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Posts posted by savagegrace26

  1. QUOTE (presto123 @ Mar 13 2012, 02:18 PM)
    QUOTE (savagegrace26 @ Mar 13 2012, 01:14 PM)
    Neil "tweeted" this yesterday:

    "It is nice to be at the finish line with the album but the mixing process has been maddening"

    I don't think the real Neil has a twitter account. That is fake Neil.

    I thought someone mentioned somewhere on this site that that Twitter account was Neil's "official" account? Oh well. Doesn't really matter...

  2. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Mar 10 2012, 12:55 PM)


    I would like to see this one with natural colors. Green grass, white/grey clouds, white/black/brown rabbits. This is way too overboard. A subdued quiet look would probably work better.

  3. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Mar 2 2012, 03:12 PM)
    QUOTE (savagegrace26 @ Mar 2 2012, 01:52 PM)
    QUOTE (danielmclark @ Mar 2 2012, 02:32 PM)
    While I do like seeing recognition for the guys, I don't like that they're associated with this character. Is this really what we want people to think Rush fans are like?

    Who cares? Are Rush fans that egoist too?

    I'm not too keen on perpetuating stereotypes and we Rush fans have enough to contend with.



    Please. Rush is a just a damn rock band.


    I think some fans create a worse "stereotype" by taking themselves way too seriously.

  4. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Mar 2 2012, 02:32 PM)
    While I do like seeing recognition for the guys, I don't like that they're associated with this character. Is this really what we want people to think Rush fans are like?

    Who cares? Are Rush fans that egoist too?

  5. QUOTE (DistantEarlyRushFan @ Feb 29 2012, 04:18 PM)
    QUOTE (savagegrace26 @ Feb 29 2012, 01:42 PM)
    QUOTE (DistantEarlyRushFan @ Feb 29 2012, 11:56 AM)
    Permanent Waves Review

    Spirit of the Radio-getting a little commercial here. instrumentals don't slack. alex's guitar tone is still intact. very famous song

    freewill-the hits keep on coming. the solo section is pure orgasm for a Rush fan. i'll leave it at that

    jacob's ladder-truly a feat of prog genius. no idea how Geddy does it live

    entre nous-often overlooked. great lyrical development. the guitar in the bridge is amazing

    different strings-kinda ruins the flow of the album. even though it is short, it is subpar to the rest of the album

    natural science-successful at making a memorable epic with flow

    overall 100/100
    different strings can't ruin this collection of impressive songs

    Your "reviews" suck.

    then don't read them

    I don't wink.gif

  6. QUOTE (Tigershark2112 @ Feb 29 2012, 03:07 PM)
    Neil, Geddy, and Alex are ALL in the Far Cry video at the end. Have you ever even seen it?

    Those are "animated" still photos.

  7. QUOTE (DistantEarlyRushFan @ Feb 29 2012, 11:56 AM)
    Permanent Waves Review

    Spirit of the Radio-getting a little commercial here. instrumentals don't slack. alex's guitar tone is still intact. very famous song

    freewill-the hits keep on coming. the solo section is pure orgasm for a Rush fan. i'll leave it at that

    jacob's ladder-truly a feat of prog genius. no idea how Geddy does it live

    entre nous-often overlooked. great lyrical development. the guitar in the bridge is amazing

    different strings-kinda ruins the flow of the album. even though it is short, it is subpar to the rest of the album

    natural science-successful at making a memorable epic with flow

    overall 100/100
    different strings can't ruin this collection of impressive songs

    Your "reviews" suck.

  8. QUOTE (Kozmo4Rush @ Oct 15 2011, 10:46 AM)
    QUOTE (Itty12 @ Jul 27 2011, 02:34 AM)
    QUOTE (Ranger J @ Jul 26 2011, 08:31 PM)
    nice, the most recent album I have on vinyl is Presto.

    What other 90's albums are on vinyl?

    I believe up to counterparts was released on vinyl.

    Yes. I have a Russian pressing.






    This is fantastic sounding disc. I was very surprised by the resonance of this LP.

    The track order is very different than the American cd version. Interesting...


    What's the track listing on side 1?

  9. The official studio only songs were:




    Different Strings

    Witch Hunt

    Losing It


    This info was from the Visions biography. It was believed at the time they were recorded that they werent able to be performed faithfully live. Of course, new technology allowed WH to be performed later. Rush apparently abandoned the one studio track per album starting with grace under pressure.


    Also, Vapor Trail was rehearsed and ready to go as a back up song for the VT tour. So was Nocturne.

  10. Anthem

    Something for Nothing

    A Farewell to Kings

    The Spirit of Radio


    Natural Science

    Red Barchetta

    Witch Hunt

    Vital Signs


    The Weapon

    Losing It

    Red Sector A

    The Enemy Within

    Between the Wheels

    Grand Designs


    Mystic Rhythms

    Open Secrets

    Prime Mover


    The Pass


    Available Light



    Ghost of a Chance


    Cold Fire


    Vapor Trail


    Armor & Sword

    Far Cry


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