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Posts posted by Tarkus406

  1. Weird Al shreds harder



    7th Edit: I guess I don't know how to f*ckin post images anymore.

  2. Question:


    My son is 5' tall or so, and I'm concerned that w/ floor seats he won't be able to see if we're stuck in the middle of the floor section.


    It doesn't sound as if you get to choose exact seats so early in the process.


    What are my best options for getting seats from which he'll be able to see if we're on the floor?


    Thoughts? Advice?


    BTW, just looking at seats, no extras.

    Why bother with the floor then? To me, the lower level riser seats are preferable. You can always see and still be pretty close to the stage. I almost always shoot for the section directly adjacent to either side of the stage. I don't know what to tell ya as far as floor seats go. They suck for shorties. :LOL:

  3. For the love of God, stay at home if you're sick! It's not good for ANYONE for you to be at work if you aren't over the flu. You need to be in bed, recovering. FAR away from me.

    Sweet Mary, YES! Stay home if you are sick. This was a huge pet peeve of mine when I was in the work force (which I plan on re-entering soon, thankyouverymuch.) A lot of parents still send their kids to school when they are sick too. I realize kids are sick a lot but keep them at home if they have a fever, at least.


    I agree. If your kid has a fever, they're not only undeniably sick but they probably feel like serious doo-doo. Keep those poor little ones at home. I know a lot of parents might not be able to afford the time off from work, but that's the kind of stuff you have to work out when you have kids. I remember growing up, my parents' philosophy was if all of your extremeties were still in tact and your eyeballs weren't popping out, you were good to go no matter what. I tend to be more sympathetic towards my kids because of that.


    And please do not bring your sick children to the office to infect your colleagues! "Oh, he won't bother anyone; he'll just lie quietly in that corner." Meanwhile the kid, who really wants to be at home in bed instead of lying on the rough carpeted floor under harsh fluorescent lighting, is hacking up a lung.


    I am not without sympathy - I feel for people who worry about losing a day's pay to stay home with the ill child. Sometimes the options really suck. I work for a great company who allows people a fair amount of leeway - the girl working next to me is a single mother of a 4 month old, and she does often leave in the middle of the day for appointments and has missed time for the usual baby illnesses. But no one gives her grief about it, because she works like a dog and finds ways to get her work done correctly and on time.

    This should be against the law! It doesn't help the child get any better!

  4. I don't believe I've ever had the REAL flu. Just mild variations of it where maybe I had the hershey squirts for a day or just felt gross for a few days. Haven't gotten it to where I spent hours vomiting. Come to think of it I haven't puked in almost 9 years.


    I never get the flu shot because it seems like everybody I know gets the flu directly afterward.


    Last night my throat started getting scratchy and this morning it's worse and my entire head feels like it's going to explode (sinuses). I'm hoping that's just allergies and promt delivery of Zyrtec will combat it quickly. Waiting until tonight to take the Zyrtec since it makes me REAL tired. So for now I'm just truckin along with my hot coffee and Ibuprofen. :)


    Sorry to all of you who have had to suffer that horrible illness! Stay healthy my friends!

  5. so who's all in the band now? Howe and Squire plus that Yes tribute singer right? what about drums and keys?


    I would LOVE to see 'yours is no disgrace' live among other tunes but only if they can do a good job of it... and certainly not if it means I gotta see Chris Squire's whammy bar, yuk!


    I'm pretty sure Alan White is still on drums and Geoff Downes is on keys, which I really like because I LOVE the Drama/Fly From Here eras of Yes.

  6. pre-installed bloatware is not windows 8, that is from your seller


    remove that crap


    you do not have to use bing

    I just bought a new Acer tablet with Windows 8. The new OS is definitely much better on a touch device. I still like it on my notebook, too. That just takes more getting used to. It's just unfortunate that I had to spend 4 days and a bunch of extra money to get exactly what I want out of this tablet....a clean Windows install. The crapware that was preinstalled on this thing was HORRENDOUS. Two entire clusters of apps labeled "Acer Apps". Nothing but a bunch of trial crap and stupid games, all of which are running in the background all the time. My tablet has 4GB of RAM and almost 60% of it was being eaten up at all times with no programs running (that I opened myself at least). Not only that but out of the 64GB SSD, I only had about 30GB of free space....oh it also came with McAfee Internet Security! Everybody's fave! Even after uninstalling that the best that I could it still caused my AV of choice to blow up and corrupt it's installation. I also went to install Office 2010 after getting rid of the trial Office package they put on here for me. That install was also f*cked up and it wouldn't even accept my license key because of the trialware still having it's "ghost" left behind. Contacting Acer was pointless, as all they could tell me was to use their recovery discs and do a complete factory reset. Thanks, but that just put all the GARBAGE back. You'd think after spending about $800 on a product, they'd give you the option of a totally clean, functioning PC. Nope. I ended up buying a retail license of Windows 8 to perform my clean install. However, after doing all that, I love this thing! It's the Windows version of iPad I've always wanted! :D After this, I am totally done buying from PC manufacturers. I'll be building my next PC myself. TLDR; PC manufacturers SUCK, crapware SUCKS, Win8 is pretty neat.
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