE (CMWriter @ Nov 2 2011, 12:26 AM)
    By the way, here's a cover I made of WONDERFUL STOCK PHOTOS with my two protagonists and Chicago and fun stuff:
    Kudos if you can tell me what the font is from.
    Hint: Yes, it is RUSH-related.
    Think about the title.

    That is the "Time Machine" font. Rush references, FTW. new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


    Like I said before, I would have participated in NaNoWriMo this year, but did not feel that I was up to the challenge. Maybe next year. tongue.gif

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