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Posts posted by Tarkus406

  1. New FK fan here. I bought Stardust We Are and found it to be a bit boring at first. Like, it just dragged on and on with nothing that really caught me, other than the first couple of tracks. But then as I listened more times and picked up the melodies in other songs, even the "filler" stuff started to click. Now I love the album, especially the title track. Last weekend I bought Space Revolver and found that album to be absolutely incredible from the first listen. Now I'm like "I NEED MORE" but I need to make purchases sparingly. :LOL:
    • Like 1
  2. I wish these guys would tour the US. I'm very interested in seeing them live. I watched Duel with the Devil on youtube and was promptly blown away.


    I was weary of even checking them out because I loathe anyone or anything associated with Dream Theater. However, I've really been digging Roine Stolt and the Flower Kings lately, which led me to Transatlantic.


    Can anyone tell me how the Whirlwind album is? Worth checking out or no?

  3. Did you find it surprising because it seemed out of place given her other influences, or because she's a female Rush fan?

    The list of Rush fans who are blonde, buzz cut, African American singers for an indie soul/pop band with a shirt that says "Bitch" is probably not a long one. But I could be wrong.

    Your avatar is awesome.

  4. I picked up the album a couple hours ago -- 5 songs in. I was a little unprepared for how drastic it would be. The album still has balls – but the layers and separation are now so distinct. If you didn’t enjoy the layers/overdubs before – this may not be for you.


    I loved VT already and wasn’t expecting my attitude to change much -- but this really takes it to another level.

    I thought the album releases on Sep 30?

    Oh my


    I'd actually consider getting that poster..


    Indeed...great poster.


    The blimp makes it - that and the rare use of a blue motif in a Rush poster.

    Yes, like a nice rug can pull together a room, the blimp helps make this cover. Wonderful cover. Most attractive dvd cover since Rio, and the blue is a nice counterpart to the redness that is CA. :ebert:


  5. Is there much improvement in the way the guitar solos sound?

    The guitar solo on the remixed version of Earthshine is fantastic sounding...so if that's any indication of what's to come...

  6. I think that TRF collaboration should be brought into more threads, and on this one it should be done on more than just setlists. Maybe we should decide on the toured cities. I for one would love them to make a venture to Australia so I can see them before they call it quits

    About 5-6 years ago I recommended to another Aussie TRFer that he go stateside to see Rush because the day MIGHT never come when they tour Oz. He didn't like the sound of that (in fact, he asked me not to say such a thing) BUT it is a strong possibility. However, since then I think he's gone twice to the U.S. to see Rush...seeing them multiple times on both trips, scoring front row seats for at least 1 gig, and getting a pair of Neil's sticks because of some sign he brought mentioning Australia. So yeah, don't wait for them to go to Oz! Go and buy your plane ticket!!

    Oh yeah I remember that guy! He's a very cool dude; it was cool to meet him in Toronto!

  7. I would guess that if they decide to go out for an R40 tour next year (highly unlikely), that it would be their "farewell" tour. Then retirement. Not a bad idea to tell you the truth. Sign off at 40 years.


    Now if they were to break for a couple of years, skip over 2014 so all the "R40" talk stops, they'd be more likely to craft a new EP or full album, release that, then go on their album/farewell tour and call it quits. Geddy sounded good on the Clockwork tour....but I also heard the struggle in the man's voice just trying to sing Subdivisions...it sounds like it actually hurts....

    • Like 1
  8. You're in a very similar boat that I was recently in! Our design department at work (which includes me) was stuck using PCs built in 2003. Our wonderful arsenal of software included Pro/ENGINEER (3D CAD modeling software, graphically intense), Office 2003 (2010 had been out for 3 years), all on Windows XP! Granted, XP was a fantastic operating system, it was still outdated (and I don't mean by Vista!) And of course we all had top-notch specs. 32-bit pentium processors, 1GB RAM (real low for CAD), Shitty stock graphics cards...


    I would spend collectively 1-2 hours each day sitting and waiting for commands to execute in Pro/E. And occasionally the system would hang up completely and Pro/E would crash, forever obliterating any work I had recently done. This was the norm. It totally sucked. I asked the IT dudes "WTF why won't you get us new computers?" and they're like "What do you mean?! We bought your's when you got hired!"

    Yup...they did...$120 on ebay. Hosers. :rage:


    I was really really close to buying my own computer. Seriously, I was going to drop $1000 on my own to get a new computer that I would own and maintain. In other words, f**k those guys.


    The only thing that saved me there was that at that time, upper management wanted us to switch from Pro/E to SolidWorks. :) SolidWorks is a resource hog. :) SolidWorks 2013 won't install on Windows XP. :)


    Awesomeness ensued! Shiny new Dell workstations for all! Windows 7, 16GB of RAM, Xeon processors, NVIDIA Quadro 4000 graphics cards, and 27" flatscreens! And now, we're basically in computing heaven. Have been for almost a year now. Productivity has shown an increase already!



    Anyway, now that my heartwarming little story is over, some words for you!



    Stop trying to make that shitbox they have work. The better it runs, the more that old fart's going to want to keep it! (I know, I'm making the assumption he's like 80. :P ) I'm not saying restore all the music or anything, but if AVG bogs it down, run it.

    Make it so that doing any kind of work is absolutely impossible, and demonstrate to the guy! I know he expects you to work with what you have, but the man needs to be realistic. You just can't expect something that ancient (I'm picturing Windows 2000 here) to have close to the output capacity that a new workstation could have. So anytime he asks you "what are you doing" or "hows it going" or "whats taking so long", show him that hourglass cursor turning like mad! :fuckinputer:


    If you can in any way convince the guy to invest in a new PC, get the latest stuff! Buy a computer when Windows 8.1 comes out. W8 is a little different, but great once you get used to it. It performs very well and is actually somewhat faster than Windows 7!

    I'd also say it's worth it to perform an "all around" upgrade and get Microsoft Office 2013 (assuming you use Office much). It works fine with legacy documents.

    As for your company's software and the "IE8 or bust" deal...that surprises me. I'd check and see if your boss had been keeping up with software upgrades provided by the company (Farmer's, you say?). I find it kind of hard to believe an insurance company like that would require a crusty old browser like that to operate. Especially now that Internet Explorer has improved so much over the last couple of versions (even more so with 11, I hear!). Definitely check on that! If your boss is how I'm interpreting him to be, he's got that "If it works, leave it alone" mentality. My company was using ANCIENT ERP software until this year just because it "worked". They went from version to 7.0! WTF!


    Some Specs to consider!

    • Memory: 6-8GB of RAM should MORE than suffice, with what you do. You could probably get by with 4, but I don't know how intense your dashboard software really is.
    • HDD: Most standard PC's come with 750GB-1TB of hard disk space now, so that should never be a problem.
    • Anti-virus: In a business setting, I would recommend actually paying for a service. The free ones are nice (I'm using Windows 8's built in "Defender" myself!), but I don't know if I'd trust them with clients' personal information and things of the such. :unsure: The choice, of course, is your boss's (hopefully open to your suggestions!), but I might lean toward Trend or Kaspersky.
    • You shouldn't need much more than stock in terms of graphics, so no worries there.
    • An Intel i3 processor would be perfect, most likely.

    You should be able to get a PC with this stuff from Dell or HP (even Acer has nice products) for less than $800. And that's assuming you get a decent sized widescreen monitor for your extra buttons ;)

    And of course if you end up with anything nice, get CCleaner installed right away and run it each week. It's the shite. :)


    I wish you all the best in convincing your tightwad employer to upgrade your work equipment! He just needs to realize that. It's WORK EQUIPMENT, not a toy for fun and merriment.




    TL,DR - New computers > Old shitty computers



    You, my sir, are a genius and LONG TIME NO FREAKING SEE!!!! How's life going for you? Congratulations on your nuptials. :wub: I can't think of a sweeter girl. :wub:


    Oh, I miss working with SolidWorks. That was so much fun.


    Thank you! We are doing quite well. Just trucking along. I'm still working my way to two associate degrees. SolidWorks IS fun. I love it! Using that after bothering with Pro/E for a year was such a drastic relief. I absolutely HATE Pro/E to death now and will never take another job where I'd have to use it. I'm going to try to become a Certified SolidWorks Professional to help avoid that :LOL:

  9. You're in a very similar boat that I was recently in! Our design department at work (which includes me) was stuck using PCs built in 2003. Our wonderful arsenal of software included Pro/ENGINEER (3D CAD modeling software, graphically intense), Office 2003 (2010 had been out for 3 years), all on Windows XP! Granted, XP was a fantastic operating system, it was still outdated (and I don't mean by Vista!) And of course we all had top-notch specs. 32-bit pentium processors, 1GB RAM (real low for CAD), Shitty stock graphics cards...


    I would spend collectively 1-2 hours each day sitting and waiting for commands to execute in Pro/E. And occasionally the system would hang up completely and Pro/E would crash, forever obliterating any work I had recently done. This was the norm. It totally sucked. I asked the IT dudes "WTF why won't you get us new computers?" and they're like "What do you mean?! We bought your's when you got hired!"

    Yup...they did...$120 on ebay. Hosers. :rage:


    I was really really close to buying my own computer. Seriously, I was going to drop $1000 on my own to get a new computer that I would own and maintain. In other words, f**k those guys.


    The only thing that saved me there was that at that time, upper management wanted us to switch from Pro/E to SolidWorks. :) SolidWorks is a resource hog. :) SolidWorks 2013 won't install on Windows XP. :)


    Awesomeness ensued! Shiny new Dell workstations for all! Windows 7, 16GB of RAM, Xeon processors, NVIDIA Quadro 4000 graphics cards, and 27" flatscreens! And now, we're basically in computing heaven. Have been for almost a year now. Productivity has shown an increase already!



    Anyway, now that my heartwarming little story is over, some words for you!



    Stop trying to make that shitbox they have work. The better it runs, the more that old fart's going to want to keep it! (I know, I'm making the assumption he's like 80. :P ) I'm not saying restore all the music or anything, but if AVG bogs it down, run it.

    Make it so that doing any kind of work is absolutely impossible, and demonstrate to the guy! I know he expects you to work with what you have, but the man needs to be realistic. You just can't expect something that ancient (I'm picturing Windows 2000 here) to have close to the output capacity that a new workstation could have. So anytime he asks you "what are you doing" or "hows it going" or "whats taking so long", show him that hourglass cursor turning like mad! :fuckinputer:


    If you can in any way convince the guy to invest in a new PC, get the latest stuff! Buy a computer when Windows 8.1 comes out. W8 is a little different, but great once you get used to it. It performs very well and is actually somewhat faster than Windows 7!

    I'd also say it's worth it to perform an "all around" upgrade and get Microsoft Office 2013 (assuming you use Office much). It works fine with legacy documents.

    As for your company's software and the "IE8 or bust" deal...that surprises me. I'd check and see if your boss had been keeping up with software upgrades provided by the company (Farmer's, you say?). I find it kind of hard to believe an insurance company like that would require a crusty old browser like that to operate. Especially now that Internet Explorer has improved so much over the last couple of versions (even more so with 11, I hear!). Definitely check on that! If your boss is how I'm interpreting him to be, he's got that "If it works, leave it alone" mentality. My company was using ANCIENT ERP software until this year just because it "worked". They went from version to 7.0! WTF!


    Some Specs to consider!

    • Memory: 6-8GB of RAM should MORE than suffice, with what you do. You could probably get by with 4, but I don't know how intense your dashboard software really is.
    • HDD: Most standard PC's come with 750GB-1TB of hard disk space now, so that should never be a problem.
    • Anti-virus: In a business setting, I would recommend actually paying for a service. The free ones are nice (I'm using Windows 8's built in "Defender" myself!), but I don't know if I'd trust them with clients' personal information and things of the such. :unsure: The choice, of course, is your boss's (hopefully open to your suggestions!), but I might lean toward Trend or Kaspersky.
    • You shouldn't need much more than stock in terms of graphics, so no worries there.
    • An Intel i3 processor would be perfect, most likely.

    You should be able to get a PC with this stuff from Dell or HP (even Acer has nice products) for less than $800. And that's assuming you get a decent sized widescreen monitor for your extra buttons ;)

    And of course if you end up with anything nice, get CCleaner installed right away and run it each week. It's the shite. :)


    I wish you all the best in convincing your tightwad employer to upgrade your work equipment! He just needs to realize that. It's WORK EQUIPMENT, not a toy for fun and merriment.




    TL,DR - New computers > Old shitty computers

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