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Found 1 result

  1. Sooooo... As you all (may or may not) know, I'm married and I think my husband is pretty darn cute, I'd say about once a day he does something, or looks at me a certain way and it makes me remember why I thought he was so yumm-o to begin with. When he introduced me to Rush the second time (which is when I fell in love with them) we were living together but we were just boyfriend and girlfriend, and one of the first things he said to me in order to get me to convert was that I'd probably think Geddy Lee is cute. Let me tell you, the way I imagined the band looking when I had only heard them and not seen them was a lot different than what they actually look like. So, after getting a healthy dose of the music of Rush in the car, we went home and stated watching videos on YouTube while "Beyond The Lighted Stage" downloaded to iTunes. My first view of Geddy was from a video from the 80's. No glasses, he may have even been playing the Steinberger bass, I know he kind of had the mullet/raccoon hat hair thing going on. I was like "yeah, he's pretty cute..." And then BTLS finished downloading and I was like "OH HELL YES HE'S FFFIIIINNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEE CAN I GET A WITNESS!!!!" Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom. Something like that. But... It wasn't just that Geddy is easy on the eyes, it's also his personality and the way he carries himself. And I just thought "this is a good man, he's the kind of person I wouldn't mind investing my time in just talking to." And I just think he's a cool guy and I gravitate towards his sweetness. So on the day Rush became my favorite band, Geddy became my favorite member of the band. The fact that he also loves wine, baseball, and travel doesn't hurt either. Anyway, as some of you (may/may not) know. I was also sexually assaulted days before my 21st birthday and then once again by another man 4 years ago and those events were very damaging to my sexuality. So as much as I joke about how hot Geddy is and how much I'd like to see him without his shirt all of the time, etc... That's more my sense of humor coming out as I appreciate the physical from a mere mental standpoint. I don't really know what it's like to look at a man and get really turned on, or feel desire. I make jokes about Geddy's butt being cute and I've been known to pinch my hands together and say "sssqqqqquuuueeeeeeezzzzeeee" when he turns around during shows, or when he's doing a little wiggle. Anyway, I thought my husband knew all of this but last night he admitted to me that he's jealous of my crush on Geddy, which is just that. Regardless of the "dirty" things I might say, it really is a very sweet and innocent crush on him. But my husband didn't see it that way and I thought he would considering he knows how things in my past have affected me. And then, I posted some pictures on Facebook that my husband took in San Diego where you can see about 1" of Geddy's belly because I knew it would get the ladies really excited and my husband thought I was also getting really excited and it upset him but he didn't tell me until last night; but the reality is that I was just excited I had something for my Geddycorns. So, have any of your ladies ever dealt with a partner's jealousy over your crush on the boys? I'm just wondering how you handle the situation.
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