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Posts posted by upstateNYfan

  1. When did he allegedly give it the Counterparts kit away? He was still with the band during TFE, so his departure was obviously after that.


    No idea what happened, but I am guessing that after 22 years something serious likely would have occurred. Or maybe he just needed work - there was nothing for about 4 years. But I haven't heard anything about him since TFE.

  2. Did Alex waste a lot of money? I like how Neil made it sound like he was almost broke in ghost rider while he's worth millions. He could ride his motorcycle and stay in hotels for the rest of his life and not spend all that money.


    Not really - he said he was living beyond his means and didn't know if he could retire. Huge difference, and all things are relative. He also, I believe, used the phrase, "the principal to spend", which had a double meaning. Amazingly candid actually.


    (And those websites are likely incredibly rough estimates; one can simply type in any famous name. They're guesses. Yes, I am sure the catalog and the big tours over 15 years really helped. They're not hurting but live very well. Touring can be used to pay for the lifestyle without touching assets most likely.)

  3. A couple things: it's wonderful to see Geddy out and about pursuing his passions. I don't know, but to me it's curious he's shopping with his bass tech. Does Scully live there and they were just hanging out? Who knows... But it seems interesting regardless. I don't think there's any doubt Geddy and Alex want to play. At least they did last fall. The demand would be HUGE overseas, and they could play probably a dozen or more dates in the US/Canada too. Neil is the wild card. But after reading his book and seeing TSS, I would be shocked if he ever plays live again. I'd love to be wrong. There's also no hints on Twitter either. So I'd say Geddy will play at the induction ceremony or will just make a solo record.
  4. Watching him play in such a rare and intimate setting is amazing. I was in high school then and can't even imagine how cool that must have been.


    I'm not sure most grasp just how difficult that stuff is to not just play, but play so precisely and consistently and hard-hitting.

  5. I know this is a Rush forum, but I don't think there's a comparison. Neil all the way. His willingness to work, evolve, explore and grow, and then there's his incredible longevity...


    Bonham had wonderful feel and was no doubt talented, perhaps even more so than Neil. But the difference is Neil planted an incredible garden and just kept feeding it.

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  6. I've seen every tour since RTB. They all set the bar so high.


    I'd have to go with Time Machine. Everyone was so tight, controlled, fluid, powerful and passionate. But that's splitting hairs.


    R40 was the ONLY tour where I might (and only some shows) have seen a little sloppiness or tiredness (Alex, maybe. Or Neil, maybe.) But my god, they're in their 60s. No one's better at their age, let alone as a 3 piece.

  7. While I highly doubt that we'll see them live again, I highly doubt Clockwork was the last album. While anything is possible, and it still could be a fitting finale, I've never heard Neil talk bad about recording. They would likely take it at a slow pace, and it would come out in late 2019 or so if they started working on it in, say, the spring of next year. Maybe they'd play a show or something, but I doubt it. As we've seen Ged and Al have both done little bits and pieces musically recently. Also, Ged must be hoping for something (be it Rush or solo), because he continues to buy basses. Maybe we'll see a Ged/Al supergroup or something. I doubt Ged and Al are done. I also think Neil isn't done in music- he's done with live shows, and I think that won't change.


    No album and no tour. There's no money in an album. And Neil said (paraphrasing here... it's the album we always wanted to make). They're retired, sadly.

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  8. No.


    The last tour was perfect.


    The Garden as the last song on their last studio album is perfect.


    It's over.




    They went out on top. "Clockwork" was their masterpiece to them.


    Geddy and Alex will keep busy recording.


    Selfishly I'm glad the boys retired the same year I got divorced.


    I can't afford to chase my band around the country anymore............





    So fuckking SAD!


    The one thing I won't miss is the ticket buying circus. It was light-years beyond the point of ridiculous - the very second Tampa tickets go on sale (that's pre-sale!) and there were instantly more than 8000 tickets available for 3x-10x prices on stubhub or ticketbastard's after market shop. Inside job? Sooooooo will not miss that!

    Not an inside job, just modern ticket buying hassles for big-name acts. It's like this for every major act. You either need to get lucky through any presale, take a lot of time clicking and releasing until something pops up, pay an online broker or get lucky last minute.
  9. I'm okay with Rush being retired. I think it'd be cool if they tried to make new studio-only material though. But I'm not expecting it.


    If Ged and/or Alex want to go and record and perform, more power to them, but without the three of them, it won't be Rush. They could cover some Rush though.

    What do you call the album they did before Fly By Night? What do you call the band for that album?


    I'm just busting your balls. But at the same time, did Rutsey actually not exist? Did that debut album not exist?


    Look at the sports franchise the Toronto Maple Leafs. They weren't always the Maple Leafs, originally they were the Toronto Arenas, then the St. Patricks. After a very brief existence with those names, they renamed as the Maple Leafs and stayed that way for 90 years now.


    Back in 1927, when they rebranded themselves, there wasn't the enormous history and recognition with that name.


    Now though, if the Maple Leafs tried to change their brand or public image, it'd be wildly unpopular. It's unimaginable.


    Rush's original image may not have been with Peart, but he's been a part of the brand for long enough that the two are now inseparable. A rebranding would be unrecognizable, and lose its novelty, whether or not its in its original form.

    Did you not read the first sentence of my second paragraph?


    And you're comparing a band to a pro team that's been in existence around 100 years with a never ending cycle of changing players. But ok, sports....What about the Raiders in the NFL? Those are some die hard fans. Oakland? L.A.? Oakland? L.A.? Has that mattered all that much? Did Raiders fans give up watching because they moved? And then again?


    I'd bet all kinds of money that every TRFer here would buy the next Rush album regardless if Peart was on it. Even the cheap bastards would download and download and download. But we'd all listen to it. Additionally, I'd bet that every TRFer (that could get to a gig and afford it + didn't think Geddy's voice is shot) would see them live regardless of Peart. Most would bitch about SOMETHING but we'd all dish out the dough.


    I would not see :rush: live if Neil was not there

    You say that now. But IF Geddy & Alex actually did continue with the Rush name, you'd be there if money or transport weren't an issue. I'm not saying this will happen, it almost definitely won't happen. I'm just guessing what you would do if so.


    Nope. If Neil is not there I am not there.

    Oh ok. I forget that you always do what you say. Uh huh


    As a long-time Rush fan who left early from the Seattle CA show and didn't even bother with the R40 tour, I don't find it hard to believe that a fellow Rush fan would pass on a chance to see the band.

    You left early? Seriously? I'm not being sarcastic, just curious. Why?
  10. I really enjoyed my time playing in a band and doing a few local shows a year, but I could never do this sort of thing as a full time job and travel everywhere all the time. I don't know how they did it for so long already.


    So I guess I'm with Neil on this one! :D

    I've played in gigging bands for the last 30 years, and the old saying is very true......"the only thing worse than gigging is NOT gigging." It's just something that's in your blood. Neil will get bored sitting at home, and the band will get out there again within the next couple years. Count on it.


    I really don't think so. We've been given so many signs it's over: the tour, the wave from the stage, the book, the hints, the articles, the silence, the tour that missed cash cow stops (Cleveland, Pitt, Europe) and a second leg...

    For everyone citing "THE BOOK"........keep in mind that intro was probably written almost a year ago. I'd bet Neil's feelings towards touring have softened a bit in the ensuing months.


    Why do you think that? If anything, I'd bet the intro was written more recently as a lot of the book appears to be a compilation of prior work. I do hope I'm wrong... but Neil doesn't seem the kind of guy who says or does this stuff lightly. And he has so many other interests...


    As an aside, any mention of doing a one-off show (Milwaukee or wherever) makes very little business sense. They would either need to have a ton of money thrown at them or have an incredibly compelling reason (like SARS Fest in their hometown in 2003) to go back out. Logistics and sheer dollars - just to get ready - just aren't there unless Neil says "let's go out again on another run." I'd say that's about 1% right now.

  11. I really enjoyed my time playing in a band and doing a few local shows a year, but I could never do this sort of thing as a full time job and travel everywhere all the time. I don't know how they did it for so long already.


    So I guess I'm with Neil on this one! :D

    I've played in gigging bands for the last 30 years, and the old saying is very true......"the only thing worse than gigging is NOT gigging." It's just something that's in your blood. Neil will get bored sitting at home, and the band will get out there again within the next couple years. Count on it.


    I really don't think so. We've been given so many signs it's over: the tour, the wave from the stage, the book, the hints, the articles, the silence, the tour that missed cash cow stops (Cleveland, Pitt, Europe) and a second leg...

  12. Haha, it's not about money, and it's not about ego.

    You know this, how? Are you suggesting that bands tour just because they like to play instruments for the enjoyment of strangers? If you read Ghost Rider, or whichever book NEP wrote after he rode around North America, it was pretty clear he was going to run out of money, according to his accountant, if he continued spending at the rate he was. The only way he really had to make money was to go on tour or maybe sell some records.


    That was 15 years ago. They've worked a ton since then. Also, I might be remembering wrong, but it was more like, "you're spending more than you make". Speculating it was a lifestyle, not ability, thing. Neil deftly alluded to wealth, too, about the "principal to spend"...


    I wanted to be wrong for a year, but after reading snippets on Google from the new book, I'd say there's a 1% chance we'll ever see or hear Rush again.

  13. Who knows at this point...


    I think if there's any new material it'll be just a couple songs, a la Caravan and BU2B. But to not play live at all? The wild card is Neil.


    I would be shocked if they record something and don't play it live.

  14. Personally, I think it would be really interesting to see what kind of studio album they'd come up with if there was no intention to tour. They've always made albums knowing/visualizing playing the songs live. If that pressure was taken way, I wonder what the album would sound like?


    Excellent question. I wish I could figure out a reason why they WOULD make an album if they can't monetize it. So much effort and time - and they have so many other interests outside the band. I just don't see it unless they can somehow feel satisfied AND get paid.

  15. Making an album would have to be strictly a work of passion because it makes no economic sense without playing live.


    At this point in their lives, and with so many interests, why would they spend all that effort (and money!) without some sort of reward?

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