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Posts posted by InvisibleAirwaves13

  1. I saw the movie last weekend. Overall I enjoyed it. The effects are first rate and the Preds are pretty cool. My only beef is they left a lot of the plot hanging or nonexistant. The truely epic Sci Fi movies do not sacrifice plot for effects. They actually strike a good balance. I would rate this movie a B- or a C+. Worth a look but nowhere near as good as the original.
  2. QUOTE (Necromancer23 @ Jul 20 2010, 03:14 AM)
    Saw both Toronto shows. Was really drunk for the Amphitheatre Show, but really wondered why the next day I couldn't remember anything for the show except Time Stand Still. I was more sober for the 2nd show but I realized then why I didn't remember most of the first show - the first set is totally forgettable.

    This was my 8th tour and (aside from the Moving Pictures set) for me this was the only tour where a large portion of the show's set list was quite noticeably sub par.

    Let's review:

    - The Spirit of Radio - with concerts, I love surprises. I don't want to know anything about a concert before I go to it! I love the thrill of hearing a totally unexpected old classic and then getting right into the groove (Digital Man was like that for me on the last tour).

    Spirit Of Radio is such an obvious, hackneyed opener. Playing this first is totally blowing your wad in the first 30 seconds. It's opened their shows before, and there was no surprise at all here, considering that unfunny, overlong intro film alluded to it so heavily.

    (BTW: best concert intro ever - the Thus Spake Zarathustra 2001-ish intro on the Counterparts tour. Spectacular start to a show for a great album!)

    - Time Stand Still - aRgH! Hold Your Fire would be an unblemished masterpiece were it not for this turkey and Mission, yet we've had to endure BOTH songs on the past 2 tours. Whereas total masterpieces from HYF like Second Nature and High Water have NEVER been played live EVER!

    - Presto - the one shining star in the pre-intermission first set. Although I wish Alex had been swapping between the Ovation acoustic and the electric guitar as he did in Closer To The Heart during ASOH instead of playing faux acoustic on his electric. I think it would have sounded quite a bit better.

    Stick It Out - I know where they should stick this one...

    Workin' Them Angels - of all the songs you could play ... on a retrospective tour ... and they chose THIS????? This song just plain sucks. Can anyone tell really tell me they're still listening to S&A with any regularity since it came out??

    Leave That Thing Alone - I wish they HAD left it alone. For me, the least interesting Rush instrumental ever.

    Faithless - exactly how I was feeling at this point in the show

    BU2B - not bad - but again .... of all the songs you COULD play .... ???????

    Freewill - way too overplayed on too many tours (plus overplayed on the radio)!

    Marathon - very nice to hear again - but what about all these other gems from PW very few of us have ever heard live? Such as Grand Designs or Middletown Dreams ... if they had done Emotion Detector I would have gone into orbit!

    Subdivisions - way too overplayed on too many tours!

    The thing that really disappointed me about this show was how many albums were not represented at all in the entire show, and yet this is a "Time Machine tour" where we're hearing 3 songs from S&A and 2 new singles! That's a full 20% of the entire concert from the 2 newest studio albums of 20 studio albums total!

    Yet ZERO songs from GUP, TFE or RTB, only tired old Subdivisions from Signals, and only tired old Closer To the Heart from AFTK (even the band said they stopped playing it because they got "sick of it"),

    We can all argue endlessly about what they should or shouldn't play, and to each his own, but I think I can say one thing for sure: not much imagination went into the song choices. There are SO many songs little or never played live from all previous albums, most any of which would have (if nothing else) piqued my interest for being novel due to being played and heard live for the first time. That's the sort of thing that's sustained my interest at Rush shows over the years - Circumstances did that especially on the last tour. To me, that's a real trip down memory lane - THAT is a time machine.

    PS What happened to Jacob's Ladder? Was really looking forward to that one!

    I hear Justin Beiber is looking for new fans...might want to jump on over to his wagon...that kid rocks! (note sarcastic tone)... Get over it people and be thankful we are still getting to see the boys live. The setlist is fine.





  3. I was bummed that I did not get to hear faithless on either S & A leg. I am happy they are playing it this tour but perhaps moving it to a different area of the setlist might be beneficial. Still I look forward to hearing it live for the first time in Tampa.
  4. Even though I am 45 now and not really interested in "fighting" my way to the front anymore, I do kind of miss the RUSH (pun intended) to the stage when they opened up the floor to the General Admission folks. Now it is just a sea of seats nobody actually sits in...(none of the true fans anyways.) What a waste. It is all about the money now.



  5. Good luck getting your money back. Once again good people getting shafted by this unscrupulous business. For the guys safety the show probably needed to be cancelled but you should have gotten the option for a refund. On the bright side this might actually force a policy change with Live Nation...we can hope anyways. I hope Tampa goes off without a hitch...I am flying down there to the show to meet good friends.



  6. QUOTE (ChroniclesOfRush @ Jul 2 2010, 08:35 AM)
    If you're from the US it's pronounced Pert. If you are from Canukistan you pronounce it Peert. Pretty much sums it up.

    Canukistan! lol! Good one! rofl3.gif

  7. The way I see it you have 3 viable options...


    #1 Wear a depends and let 'er rip whenever you have to and never leave your seat.


    #2 Wait in agony for the intermission and suffer the LONG line at the bathroom.


    #3 Take a look and plan out your break during whatever song you deem appropriate.


    Good luck with that!


    cool.gif spit6ph.gif martini_shaken.gif trink38.gif trink39.gif

  8. I am all for a little improv to shake things up. I took my wife to a Tool concert and I really loved the fact that the songs sounded almost identical to the CD versions. Their musicianship was really that good. My wife was pissed because Maynard hid by the drums all night and besides the vids on the screens there was really not that much energy from the stage. I see both sides but in a live setting I want to feel and see that energy! We should be thrilled that RUSH is still delivering on that front! Of course their musicianship is phenomenal! RUSH on!



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