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Posts posted by MusicHead

  1. Rush



    Daniel Amos


    The Choir



    Larry Norman


    Each of these groups/artists has played a significant role in easing the transition from boyhood to adulthood as well as aiding me in my personal faith. Watershed moments linked together by unbreakable, intangible chains.

    • Like 5
  2. ..... would give up the motorcycle riding and travel by air conditioned plane like the rest of the band. Just stop and think how tired and exhausted riding a motorcycle with full riding gear in 90 degree heat would make even a young person. Even though he is not pedaling like a bicycle those long motorcycle rides are physically AND mentally exhausting.(trying to keep yourself alive on a motorcycle)


    Neil would usually get a half hour to hour nap at the venue and then have to play a demanding 3 hour Rush show followed by too few hours of sleep to get up and do it all over again. I know that Neil says the motorcycling makes a tour more interesting, but it had to take a major toll at his age. No wonder he says he's burnt out on touring. Imagine the difference if you were conserving ALL of your energy for the show and staying in cool environments throughout the day.


    Neil is Neil though and I would never expect him to come around to this point of view. haha


    It's folks like yourself that keep NP in a perpetual state of anxiety, butting into areas you don't belong.


    As a quantum realist, Neil's retired. Get over it. Quit trying to live vicariously through him and chart your own destiny.

  3. I will continue the tradition by proudly wearing my soul patch. Do it. Do it for Geddy. And the children.

    Children annoy me.


    Nice to meetcha, Squidward. Now return to reading Frown Digest.

  4. Analog Kid. So many whirling emotions hit a youngun, so many changes occurring in his life, and wisdom has not yet been fully cultivated. A universal theme for that inchoate time of life.
    • Like 3
  5. Iron Maiden

    Wasted Years



    From the coast of gold, across the seven seas

    I'm travellin' on, far and wide

    But now it seems, I'm just a stranger to myself

    And all the things I sometimes do, it isn't me but

    someone else


    I close my eyes, and think of home

    Another city goes by in the night

    Ain't it funny how it is, you never miss it 'til it's

    gone away

    And my heart is lying there and will be 'til my

    dying day



    So understand

    Don't waste your time always searching for

    those wasted years

    Face up... make your stand

    And realise you're living in the golden years


    Too much time on my hands, I got you on my mind

    Can't ease this pain, so easily

    When you can't find the words to say it's hard to

    make it through another day

    And it makes me wanna cry and throw my

    hands up to the sky

  6. "Realize your youth while you have it. Don’t squander the gold of your days, listening to the tedious, trying to improve the hopeless failure, or giving away your life to the ignorant, the common, and the vulgar. These are the sickly aims, the false ideals, of our age. Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing."


    ----- Oscar Wilde


    I believe Iron Maiden said this more succinctly in "Wasted Years."

  7. When listening to a :rush: song do you ever crank it up, lose yourself in it and think if some fan doesn't enjoy this jam THEY CAN GO TO HELL??? Of course you do. When you hear that jam post it here. I'll go first.


    Prime Mover - Hold Your Fire...if you don't dig this jam GO STRAIGHT TO HELL DONT PASS GO AND PICK UP $300 GO STRAIGHT TO HELL.



    When I'm listening to Rush, or anything, really, it never occurs to me to think about what other people think.


    Boom! Somebody gets it!

  8. When listening to a :rush: song do you ever crank it up, lose yourself in it and think if some fan doesn't enjoy this jam THEY CAN GO TO HELL??? Of course you do. When you hear that jam post it here. I'll go first.


    Prime Mover - Hold Your Fire...if you don't dig this jam GO STRAIGHT TO HELL DONT PASS GO AND PICK UP $300 GO STRAIGHT TO HELL.


    If you know anything about Rush, they're all about individualism. No true Rush fan's going to tell someone to go to Hades because they're not a fan/don't like a song/whatever. I wholeheartedly reject the absurd basis of your thesis.


    Furthermore, these thoughts belong on a Justin Bieber board--not the forum of the greatest rock group of all time.

  9. Does anybody know what format of music gives the most profits to the artist? Like is is iTunes, google play, amazon, or going to a record store? I've been buying mostly iTunes stuff, but I'm wondering if a lot of the profits are going to straight to Apple Inc, rather than the people who actually made the music. (To be clear, I'm interested in giving more money to the artists, not the middlemen!)


    Sorry to give you a bunch of links, but here is what I found (busy night)-


    http://www.fastcodes...ts-visualized (If you squint at the center column of this it shows what the artists get from individual plays on each service. I think. It's teeny print. Looks like Google Play pays best.)


    http://gizmodo.com/w...527750499 (this makes a good case for vinyl, and for actually paying money to BUY music to support your artist)


    http://lifehacker.co...my-music (this article is 4 years old but Lifehacker, as always, is awesome; and again makes the case for buying the music; doesn't really matter what format you do it in.)


    Hope this helps! :)


    Excellent. I pretty much buy my downloads straight from GP anymore. Once a blue moon, iTunes (a couple albums from the foreign band Francis).

    • Like 2
  10. Does anybody know what format of music gives the most profits to the artist? Like is is iTunes, google play, amazon, or going to a record store? I've been buying mostly iTunes stuff, but I'm wondering if a lot of the profits are going to straight to Apple Inc, rather than the people who actually made the music. (To be clear, I'm interested in giving more money to the artists, not the middlemen!)


    Gnarly thread idea, dude.

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