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Found 3 results

  1. Hello! This is my first post here. WOW! What a site! Holy smokes, I never realized that there was such a rich resource available to us. Well, firstly I basically listen to vinyl only when doing serious listening. I think that I have most of the original U.S. pressings of Rush's albums. My copy of 2112 sounds really good, but being pretty old, even though it's been cleaned and of course I've been very careful with it as with all of my albums, in the 2 or 3 quieter passages there are some recurring 'ticks' So, I would LIKE to get a better pressing if possible. I'm sure you guys know this stuff backwards and forwards, thus my extreme desire to hear from you. I would like to know if the first or 2nd UK, Japanese, or German pressings of primarily THIS album, but any others too, are either comparable to the original U.S. pressings or perhaps better as are many of my other Japanese and German pressings mostly. I have already snagged one Near Mint UK first pressing copy for about $27 shipped to the U.S., so I'm really looking forward to hearing what that sounds like. A friend of mine while we were at a record show happened to snag a number of UK Rush albums (the li'l B@stard saw them first! :) ) and they actually did seem to sound slightly better than mine (I think he got 2112, AFTK, and Moving Pictures) I also have the opportunity to purchase a Near Mint copy of what I believe is the 2nd Japanese pressing (1981) for about $40 shipped. A bit pricey for me, but I would LOVE to know if anyone has this pressing and knows what it sounds like compared to the original U.S. or just in general. Any other suggestions, please, as far as ANY of the vinyl Imports that would be an improvement over the U.S. ones, would be GREATLY appreciated. I've heard a direct comparison between my U.S. pressing (it actually MIGHT have even been a Columbia House pressing!) and the new Remaster (hologram) and although IF you didn't already have the original it wasn't too bad, really, but I could hear more openness and staging in the original. Thank you all so much for any guidance and input!
  2. So, Japan. Rush went there once during the 1984 Grace Under Pressure tour. I don't know much about the GUP tour in general, but there seems to be a bit of mystery surrounding the Japan leg of it. What I'm talking about has to do with the equipment used. If this is something I could learn reading the books, I apologize, but I seem to come up with a new question about Neil's kits that needs to be answered every day! This could be something everyone else knows, but here goes... This link http://broonsbane.tr...om/rushneil.htm takes us to a webpage detailing the history of Neil Peart's Tama Artstar prototype drums that were used between 1982 to 1985, within the 1984 GUP Japan tour fell. However, the page mentions that "When Rush played their first and only Japanese concerts in late 1984, Hoshino-Gakki spared Neil the travel expense, by building a replica set sans brass-plating and vibra-fibing. Neil needed to only bring his hardware, heads and cymbals." http://broonsbane.tripod.com/neilsdrumsbacks.jpg I'm inclined to believe the kit is/was real, since Hoshino-Gakki is the owner of the Tama-brand drum name, but I haven't heard or read anything about them outside that page. So my questions are: Can anyone confirm this? What became of the kit following those four shows?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6-SMMEU4xE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxO9-yG17uw :haz:
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