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Posts posted by OxalisWombo

  1. 8.5.


    Disappointments include one curiously absent song, a first set filled with curious choices, and some sort of lack of surprises. The second set and encore are incredibly strong, however.


    Those who would award this set a score of "1" assigned some sort of expectation to this tour which was never confirmed or suggested by the band-that it would be Rush's equivalent of Maiden's "Somewhere Back in Time" tour, which contained primarily songs released before a specific date in the 1980's.

  2. I think it's pretty disappointing.


    If you fellas are anything like me, you were immensely excited for Jacob's Ladder. What teases those Rush guys are. But I still find myself hoping RIAB's "sources" were in error.


    I guess I have to be happy about La Villa Strangiato/Working Man-two of my wish list songs (yeah, yeah, I know, but I've only seen Rush once. Give me a break).

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